

巴特西发电站位于世界最著名的城市之一,是一栋全球性的标志建筑。经过全面的改造,电站将摇身变为世界上最创新、最令人激动的多功能空间,每年能够吸引超过 4000 万游人来访。
Battersea Power Station is a global icon in one of the world’s greatest cities. The Power Station’s incredible rebirth will see it transformed into one of the most exciting and innovative mixed-use developments in the world, with the potential to attract over 40 million visitors per year.
▼项目远景外观,distanced external view of the building
2013 年,业主委托 WilkinsonEyre 负责项目的二期建设,包括对被列为二级历史保护建筑的发电站本身进行更新。原建筑由 Sir Giles Gilbert Scott 设计,改造将与其原本的风格相协调,保留烟囱和涡轮机房作为项目最为突出的特征。设计尊重原建筑的工业特点,尽可能地将室内外原有的结构、砖构和彩色陶艺暴露出来。
WilkinsonEyre was appointed in 2013 to lead Phase Two of the project, which includes the refurbishment of the iconic Grade II* listed Battersea Power Station itself. The designs are consistent with and sympathetic to Sir Giles Gilbert Scott’s architectural masterpiece, with the chimneys and Turbine Halls restored as the building’s most celebrated features. The approach respects the building’s original industrial nature: exposing the existing structure, brickwork and faience as far as possible both inside and out.
▼设计与原建筑的风格相协调,designs are consistent with the original building
在尊重历史的基础上,巴特西发电站被改造成了伦敦最令人激动的零售和休闲空间。标志性的电站内将设置 253 个居住单元、零售商店、餐厅和咖啡厅、独特的活动空间以及一座独一无二的玻璃电梯,将人们带上电站标志性的烟囱之一,在 109 米的高空形成一片观景平台。苹果公司将在建筑六层设置 46452 平米的办公空间,作为新的伦敦园区使用。
While respecting the integrity of the historic landmark, Battersea Power Station is being transformed into one of the most exciting retail and leisure destinations in London. Inside the iconic Power Station there will be 253 residential apartments, retail shops, restaurants and cafes, unique event spaces and a one-of-its kind glass lift, which will travel up the inside of one of the Power Station’s iconic chimneys, becoming a viewing platform as it emerges out of the 109m summit. Apple will also occupy 46,452m2 of office space across six floors in the Power Station for its new London campus.
▼建筑外的商业街,retail street outside the building
▼屋顶休闲空间,leisure space on the roof
▼独一无二的玻璃电梯,one-of-its kind glass elevator
Retaining the Power Station’s scale and visual drama is key to the project and is achieved through the incorporation of a full-height void behind the southern wall, a vast and open central atrium, and unobstructed Turbine Halls with new balconies. The careful articulation of old and new is vital to the success of the project, offering visual reminders of the Power Station’s heritage.
▼设计草图,design sketch
▼剖透视图,perspective section
▼新建的观景阳台,new sight viewing balcony
▼通高空间,full-hight void
▼裸露的砖墙和结构反映建筑历史,exposed structure and brickwork reflecting the history of the building
零售 Retail 开放后,电站将容纳超过一百家知名奢侈品牌零售店以及餐饮和休闲空间,提供一个概念新颖的新型创意空间,填补一期开发的 Circus West Village 已有商店和餐厅的空白。
Once open, the Power Station will be home to over a hundred established, luxury and emerging retail, food and leisure brands, providing a space for new, unique concepts and creative designs that will complement the host of shops and restaurants already open at Circus West Village, the first chapter in this redevelopment.
▼零售空间,retail space
零售店以原有的涡轮机房为背景,为历史地标带来新的活力。涡轮机房 A 建于 1930 年代,体现了那个年代装饰艺术风格的魅力,将成为精选品牌店的所在地;涡轮机房 B 于 1950 年代完工,更具野兽主义和工业派的感觉,将容纳更加丰富现代的时尚品牌。
Set against the backdrop of the existing Turbine Halls, the retailers are set to bring a new energy to the heritage landmark. Turbine Hall A, which was built in the 1930s and evokes the Art Deco glamour of the era, will be home to the premium collection of brands. And Turbine Hall B, which was completed in the 1950s, and has more of a brutalist, industrial look and feel, will house an eclectic range of more contemporary fashion brands.
▼涡轮机房 A 中设置精选品牌店,selected brands in Turbine Hall A
▼涡轮机房 B 中设置更加丰富的当代品牌 eclectic contemporary brands in Turbine Hall B
▼商店内部,interior of a shop
办公 Office 巴特西北线加建的高品质办公空间将于 2021 年秋季投入使用。空间以建筑裸露的结构和肌理为灵感,采用富有创意的灵活布局,为新兴的工作形式提供理想的办公环境。
The provision of high-quality office space will be served by the Northern Line extension to Battersea which will open in Autumn 2021. With a creative, flexible studio style environment inspired by the exposed structure and fabric of the building, it offers a unique workplace ideal for new ways of working.
▼办公空间,office space
巴特西发电站的居民将获得独特的居住体验,一些人甚至会住在 50 米高空,被四座巨大的烟囱环绕,拥有属于他们自己的屋顶花园。电站内的公寓完成面采用裸露的砖墙,配以两层通高的 Crittall 玻璃窗,其工业美学形式反映了建筑历史。
The experience for the residents of Battersea Power Station will be unique with some even living 50m above the ground with their own garden on the roof of the building between the four giant chimneys. Apartments within the Power Station are finished with exposed brick walls and double height Crittall glazed windows, an industrial aesthetic reflecting the building’s history.
▼大堂与电梯,lobby and the elevator
▼屋顶花园,roof garden
▼公寓室内,interior of the apartment
巴特西发电站的第一位居民将于 2021 年春季搬入,到 2022 年春季,建筑将正式对公众开放。
The first residents will move into Battersea Power Station in Spring 2021 and the grand public opening will be in Spring 2022.
▼夜景,night view
▼烟囱剖面,section of the chimney
Location: London, UK
Client: Battersea Power Station Development Company
Architect: WilkinsonEyre
Structural Engineer: BuroHappold
Services Engineer: Chapman BDSP
Date: Completion due 2022