Changyang Community Center locates on Hougang village where river runs from west to east and a large rice field changes with the seasons. The village has greatly been improved due to the tourism recently. Changyang Community Center has been in use for almost 2 years. Meanwhile, the rice field restaurant at the south entrance is nearing completion. More architects are attracted to be involved in the renovation of Hougang village.
▼南入口室外实景图,entrance facade facing south
▼从稻田远观建筑,view from the farm field in the distance
The shape of original building site is a triangular form. The most attractive views from the village are the rice field in the north and the large tree at the south entrance. Unlike traditional villages, Hougang is interspersed with houses of different times and styles, including a “baroque” house. Therefore, the aim of this design is to search authentic appearance in contemporary villages, using primitive materials and exposed structures to create flexible spaces.
▼北侧建筑与稻田,view from north
▼南门口景观,the south entrance
▼体块生成轴测,massing diagram
The form is broken down into two symmetrical triangular volumes in plan. The eaves of one triangular form on the north side facing the rice field are lowered while another is raised facing the big tree. The specific form connects the rice field and the tree to the visitors directly. At the same time, the two lateral windows at the entrance and west facade increase the intensity between the environment and the indoor space.
▼建筑西侧鸟瞰图,aerial view from west
▼北侧室外实景图,north facade
▼一楼展厅面向稻田树木,the show room on the ground floor faces the field and the trees
▼西侧立面,west facade
Although the community center has precise geometric and academic strategy for spatial organization, the function is very flexible, such as tourism reception, local gathering, and showrooms. The asymmetrical space created by the triangular plan and slope roofs encourages usage for multi-purpose. At the same time, farming tools and old objects were collected by the owners, making the building a rural museum. As 2 years passed, Changyang Community Center is surrounded by nature, the sharpness of the space softened. Landscape, sunlight, together with human activities, brought rural brutalism back to life.
▼一楼面向稻田的乡史展厅,view from the Rural History Showroom
▼一楼多功能厅,multi-functional room
▼一楼多功能厅交叉处光影与人实景图,a corner of the multi-functional room illuminated by the skylight
▼一楼茶牌活动区,cafe on the ground floor
▼二楼楼梯走道,corridor on the upper floor
▼两层空间连接处,the dialogue between the two floors
▼二楼走道一瞥,a glance to the corridor
▼楼梯天窗光影,skylight in the stairwell
▼二楼会议室,meeting room
▼二楼南侧窗户,the south-facing window
▼二楼摄影基地,the Rural Photography Workshop
▼空间局部,partial view
▼施工图,construction phase
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,plan level 1
▼二层平面图,plan level 2
▼屋面结构平面图,roof structure plan
▼A 剖面图,section A
▼B 剖面图,section B
▼C 剖面图,section C
▼D 剖面图,section D
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018-2019
建筑面积:451 平方米