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别墅 O丨MORQ Architecture 设计工作室

2022/05/17 00:00:00
由Emiliano Roia和Andrea Quagliola成立于2001年的设计工作室MORQ Architecture,在国际上屡获殊荣,其主要从事的工作范围小到小型住宅和零售空间,大到大型景观和城市规划。
Founded in 2001 by Emiliano Roia and Andrea Quagliola, MORQ Architecture is an internationally award-winning design studio that works on projects ranging from small residential and retail Spaces to large scale landscape and urban planning.
The studio is dedicated to building, creating meaningful Spaces in simple but thoughtful buildings. In a dialogue with existing conditions, whether nature or constraints on built conditions, they use them as starting points for design rather than as obstacles to creativity.
他们的作品之一Villa O,是一座造型独特的住宅建筑,坐落在一处与海洋存在一定落差的平地上,在那里可以眺望前方的大海,与当地的自然景观相联系。
One of their works, Villa O, is a unique residential building that sits on a flat site with a slight drop from the ocean, overlooking the sea ahead and connecting with the local landscape.
The facade of the building has a rough and unrestrained feel, and the materials give the project a more primitive and wild beauty. The material palette was chosen to respond to the context of the site and to blend in as if it had been there from the start, without seeming out of place.
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