

Cin Cin 是意大利语干杯的意思,它的发音源自于中文的“请请”:捧杯时相互之间的问候与诚敬。
‘Cin Cin’ means ‘cheers’ in Italian. Its pronunciation comes from the Chinese word for “please, please”: greetings and sincere respect for each other when lifting cups. The three partners of CIN CIN returned from three different countries. They integrated their respective cultural experiences into the operation idea of this café and proposed a design concept of ‘urban living room’: a social space that integrates both boutique coffee and bistro.
the video introduction
The shop is located on East Huaqiangzi Street, within the historical area of Jinan City. It is located in a market with strong traditional and local atmosphere, at the end of Furong Commercial Street, opposite the Old Confucian Temple, and surrounded by the winding streets of the traditional hutongs.
▼坐落于老城区的建筑 the cafe located in the old town
view of the shop through windows and doors
房子建于上世纪 90 年代,因街道对老城区建筑外立面风貌的保护规定,设计团队保留了老房子的外立面,内部空间则以化繁为简的设计手法,以“新旧共生”的设计理念,打造年轻人能产生共鸣的空间。
The house was built in the 1990s. We kept the original facade due to the protection regulation of the historical city facades. The interior space was designed in a simple way, with the concept of ‘harmony between the old and new’, to create a space that young people can resonate with.
the entrance
The bar area is the visual focal point: top surface of the arc wall is painted red with a rough texture. The bar itself is built with the walnut board and stainless steel, a hidden metaphor of the intensity of wine and the delicate and exquisite of coffee.
the bar area
▼使用场景 the using scene
▼吧台细部 detail of the bar
内院的深灰色水泥地面延续了街道的感觉,白色的外墙搭配红色的门头,红色楼梯如一座天桥连接至二楼。红色作为 Cin Cin 品牌的 VI 视觉主色,在这里既强调了空间的主动线,也体现了空间的视觉趣味性。室内空间是略显粗旷的工业建筑的调性:使用大面积中灰色系微水泥漆和水泥地面作为主基调,无框玻璃窗户使室内和内院的空间连成一片,台阶形式的卡座和空间一体化,摆放上红色系的坐垫、椅子和桌几,形成轻松随性的客座区。
The dark grey concrete floor of the inner courtyard continues the feeling of the street. The white exterior wall is paired with the red door tip, and the red staircase connects to the second floor like a bridge. As the main visual color of CIN CIN, red not only emphasizes the main circulation, but also reflects the visual enjoyment of the space. Interior space has a slightly rough industrial building style: using a large area of grey micro cement paint and cement floor as the main tone; frameless glass windows to unite the indoor and courtyard; and red cushions, chairs and tables to form a casual and relaxing guest sitting area with a stepped form to integrate with the space.
guest sitting area
▼客座区上方的坡屋顶 dining space under the sloping roof
▼从室内看向庭院 view of the courtyard from the interior space
The terrace on the second floor is a one-person height pavilion, where the tiles of neighbors’ bungalow seem to be reachable. Standing here, one can see the continuous tiled roofs and scattered ancient trees of the old city and directly feel co-existence of the new and old, modern and traditional.
night view of the courtyard
▼楼梯通向二层露台 stairs leading to the terrace on the second floor
view from the terrace on the second floor
Blend a new soul into an old building, find peace and quiet in hustle and bustle, seeking a harmony between the modern and traditional.‘Welcome, Welcome’
the generalplan
the first floor plan
the second floor plan
项目地点:济南市东花墙子街 15 号
设计时间:2020 年 7 月-8 月
建设时间:2020 年 8 月-11 月
建筑面积:119 平方米