垂直农庄 | 自给自足的城市生活新概念

2019/02/25 20:35:19
For the last 2 years, our studio developed a modular building system that investigates the connection of people with their food and creates a building that connects architecture with agriculture.
▼项目外观,exterior view ©️Precht
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During the last 2 centuries we became disconnected from our food. For thousands of years, people, their food and cities were intertwined. The beginning of farming gave birth to our first permanent settlements and both grew, hand in hand, with the demand for more food and more liveable areas. With the industrial revolution this changed. Advances in transportation and preservation made it possible to deliver goods faster and store them longer. The process of growing food moved out of our sights and out of our minds.
▼项目外观,木材和植被构建出一个城市中的垂直农场,exterior view, wood and plants create a vertical Farmland in the urban environment©️Precht
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从那时起,农业与建筑的土地和资源争夺战就从未停歇。人们对粮食产量增长的需求和他们对利益的贪婪使得我们的自然栖息地濒临破坏。目前,建筑和农业是两个最大的污染源,据统计,全世界有 90% 的人口都在呼吸着受污染的空气。建筑和农业已经成了对我们有害的事物。这种不健康的生活环境和人们越来越单一的饮食习惯甚至导致了肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病和癌症等疾病。
Since then, agriculture and architecture battle for territory and resources. The need for growth and the greed for profitability brought our natural habitat to the brink of existence. The building and the agriculture sector are the two largest polluting industries and each day, 90% of the world’s population breathes polluted air. Both sectors became harmful to us. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and lung cancer are an outcome of a one-sided diet and an unhealthy environment.
▼项目外观,垂直农场将城市区域打造为农村有机循环的一部分,exterior view, the vertical Farmhouse makes urban areas become part of an organic loop with the countryside©️Precht
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食物和住所都是人类的需求,建筑师需要重新思考这二者之间的关系。如今,建筑师有机会去重新构建建筑和农业之间的关系,将其变成两个互惠互利、相辅相成的概念。“我认为,我们之前都忽视了建筑和农业与自然界之间在身体上和精神上的联系,我希望这个项目可以像催化剂一般,重新构建人类与其环境生命周期之间的联系,”Chris Precht 说道。
But food and shelter are human needs and architects can rethink their relation. There is an opportunity to reconnect architecture and agriculture and change them to the betterment of both. “I think we miss this physical and mental connection with nature and this project could be a catalyst to reconnect ourselves with the life-cycle of our environment,” says Chris Precht.
Chris 的妻子兼合伙人 Fei Precht 补充道:“我们之所以做这个‘农场’项目,其实是出于我们自身的兴趣。两年前,我们将办公室从北京的市中心迁至奥地利的山区。现在,我们在一个远离城市的地方生活和工作,希望能够尽可能地实现一种自给自足的生活。大多数的食物都是我们自己种的,剩下的则是从附近的农民那里获得的。现在,我们与食物的关系变得非常与众不同。相信我,自己种出来的番茄的味道,与从其他地区或国家进口来的是十分不同的。我们意识到,这种生活方式并不是所有人都能享受到的,因此我们开始尝试进行项目的开发,希望能够将食物带回到城市中去。”
His wife and partner Fei Precht adds: "Our motivation for ’the Farmhouse’ is personal. 2 years ago we relocated our office from the centre of Beijing to the mountains of Austria. We live and work now off the grid and try to be as self-sufficient as somehow possible. We grow most of the food ourselves and get the rest from neighbouring farmers. We have now a very different relation to food. A tomato from your garden tastes different then the one shipped around the globe. We are aware that this life-style is not an option for everyone, so we try to develop projects, that brings food back to cities."
▼俯视外观,垂直农场创造出堆叠形式的种植花园,exterior view looking down, the vertical farmhouse createsstacked gardens©️Precht
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在接下来的 50 年中,人类所消耗的食物将超过过去 10,000 年的总和,这其中有 80% 的消耗都来自城市。很明显,我们需要找到一种替代性的生态系统,从而取代现有的食物供应系统,即我们种什么、在哪儿种,吃什么、在哪儿吃等。对于这个新型系统来说,有机农业、无公害的肉类、社会性采购和“从农场到餐桌”生鲜电商策略等因素至关重要。这就意味着需要将我们的城市区域打造为农村有机循环的一部分,以满足人口对食物的需求,同时为城市提供食品安全。
In the next 50 years more food will be consumed than in the last 10,000 years combined and 80% will be eaten in cities. It is clear that we need to find an ecological alternative to our current food system. What and where we grow and eat. Topics like organic agriculture, clean meat, social sourcing and ‘farm to table’ will be key elements of this change. That means that our urban areas need to become part of an organic loop with the countryside to feed our population and provide food security for cities.
▼项目外观局部,堆叠形式的种植花园实现了城市生态的自我复原,partial exterior view, stacked gardensallow used farmland to naturally restore itself©️Precht
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If food is grown within the region, the supply chain and the use of packaging gets shortened. Stacked gardens reduce the need to convert forests, savannahs and mangroves and allows used farmland to naturally restore itself. Vertical farms can produce a higher ratio of crop per planted area. The indoor climate of greenhouses protect the food against varying weather conditions and offers different eco-systems for different plants.
▼项目外观局部,将农场融入城市,partial exterior of the Farmhouse, re-introducing the farm into the city©️Precht
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Our Farmhouse runs on an organic life-cycle of byproducts inside the building, where one processes output is another processes input: Buildings create already a large amount of heat, which can be reused for plants like potatoes, nuts or beans to grow. A water-treatment system filters rain- and greywater, enriches it with nutrients and cycles it back to the greenhouses. The food waste can be locally collected in the buildings basement, turned into compost and reused to grow more food.
"在这个体系下,食物的生产线变得清晰明了,"Precht 说道。"它不仅将农业重新置入进城市的中心地带,更将这种农业生态系统的概念根植于我们的脑海中。食物是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,因此,我将这座‘农场’视为一种教育模式,让大众能够清晰地看到我们的食物的来源以及其生产和加工的过程。"
“This process of food production becomes visible,” says Precht. “It reenters the centre of our cites and the centres of our minds. Food is an important part of our daily life and I see ‘the Farmhouse’ as an educational statement that it’s no longer a mystery where our food comes from and how it lands on our table.”观局部,partial exterior view©️Precht
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The foundation of the Farmhouse is to encourage citizens to grow food locally, but it also continues this ecological aspect with its architecture.
“In a way, we construct our farmland and we plant our building.” Trees provide the main building material for the Farmhouse. Cross Laminated Timber panels are used to develop the modular system of structure, finishes and planters. Working with CLT has a lot of benefits. It is precise to fabricate, easy to transport and quick to install. Living with wood has also ecological benefits: Trees grow by a natural source of energy. The process that creates structural engineered wood products takes far less energy than steel, cement or concrete and produces fewer greenhouse gases during manufacturing. Further, wood stores carbon in itself (approximately one tone per cubic meter) thus it has, compared to other building materials, a lighter overall environmental footprint.
▼项目外观局部,在倾斜的墙壁上种植绿植,partial exterior view, planting vegetations on the angled walls©️Precht
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农场项目由一个完全模块化的建筑系统组成,预制过程在场地之外的场所进行,待到预制过程完成后,便将每一块木板都水平叠放,由卡车运至基地。这种预制的模块化建筑构件套组缩短了整个施工周期,也减小了其对周边环境所造成的影响。建筑系统采用传统的 A 字型结构框架,同时与传递建筑荷载的斜肋构架相连。每个结构框架的墙体都由三层空间组成:一个包含着饰面、电路系统和管道系统的内层、一个包含着结构框架和保温隔热层的中间层,以及一个包含着花园元素和供水系统的外层等。
▼农场垂直生长过程,vertical growth process of the Farmhouse©️Precht
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The Farmhouse consists of a fully modular building system, which is prefabricated offsite and flat-packed delivered by trucks. Prefabrication of a modular building kit shortens the time for construction and its affect on the surrounding. The building system is based on structural clarity of traditional A-Frame houses and connects to a diagrid that runs the loads through the building. Each wall of the frame exists of 3 layers. An inside layer with finishes, electricity and pipes, a middle layer with structure and insulation and an outside layer with gardening elements and water supply.
▼A 字型结构框架单体生成过程,growth process of the A-Frame house unit ©️Precht
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对于独栋住宅来说,这个建筑系统为住户提供了一种设计思路,他们可以根据对生活空间和耕种空间的需求,自行设计自己的空间。比如,住户们可以从结构和花园系统、废物处理单元、水处理系统、水耕法以及太阳能系统等中任选一项或几项,通过不同的排列和组合创造出一系列具有一定灵活性的空间布局。此外,DIY 的设计手法在本项目中也发挥着至关重要的作用。它不仅有助于建筑花园空间的设计,更有利于其自身的施工过程。住户可以根据他们自己想要的空间布局进行小屋的建设,从而打造出一种自给自足的、真正舒适的居住环境。
For single-family structures, this system gives a tool to home-owners to design their own place, based on the needs and the demands to living and farming. Structural and gardening elements, waste management units, water treatment, hydroponics and solar systems can be selected from a catalog of modules and offers a certain flexibility for various layouts. The hands-on approach of the DIY movement played a big role in the design. Not only for the gardening part of the building, but also for its construction. This method allows owners to self-construct their tiny houses based on their chosen layout. Architecture that is home-built with food that is home-grown.
▼A 字型结构框架单体构成不同的空间,different spaces formed by the A-Frame house units ©️Precht
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▼A 字型结构框架单体构成的生活空间,the living space formed bytheA-Frame house unit©️Precht
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▼A 字型结构框架组合,形成一个独栋住宅,theassemblyformedbytheA-Framehouseunit,creatingasing-familyhouse©️Precht
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另外,人们还可以将这个 A 字型框架的空间进行组合,从而组装出一个更高更大的双层空间:首层具有一个宽敞的开放式空间,作为公寓的起居室和厨房,而二层则是一个帐篷般的空间,作为卧室和卫生间。倾斜的墙体为住宅外部的种植需求提供了空间,同时在不同的公寓之间创造出一个 V 字型的缓冲区。同时,这种设计手法也使得室内环境享有自然采光和自然通风。通过组合得到的住所空间在建筑与其周边的自然环境之间建立起一个直接的联系,从而在遍布着混凝土体块的城市空间中脱颖而出。这是一个被大自然所环绕着的住所,空间中蕴含着道家“阴阳”的概念,多彩的花园和健康的室内环境为住户提供了一个世外桃源般的家。
Taller structures are assembled as duplex-sized A-frames, which provide a large open space on the first floor for a living-room and kitchen and a tent-like space on the second floor for bedrooms and bathrooms. The angled walls give space for gardening on their outside and create a V-shaped buffer zone between the apartments. This also lets natural ventilation and natural light into the building. The building invokes a direct connection with a natural surrounding, that stands apart from the concrete landscape of our cities. A tent that is surrounded by nature. A Yin&Yang of colourful gardens and healthy interiors.
▼多个 A 字型结构框架组合,形成社区型空间,theassembly formed by several A-Frame house unit, creating a community space©️Precht
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The gardens can be used privately for residents to grow their own food, or as a collaborative effort to plant vegetables and herbs for a wider community. After the harvest, the food can be shared or sold at an indoor farmers market on the lower floors of the building. Educational classes, a root cellar and compost units round up the idea of an ecological loop within one building.
▼室内教育类空间,the interior educational space©️Precht
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室内教育类空间细节,details of the interior educational space©️Precht
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▼大楼下层的室内农贸市场,theindoor farmers market on the lower floors of the building©️Precht
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鉴于越来越风靡的“国际风格(Internation Style)”,混凝土框架和幕墙逐渐占据了我们的城市空间,我们的建筑变得毫无特色,缺乏吸引力。这使我们的城市忽视了其自身的文化和气候特点,变得千篇一律。如今,我们的城市中充满着与环境毫无联系的建筑,它们只能消耗环境,却无法给环境带去什么有价值的回馈。它们就像是一座座孤岛,游离于整个城市之外。由于人口增长和城市区域的大规模扩张,我们也将自然排斥在生活范围之外,距离它越来越远。
With the domination of the ‘International Style’ with concrete frames and curtain walls, our buildings became mostly unanimous and uninspiring. It made our cities look alike disregarding culture or climate. Our cities are filled with ivory towers, that just consume from the environment without giving anything back. They are island and their connection with the surrounding stops at the doorman. Due to population growth and the vast expansion of our urban areas, we also pushed nature outside and became distant to it.▼农场花园室内,进行种植活动,the interior view of vertical Farmhouse with the garden planting©️Precht
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室内居住空间,interior living space©️Precht
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The Farmhouse is an example of a building that is part of our eco-system. It lives, breaths and grows and is not islands in the city, but integral part to the wider neighbourhood.
黄昏下的垂直农场,the vertical Farmhouse at dusk ©️Precht
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▼模型照片,physical models
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Architects: Studio Precht
Project Name: The Farmhouse
Project Type: Residential, Farming
Project Year: 2017 – ongoing
Project Partners: Chris Precht, Fei Tang Precht
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