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2022/11/04 11:18:05
Green “Intelligent Valley”, overlooking the Purple Mountains
Nanjing is located downstream of the Yangtze River. It is an important city that can improve and impact the Yangtze River Delta and is driving the development of the central and western regions in China. It is the core area of the Nanjing metropolitan area and one of the most modern cities in China. The design adheres to the concept of “Smart, Vitality and Innovation”. The relationship between the urban system and the natural landscape was reorganized. Based on the site’s spirit, human needs and ecological balance, the features of “artificial intelligence ” and “cross-border integration” were integrated into the landscape functions. Here, all employees can enjoy a beautiful landscape and switch smoothly different statuses such as work, study, communication, and leisure.
▼项目概览,overview of the project
Enclosed landscape become a garden and the natural landscape is introduced into the garden
项目占地面积 42260 平方米,紫金智谷总部园坐落于紫金山脚,地处“紫金山—灵山—龙王山”生态廊道,是自然景观与城市人文的重要“过渡点”。通过天然绿色资源对其进行延伸,与被建筑围合的场地形成一片完整的城市公共系统。从大的空间维度考虑,我们希望它不只是一个办公园区,而是一个承载功能的空间,是一个契合片区发展与城市精神的存在,希望为在园区内的员工打造一处有情感、有记忆、有温度的物理空间。
The project covers an area of 42,260 square meters. Zijin Intelligence Valley Headquarters Park is located at the foot of Zijin Mountain, in the ecological corridor of "Zijin Mountain-Lingshan-Longwang Mountain". It is an important "transition area" between the natural landscape and urban humanities. Natural green resources are extended to form a full-functional urban public system. Reviewing from the macro perspective, we hope that it is not just a regular office park but an area with a sustainable and ecological urban spirit, but a space with emotion, memory and warmth for employees in the park.
▼局部鸟瞰,bird eye view
溯源、借势、创新 Traceability, Tendency, innovation
The site is located in the transition area between Purple Mountain and the core urban area. The park, surrounded by buildings, forms a landscape pattern like a “valley.” Therefore, in the design, we focused on shaping the central axis landscape green space while opening and broadening the landscape scene and borrowing the landscape of Zijin Mountain into the park, which is highlighted in the concept.
▼局部鸟瞰,bird eye view
景观布局 landscape layout 确定了“场地-空间-功能”三要素间相互对应的同构关系,构成了空间策略合理性的基础。功能与体量的对应关系也帮助我们获得了清晰、简洁且富有秩序感的平面布局。
The isomorphic relationship between the three elements of “site-space-function” is determined, which constitutes the basis for the rationality of the space strategy. The correspondence between function and volume also helps us to obtain a clear, concise and orderly layout.
破界 共生 大绿量(超 40%绿化率)
Breaking the boundaries, symbiosis, sustainability (over 40% greening rate)
市政界面 – 边界模糊、链接城市
Civic aspect– Blurred Boundaries, Linked Cities
We took advantage of the urban green space and built an ecological system, which creates an attractive space. This design used the elevation to break the boundary between and integrate with the site, urban facility and natural landscape. These strategies enhance the public property with a vibrant and shared green space.
▼与外部街道交汇处的景墙,thelandscape wall facing the outer street
入口空间 – 开放、昭示、融合
Entrance space – openness, Display, integration
入口空间也是园区的示范区,满足形象昭示和主园区的人行入口功能。设计利用 2.4m 高差将台阶和跌水结合,曲折的台阶和水系,疏朗的乌桕林,干净的草坪,没有多余繁杂的修饰,打造一幅现代山林溪谷图景,用一片山林之境展开工作时光的前奏。
The entrance space is also a demonstration area of the park, which satisfies the image display and the pedestrian entrance function of the central garden. The design utilized a waterfall with about 2.4m height steps, twisting steps and water systems, sparse tallow forests, clean lawns, and no unnecessary and complicated decorations to create a modern landscape of mountains, forests and valleys, and work in a forest environment.
▼入口处的景观小品,landscape feature at the entrance
人文空间 – 沉稳共享交流办公
Humanities aspect– calmness and shared communication office
From the audience’s perspective, considering the young people’s yearning for a diversified lifestyle, the landscape space is placed with leisure nodes with different functions. You can go out to relax in your spare time and share the office outdoors when you are full and stressed at work. The workplace has also become more flexible, collaborative and open. Large-scale lawn design can adjust the rhythm and scale of the space. It provides users with a complex communication space, which can also flexibly meet various gathering activities, such as festival celebrations, product launches, etc.
▼建筑组团间的交流空间,recreational space between buildings
▼下沉广场&陆演空间,the sunken plaza & performance space
▼园内路径,the paths in the park
雨水花园 – 可呼吸可渗透可持续的办公花园
Rain Gardens – Breathable and Permeable Sustainable Office Gardens
In the design, the treatment of rain and flood facilities is highlighted—the low-impact development, such as the gravel water tank, presents a natural and friendly landscape. The stone and the water are combined with plants to improve the microclimate environment. Besides the function, the art of the landscape, such as the rain garden, makes landscape users perceive the respect and beauty of rainwater.
▼雨水收集花园,the rain water collection garden
The rain garden design adopts the mode of the habitat garden. The plan combines various plants and provides a sustainable and ecological landscape for birds, insects and other creatures. This helps restore the park’s habitat and can achieve the offices integrated with environmental features. For a city, these interesting natural phenomena not only provide special ecological functions but also carry the urban population looking for a return derived from the nature of nature, make up for the lack of emotional disconnection in nature, and reconstruct the rich vitality of the lost space of the city.
▼小溪近景,close shot of the creek
▼廊架近景,close shot of the pavilion
▼休闲桌椅近景,close shot of theoutdoor table and seats
▼道路夜景,night view of the path
设计团队:曹程、秦博一 、宁寒莉、金海明、张桐
摄影团队:ZOOM 琢墨建筑摄影工作室
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