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Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio

2021/04/01 00:00:00
位于澳大利亚墨尔本的一家餐厅Three Blue Ducks,由当地的室内设计工作室Pattern Studio设计。设计这间拥有400个座位的餐厅确实是一项艰巨的任务,但这种设计可确保用餐者在喝咖啡或与朋友享用全套晚餐时都感到舒适。Pattern Studio将项目的最终结果描述为“一个温暖而有触感的半工业空间,上面充满了天然材料,颜色和纹理。”
Three Blue Ducks, a restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, was designed by Pattern Studio, a local interior-design firm. Designing the 400-seat restaurant was a daunting task, but the design ensures diners feel comfortable while sipping coffee or enjoying a full dinner with friends. The final result is described by Pattern Studio as "a warm and tactile semi-industrial space filled with natural materials, colours and textures."
拥有 400 个座位的餐厅位于池畔,俯瞰波光粼粼的两公顷泻湖。 设计的关键是确保对水面的远景仔细构图并保持通畅。 宽敞的户外用餐区提供多种座位样式,可容纳各种规模的团体; 从早上喝咖啡的单身父母看女儿的冲浪课到享受全套晚餐服务的大型聚会。 露天用餐区点缀着大型种植园,提供各种树荫以及为餐厅服务的草药和可食用植物品种。
The 400-seater restaurant is situated poolside overlooking a sparkling two-hectare lagoon. Critical to the design was ensuring vistas across the water be framed carefully and remain unobstructed. The expansive outdoor dining area offers variety in seating styles accommodating a range of group sizes; from the solo parent watching their daughter’s surf lesson over morning coffee through to larger parties enjoying full dinner service. The al fresco dining areas are dotted with large planters providing a mix of shading from trees as well as herbs and edible plant varieties which service the restaurant.
色彩和质感的层次通过家具和软装带入空间。 摩洛哥地毯和靠垫是对北非冲浪圣地的致敬,而复古落地灯和台灯则带来复古酷感。 著名年轻冲浪摄影师 Woody Gooch 和 Nick Green 的相框照片装饰餐厅墙壁。
Layers of colour and texture have been brought into the space via furniture and soft furnishings. Moroccan rugs and throw cushions are a nod to the North-African surf mecca, while vintage floor and table lamps bring a feeling of retro cool. Framed prints by renowned young surf photographers Woody Gooch and Nick Green adorn restaurant walls.
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-6
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-7
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-8
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-9
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-10
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-11
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Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-13
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-14
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-15
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-16
Three Blue Ducks 餐厅丨澳大利亚墨尔本丨Pattern Studio-17
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