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2021/02/07 12:23:40
▼项目概览,general view
History: ancient fishing village by Dianchi Lake
乌龙古渔村至今已有 600 多年历史。因毗邻滇池、背靠七星山,这里成为老昆明传统文化腹地和文化记忆的传承地,不仅有昆明传统的“一颗印”建筑,以及“三合院”“走马转角楼”等民居,还有清代、民国的古建筑等共计 279 栋,被摄影爱好者称为昆明的民居博物馆。
Fishing and hunting is a very old way of life. Most people who live by the waterfront are proficient in this way, and gradually evolve and develop in the long history, and finally form one vibrant natural village after another around the basin. Wulong Village, located on the East Bank of Dianchi Lake in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, is the result of this kind of fishing and hunting civilization.
“Living in the mountains is like Dragon, and near the sea is Pu.” In Chinese, the word “Pu” refers to the area near the water or where a river enters the sea. At night, the fishing boat lights and the stars and moon in the sky complement each other, which is called “Fishing under the star lights”.
Wulong ancient fishing village has a history of more than 600 years. Adjacent to Dianchi Lake and backed by Qixing mountain, it has become the hinterland of traditional culture and the heritage of cultural memory of old Kunming. There are not only traditional ” one seal ” buildings in Kunming, but also “courtyardpattern” and ” corner building” and other residential buildings in Kunming. There are 279 ancient buildings in Qing Dynasty and Republic of China, which are called Kunming residential Museum by photographers.
▼滇池周边渔村场景真实写照 水彩画 陈流 云南艺术学院
Real portrayal of fishing villages around Dianchi Lake WatercolourChen Liu Yunnan arts university
▼乌龙村实景写生作品 水彩画 陈流 云南艺术学院
Realistic sketch works of Wulong Village Watercolour Chen Liu Yunnan arts university
Decline: marginalization in the process of urban development
以乌龙村为代表的城市边缘传统村落在历史文化价值上承载了昆明城市发展的进程,区位上占有优越的自然环境空间,但同时受到城市建设及文化的影响,乡村文化传播受阻,文化传承断代,空间格局被挤占扭曲。留存的 279 栋历史建筑也未整体更新利用,也未形成肌理完整的古村街巷空间。
The traditional villages on the edge of the city represented by Wulong Village carry the process of urban development of Kunming in terms of historical and cultural value, and occupy superior natural environment space in location. However, due to the influence of urban construction and culture, rural cultural transmission is hindered, cultural inheritance is broken, and space pattern is occupied and distorted. The remaining 279 historical buildings have not been completely renovated and utilized, and the streets and alleys of the ancient village with complete texture have not been formed.
▼相视而望的市区和乌龙村,Urban area and Wulong Village
Revitalization: iterative renewal of original settlement
2020 年,秉持保护性开发的原则,乡伴朱胜萱工作室携手华侨城,启动呈贡乌龙古渔村美丽乡村打造,以现存 270 余栋遗留老建筑老院落为载体,通过恢复性建设的方式,以现代的骨架+文化的灵魂+自然的外衣让残损的老建筑恢复当年的容光,通过对老建筑的恢复性修建再融入活化利用的经营理念,真正让古渔村的人气和烟火气得到重现。
In 2020, adhering to the principle of protective development, Zhu Shengxuan Studio, together with OCT, will start to build a beautiful village of Wulong ancient fishing village in Chenggong. With more than 270 existing old buildings and old courtyards as the carrier, the damaged old buildings will be restored to their original appearance with modern skeleton, cultural soul and natural coat through restorative construction. The business philosophy of building and re integrating activation and utilization really makes the popularity and pyrotechnics of the ancient fishing village reappear.
▼探索村庄的原生性聚落肌理,Exploring the original settlement texture of villages
▼“一颗印”民居,”one seal ” residence
Prototype, derivation and growth of “one seal” Architecture
The original architecture in Wulong Village is the most typical ” one seal ” residence in Central Yunnan. This is a kind of old courtyard made of wood and adobe. It looks very regular from the plane pattern, and it looks like a square seal, so it is named ” one seal ”.
▼“一颗印”的标准状态,The standard state of “one seal”
Due to the influence of land use restrictions, the changes of residents, the demands of different families, the transformation of industrial structure and many other factors, the “one seal” dwellings have also undergone corresponding evolution to balance the impact of environmental changes. This is the biological characteristics of a natural village, and it is also a state that this case tried to simulate in the design and creation.
The natural evolution of “one seal”: half courtyard, second courtyard, double courtyard, multi courtyard, etc.
The “growth” of “one seal” in the exhibition area, unified regulation and with the shape of meaning
The architectural layout of the exhibition area follows the natural attribute of the original village, and each courtyard grows and evolves according to its land use situation. In the unified style control, each part has its own holes, showing a kind of original residential categories, full of market vitality.
▼展示区实景鸟瞰,A bird’s-eye view of the exhibition area
Patching and anchoring: restoration and reconstruction of specific scenes
空间场所织补。打造占地约 10 公顷的展示区,通过传统院落的修复,形成展现昆明传统文化与滇池畔典型鱼耕原乡文化的萱草书屋、大师工作室和自然教室等一系列文化空间载体。
This design adopts the strategy of “mending” and “anchoring” to restore and recreate the space, culture, industry and living scenes of the project.
The cultural industry mending. Through the introduction of local artists who are extremely sensitive to the history and culture of Kunming and the surrounding university research institutions, the “new Oolong community” of “new villagers’ art life space” is constructed to make up for the hollowing of the indigenous people after their relocation.
Space and place mending. Through the restoration of traditional courtyard, a series of cultural space carriers, such as Hemerocallis bookstore, Master Studio and nature classroom, are formed to show the traditional culture of Kunming and the typical culture of Yugeng village by Dianchi Lake.
▼展示区总平面,General layout of exhibition area
Traditional skills anchoring. In the aspect of building restoration, we adopt the method of “ancient new works”, follow the old building’s own construction logic and traditional construction techniques, and use modern design means to show the charm of “one seal” architecture as much as possible by means of “traditional elements extraction, inheritance and protection priority, modern space translation, new and old materials use”.
As far as possible to retain the vicissitudes of rammed earth exterior wall, and steel structure to reconstruct the internal space
Four parts of the new works of ancient law: extraction of traditional elements, priority of inheritance and protection, modern translation of space, and application of new and old materials.
Life scene anchoring. In terms of soft decoration design, the theme of “Yupu star lamp” and “farming, reading and inheriting” runs through the whole process, and deepens the collision and integration of history and humanity, ancient and modern, new and old, so as to reproduce the life scene of traditional fishing village by Dianchi Lake.
▼船形休闲座凳,船盛万物,传承万物,Boat shaped leisure stool, boat holds everything and inherits everything
Hemerocallis Library
The Hemerocallis bookstore was originally a residence of Deng family. In order to meet the needs of the public library, it was renovated by the way of large shelf, providing reading, sightseeing, rest and other functions.
Comparison of Hemerocallis library before and after reconstruction
In the complete “one seal” form, the backyard is stamped to form the space form of two entrances.
This is a village library. Here, bearing the initial expectation of the countryside: build a platform with the library, where people share knowledge and mood, and share the city and countryside.
▼萱草书屋平面与模型效果示意,Plan and model effect of Hemerocallis Library
In order to provide suitable space for the friends who come here to rest, daze or concentrate, the indoor partition and moving line layout of Hemerocallis bookstore are designed to be both public and private, so as to create a relaxed and orderly experience.
Open reading area, patio, reading table and bookcase full of books reflect the strong atmosphere of the study.
After the inner partition wall of the backyard was removed, a semi open gray space was formed
Soft furniture selection does not use too heavy Chinese furniture, but the overall modern simple style, through the charm of strong accessories, such as flower arrangement, scroll, calligraphy and painting to set off the overall space atmosphere. From architecture to interior, most of the study houses retain their original form, with earth brick walls and old-fashioned door panels. Soft decoration, from furniture to ornaments, adopts modern forms while retaining the ancient flavor, so as to achieve the integration of “ancient” and “present”, “new” and “old”.
Modern furniture selection and Chinese style charm decoration
▼布满书籍的中岛书桌,Desk full of books
萱草书屋还引入了当代年轻人喜爱的 BOOK&BED 的休闲方式,打造了 24 小时阅读室——一个不仅可以徜徉书海,还能与书共枕的休憩点。
The leisure bench in the leisure coffee area is the highlight of the space, taking the shape of “boat” as the prototype, echoing the theme of “fishing star lamp”. Local villagers can feel the smart changes after the injection of fresh “blood”, while foreign readers can explore the Oolong culture here.
Hemerocallis Bookstore also introduces the leisure mode of Book & bed, which is popular among young people today, and creates a 24-hour reading room, which is not only a place to roam the sea of books, but also a place to rest with books.
▼24h BOOK&BED,挑高的空间和满墙的书柜合二为一,柜体内的软包舒缓了砖墙带来的硬朗感,为阅读提供了更好的体验,24h Book & bed, high space and full wall bookcase are combined into one. The soft bag in the cabinet eases the strong feeling brought by the brick wall and provides a better experience for reading
The borrowing room on the mezzanine is the best place to be alone. At the beginning of the design, this area was defined as the most private place.
Mezzanine reading room, wrapped space, gives a full sense of security
Push the window and see, you can see the beautiful outline of the building and the dim light in the distance
The leisure reading area on the second floor is the most spacious and relaxing area in the library, which allows readers to put down their burden and look at the Wulong building in front of them with a peaceful and awe heart, so that their thoughts can be precipitated here.
In the leisure reading area on the second floor, the lazy sofa placed everywhere and the blue sky and white clouds with a panoramic view are set against each other.
Master Studio
In ancient times, fishermen, horsehead lamps, stars and the moon were shining. Today, craftsmen and thousands of lights coexist harmoniously. If “fishing star lamp” symbolizes inheritance, the culture and spirit of “farming and reading” is the “soul” of inheritance.
Comparison of Master Studio before and after transformation
▼大师工作室平面为保护性复建三联院,Master Studio for protective restoration of Third Affiliated Yard
Sketch of Master Studio’s plane and model effect
▼三联院,Third Affiliated Yard
▼室内空间,Interior view
The idea and spirit of “farming, reading and inheriting” have been handed down from generation to generation, and also cultivated craftsmen from generation to generation. Now the master studio has successively introduced Chen Liu, the leader of Chinese watercolor painting, fan Jia, the master of innovative design of Yunnan ethnic costumes, and Xiang ban, the “Yunnan base of Zhu Shengxuan studio”, to attract and gather scholars and teachers from Yunnan University, Yunnan Academy of Arts, Kunming University of Technology in folk art, product design, urban and rural planning, architectural environment design, and biodiversity research. They gather here to accept the nourishment of Oolong ancient culture and feed back this ancient village through re innovation.
▼范佳工作室,创新传统服饰工坊,Fanjia studio innovates traditional clothing workshop
▼朱胜萱工作室,传统匠人工坊,Zhu Shengxuan studio, traditional craftsman workshop
Luban Tool Exhibition “keeps the original intention with ingenuity”, arouses people’s attention to traditional skills through wood art exhibition
Nature classroom + cultural and creative store
The nature classroom is the Second Affiliated Yard of conservation and reconstruction.
The front yard is mainly for exhibition space, while the back yard is from the perspective of environmental protection, introducing nature into the classroom through various ecological topics, so as to encourage people to love nature and attach importance to ecology.
Comparison of natural classroom + cultural and creative shop before and after transformation
It is an educational space that perfectly combines farming experience with children’s natural education. Outdoor, you can run in the countryside, enjoy the fun of parents and children, feel the aura of nature; indoor, rich natural courses, large space exhibition space, let people feel the charm of nature, education and art.
Sketch of plane and model effect of natural classroom + cultural and creative store
The nature classroom is the Second Affiliated Yard of conservation and reconstruction.
In the twilight of Wulong Village, people feel confused in time and space. It’s like seeing mountains instead of mountains and water instead of water. Years have made the name of Wulong, and keeping watch is its eternal theme.
▼暮色下的乌龙村,Wulong Village in the twilight
Through the whole process of planning, architecture, interior, landscape, soft decoration, cultural and creative exhibition, Zhu Shengxuan studio makes Wulong ancient fishing village reappear the memory of Kunming in “fishing star lamp” and present a beautiful rural new scene of pastoral style. In the future, the activation and renewal of Wulong Village will continue to focus on the ecological protection of Dianchi Lake, the reappearance of ancient architectural style, and the inheritance of historical culture. By excavating the local natural and cultural resources, focusing on the natural landscape and rural culture, it will create the characteristic farming and pastoral scenery, and give new vitality to the ancient fishing village while preserving its original appearance.
设计时间:2020 年 4 月-2020 年 6 月
建设时间:2020 年 6 月-2020 年 12 月
基地展示区面积:10 公顷
展示区建筑面积:约 6000 平方米
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