渭河观景台丨中国河南丨PLAT ASIA

2022/11/02 17:15:48
场所的径流 Place in Times River 渭河西咸新区段近年经疏浚修复,形成风貌宜人的城市滨河生态区,秦风悠悠,蒹葭依依,生态景观和人文胜景穿过历史,走向未来。PLAT ASIA 于 2017 年设计的渭河观景台位于渭河南岸上林桥西的旧防洪堤上,作为公共服务用房,承担观景休憩等功能。该项目作为六个河滨公建之一分别由中韩日三国建筑师完成设计,服务于市民的休闲生活。▼河流,建筑和城市,Feng-Wei ecology landscape area
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▼故国东来渭水流,Bird’s eye view
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The section of Weihe River in Xixian New District has recently restored the original surroundings. The riverfront ecological zone revives great environmental context from the past to the future. PLAT ASIA designed the Weihe River Landscape Pavilion in 2017 on the south bank of Weihe River and west of Shanglin Bridge, which served as public infrastructure for a viewing deck. This project is one of six public buildings in the riverbank area co-designed by three architects from China, Korea, and Japan, devoted to daily exercise needs for citizens.
▼西南视角,Southwest view
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公共的视野 Horizon for People 建筑包括三个功能,两层的开放式观景台,微型商店,以及独立的公共卫生间,让人们在河滨运动游憩之余可歇留赏景。观景台南北通透,东西格栅为界,向北观渭河滔滔,向南赏都市农田景观、远处的高铁高架桥及城市的轮廓。花坛作为观景台的一部分与河岸的林木相映。
The building comprises a two-story vistas pavilion with a store and a single public toilet for leisure time. Through the view frame and grilles, River, the city’s agricultural landscape, highway, and skyline stretched from north to south. Planters as a part of the building extended to the environment.
▼东北视角,Northeast view
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▼建筑一角,A glimpse at the building
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原始的异构 Primitiveness
▼设计手稿,Concept sketch
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The design tries to realize primitiveness from contemporaneity in architectural expression. The Pavilion opened to everyone, maximized the scenery experience, and created sensible bonds between the inside and outside. Architects consider primitiveness as the nature of the Pavilion, which sheltered: first, it transformed the traditional two-slope roof into a structural elevation by pressing the roof toward the land; then cut the wall, rolled over the inner façade into platforms as ceilings, terrace, seats, and planters, sustain apparent consistency of volume. These skylights and windows in diverse sizes penetrate sunlight and air. Finally, the design adapts to thermal, ventilation, and lighting sustainability principles for low-cost maintenance in the future.
▼通向河岸,Path to riverfront
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▼透过洞口可见走廊和植被,Greenery appeared in the hole
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The simple triangle volume became a landmark and enriched the landscape of the ecological zone. The outer surface, applied in the panel with rammed-earth texture, responds to historical context and experienced façade. The inner surface is made of copper plates for unity in colors with rammed earth. Second, it echoes a contemporary identity compared with nowadays materials; third, the metal sheen reflects light and shadow greenery in space, inspiring the River and vision in the wind. Finally, the copper plates mirrored the scenery, blurring the boundary of space and the edge of the building, overlapping the River of time.
▼自然光和金属光泽相辉映,Lights, Plants, and Metals
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▼外向的景观,Outer landscapes
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▼景框,View frame
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▼外翻板面成为观景台的屋檐,Rolled-over roof layer
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▼二层露台出口,Entrance to terrace
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▼一屏夏景,screen of viewing in summer
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Natural Scales
The Pavilion overlooks the riverfront, with light and green surf on the metal surface. No centralized, untraditional structures, contrast, and tension from metal, light blends positively, environment introduced in, spatial desire whispered, constructed a pattern in contemporary language. Like rammed-earth broken ground, the building reflected in time-scapes. Function followed the original awareness, building dialogue in natural scales. Just as architect JUNG said: only contemporaneity could approach architectural primitiveness.
▼内向的景观,Inner landscapes
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▼花池和金属板交织在光与绿意中,Planters and plants blend within nature
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▼甲光向日金鳞开,Full of sunshine in the corridor
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▼夕阳无限好,Sunset Memories
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▼总平面图,Site plan
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▼首层平面图,First-floor plan
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▼二层平面图,Second-floor plan
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主创建筑师:郑东贤 Donghyun JUNG
建筑摄影:PLAT ASIA ndn lab
建筑视频:PLAT ASIA ndn lab
建筑面积:677 平方米
Project credits
Project name: Weihe River Landscape Pavilion
Location: West of Shanglin Bridge, South bank of Weihe River, Xixian New District, Shaanxi, China
Clients: Shaanxi Xixian New District Urban Construction Investment Group CO., Ltd
Architects: PLAT ASIA
Scope: Architecture; Interiors
Principal architect: Donghyun JUNG
Project architect: Qingsong Huang
Design team: Kaiqi Yang, Jingyun Lian, Minjia Lv, Xinwei Liu, Dongsheng Xiao, Jianxin Li
Local design institute: Shaanxi Huarui Exploration Design Co., Ltd.
Building contractor: Scegc Mechanized Construction Group Company Ltd.
Interiors contractor: Shaanxi huashan road and bridge group co., LTD
Photography: PLAT ASIA ndn lab
Video: PLAT ASIA ndn lab
Total floor area: 677 sqm
Materials: Panels with Rammed earth texture, copper plate, glass
Design period: 01/2017 – 01/2018
Completed: 06/2022
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