

由韩国首尔的设计师Teo Yang,于2009年成立的Teo Yang Studio,完成了他们的作品Yeol Exhibition。Teo Yang的标志性风格,即平衡韩国传统与创新的现代性。他的灵感大多来自韩国丰富的历史,他将其解释到当代环境中,与其说是为了保护传统,不如说是为了将其置于背景中。这种独特的审美让他受到了精英品牌的高度需求。
Teo Yang Studio, founded in 2009 by Seoul-based designer Teo Yang, completed their Yeol Exhibition. Teo Yang's signature style is modernity that balances Korean tradition with innovation. Much of his inspiration comes from South Korea's rich history, which he interprets in a contemporary context, not so much to preserve tradition as to contextualize it. This unique aesthetic has made him highly sought after by elite brands.
He brought his own unique style to the design of the project, filling the space with a unique energy, transforming the space into a specific design, injecting vitality into the calm environment and finding balance in the chaos. His interior decoration and art are often in perfect harmony and can exude charm.
Teo Yang的设计常常会在遗产和传统中寻找灵感来源,并试图解读它背后的当代意义。这是他能够设计出融合了传统与现代设计的独特风格。他认为历史中有很多的教训和价值,可以为社会提供解决方案,所以在他的作品中利用遗产和历史,并不是对过去的再创造或模仿。
Teo Yang's designs often find inspiration in heritage and tradition, and try to interpret the contemporary meaning behind it. This allows him to create a unique style that combines traditional and modern design. He believes that history has many lessons and values that can provide solutions to society, so using heritage and history in his work is not a re-creation or imitation of the past.