知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   咖啡店   /   Studio Precht

%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht

2021/04/14 15:04:45
Traveling is our preferred way of inspiration, wandering around, experiencing different ways of life, different ways of doing things. Especially in times like these, the reminders of distant places become essential and the collection of memories might evolve into designs. Sometimes years later. When we started the design process for % Arabica in Bangkok, memories from previous travels in Thailand came to mind. The visit of potteries and amazing handcrafting factories. And the abundant temples with their murals and ornaments.
▼室外入口,outdoor entrance
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-3
▼室内入口,indoor entrance
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-5
▼轴测分解,axon exploded
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-8
I was always impressed that Thai culture values the “chat”, the engaged conversation as its often depicted in these murals. In Austrian coffee house culture, we are reliant on chairs and tables for a conversation. But in these Thai murals, the landscape or the traditional architectural topography was used in a joyful way. These memories inspired us to create a seating topography inside the % Arabica store, to allow people to roam and find their spot to sit or lounge. Naturally recreating the arrangements “for a chat” as we remembered from the murals.
▼内部外观,indoor appearance
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-11
▼从外部望向内部,view from the outside to the inside
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-13
▼窗洞细节,details of the holes
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%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-16
▼室内概览,overall view of the interior
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-18
▼从阶梯座位望向吧台,view from the terrace to the counter
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-20
▼制作区,the making area
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-22
▼取餐口,the pick-up space
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-24
传统泰国设计还包括模块重复和矩形阶梯,这也是设计团队经常使用的两种设计策略。模块理念以及对陶器和瓷砖工厂的参观使设计团队产生了用手工瓷砖和砌块构建整个空间的想法。模块大小为15 x 15 cm,一块瓷砖是一级台阶,三块瓷砖连成45cm的座位,五块瓷砖组成75cm的柜台。一个简单的模块就构成了整个项目。
▼设计理念,concept drawings
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-27
Other aspects of traditional Thai design are modular repetitions and rectangular terracing, two design strategies that we often use in our designs. The modular principle, and our visits to potteries and tile factories, led to the idea of simple handcrafted tiles and blocks, to assemble the entire space. The modules are 15 x 15 cm. One tile is a step, three tiles are connected to a 45cm seating, five tiles constitute a 75cm counter. One simple module for the entire program.
▼模块重复和矩形阶梯,modular repetitions and rectangular terracing
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▼普通座位区,general seating area
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▼阶梯座位区,terrace seating area
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▼座位区使用场景,usage scenarios
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%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-37
We collaborated with local craftsmen for the creation of the square, grey, concrete like tiles with a white glazed centre. The handcrafting infused the clean, nearly minimalist design with a little hint of Wabi Sabi. Rich in texture, with delicate imperfections, keeping the space bright and fresh, yet haptical and sensual.
▼砖块细部,details of blocks
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%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-42
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-43
▼产品细部,details of products
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%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-46
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-47
▼平面图,floor plan
%Arabica 咖啡店丨泰国曼谷丨Studio Precht-49
BY: Studio Precht
FOR: % Arabica
PROJECT NAME: % Arabica Store – Bangkok CentralWorld
PROJECT TYPE: Coffee Store
PROJECT YEAR: 2020/2021
PROJECT TEAM: Fei Tang Precht, Zizhi Yu, Chun Chen, Chengcheng Liu, Yanyan Gu, Chris Precht
CONSTRUCTION TEAM: 689 Construction Co.
BRICKWORK: Changwattana Concrete Co.
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