

项目坐落于横滨以南镰仓市的小镇 —— 腰越(Koshigoe),小镇风景优美,面朝壮丽的相模湾,并以其独特的历史文脉和旅游聚集地而闻名。
Facing the splendid Sagami Bay, Koshigoe is a small municipality in Kamakura, a city located south of Yokohama.The area is commonly known for its historical events, as well as a touristic gathering spot.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
The town development follows the east-west direction parallel to the coast line given by the main road and the Enoshima Electric Railway. The latter one, in particular, has a big role in the village since it’s one of the first electric railways opened in Japan back in 1902. Since Koshigoe’s expansion started after the rails’ completion, the result is a unique situation in which the train runs exceptionally in close proximity to the dwellings. Initially built back in 1971 as a two-storeys family house, Koshigoe House finds itself right in front of the train tracks. Being part of a wider dense area, the only access is placed south along the rails.
▼住宅外观,exterior view of the project
▼入口立面,front facade
The client asked to transform the first floor into his herbal pharmacy and rearrange the second storey for a one person apartment. Pharmacies and other commercial activities in Japan are required to provide their own independent public access, but the adjacent surrounding constructions impede a second approach to the premises. Consequently, the design team decided to keep the existing entrance for both public and private functions.
▼主入口,entrance of the project
▼玄关细部,detail of the entrance
Another request from the client regarded the interiors: he wanted his house to look like a Studio Ghibli movie. Among the vast catalogue of acclaimed films published by the studio, two were chosen as reference for Koshigoe House: The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) and When Marnie Was There (2014), both of which feature colourful interiors and a predominance of wooden texture emerging above all.
▼底层空间概览,overall of the ground floor
▼保留下来的木柱成为空间的视觉分隔,the wooden pillars retained become the visual separation of the space
Therefore, the first floor merged several rooms to form the working space. A new wall runs from north to south and delimits the private rooms from the pharmacy. The internal walls have been removed, but the vertical and diagonal columns are still standing for various reasons: more than being structural elements, they work as a threshold between various areas. Furthermore, they blend the wooden tones of walls and pavement with the vintage-looking furniture of the room.
▼底层柔和温暖的光线氛围,soft warm light atmosphere on the ground floor
▼底层空间细部,details of the ground floor
The apartment is located on the second floor with the only exception being the bathroom left below since it can be used for the guests as well. Similarly to downstairs, the removal of the previous dividers allowed for a continuous space with an improved flow throughout the rooms. The layout is based on four equal parts of the plan: kitchen and bedroom are placed on the north end, while living and dining rooms can benefit from a brighter space and the generous terrace on the south side. Also here, the remaining structural elements are shaping the various areas by creating thresholds and passages.
▼二层公寓室内概览,overall of the upper floor apartment
▼客厅面向南侧露台,the living room faces the south terrace
▼厨房餐厅,kitchen-dining area
▼厨房与保留下来的结构元素细部,details of the kitchen and the remaining structural elements
▼由厨房看干湿分离的卫生间,viewing the toilet area from the kitchen
▼厨房细部,details of the kitchen
Koshigoe House retains a duality on the inside: the darker but welcoming public space on the first floor is opposed to the fresh discreet apartment above.
▼干湿分离的卫生间,the toilets
▼楼梯,the staircase
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,upper floor plan