

宁波奉化城市展览馆坐落在 6.6 万平方米的开阔场地内,是融合了景观公园的城市规划展览馆。于 2019 年 11 月试运营,2020 年正式投入使用。展览馆建筑面积约 1.8 万平方米,独特的造型将为奉化提供一处新的城市形象标识,也成为当地市民公共生活的新场所。
Rising from an open site of 66,000 m2, Ningbo Fenghua Urban Exhibition Center presents exhibitions relating to urban planning within a setting of landscape park. The Center was put into trial operation in November 2019 and officially opened in 2020. With a gross floor area of about 18,000 m2, it provides another urban landmark in Fenghua with unique architectural form, and a new place for the local citizens’ public life.
▼北面鸟瞰,aerial view from the north
The evolution of urban exhibition centers has identified two key words, i.e. openness and publicness. The urban knowledge dissemination center is a window to showcase the image of the city, and an important channel for citizens to participate in urban planning. Therefore, how to embody the theme and openness of the facility becomes a key issue in design.
▼南面鸟瞰,aerial view from the south
▼鸟瞰,top view
▼北侧奉心湖对岸视角,distanced view of the building through the lake
Centering around the space for the master planning model, the Project is designed into an extremely open exhibition space, and an all-weather city park open to the public with the landscaped slope on the site.
▼主入口,main entrance
▼东南侧斜坡,slope at the southeast side
The building consists of the main exhibition hall below grade and other exhibition halls above grade. The 10,000 m2 F1 is placed below grade under the earthscape, while the above-grade exhibition halls, with a smaller volume, presents a much lighter and elegant building form as if floating in the air. F2 realized the internal and external connections via a freely extending elevated floor. F3 comes in a perfect circle to highlight the centrality of the courtyard, and eliminate the direction of the tour, bringing about a spatial experience of “roaming inside the building “.
▼主入口仰视,look up at the main entrance
▼中庭空间,central courtyard
结构设计与建筑设计联系紧密,首层规划展览馆采用钢筋混凝土结构体系,隐蔽于建筑物周边景观覆土之下。二至三层展馆采用空间钢桁架体系,通过呈正三角形分布的三处交通区域,共 15 根钢柱支承于首层混凝土结构上,形成高度开放的二层架空空间以及具有“漂浮感”的三层环形展馆。
The structural design is closely integrated with the architectural design. The generous main exhibition hall on F1 is concealed below grade under the earthscape, where reinforced concrete structure is employed to realize enormous vertical bearing capacity. For the circular exhibition hall on F3 to be elevated to “float in air”, integrated circular steel truss system is adopted, with three groups of columns rising from F2 platform at equal interval to realize the highly open elevated space on F2.
▼二层架空悬挑,cantilevered space on the second floor
▼三层底面细节,closer view to the soffit of the third floor
Courtyards are designed to enrich the spaces. F1 is planned with a circular visitor circulation on the same level to give a full picture of the city’s history, current development and future blueprints. The spatial and walking experiences focus on the exhibition itself and are closely integrated with the built environment. F2 and F3 are connected via spiral stairs. They open up towards the landscape park via the elevated floor. The irregularly cylindrical exhibition hall becomes a highlight in the center of the circular courtyard, extending elegantly and freely. F3 is planned with an open veranda around the inner courtyard, creating an introspective and diverse roaming space that becomes an organic part of the nature.
▼中庭水面,pool in the courtyard
▼中央展厅,central exhibition hall
▼庭院细节,details of the courtyard
Conventional design of exhibition halls tends to enable visitors to “visit all exhibits via one single tour route”, so as to maximize the uses of spaces and exhibits. Yet given the openness of the Project, wind, daylight and rain in the nature could also become part of the visiting experiences. Therefore, the design purposely reduces the idea of “one single tour route”, and instead, adds several optional “trails” for visitors to explore and experience in addition to the clearly-defined routes for visitors.
▼室外楼梯和廊道,outdoor corridor and stairs
The spiraling walls around the center lead to narrow gaps of great visual impacts. The play of light and shadow thus caused becomes important way-finding element that bring visitors unique place experience.
▼中心旋转楼梯,spiral staircase at the center
▼墙体形成强烈光影,walls creating strong light shadow effects
Various connecting spaces are designed to vertically connect the floors, offering daylighting to F1 and diversifying the building details.
▼联系上下层的开口,opening creating connection between the lower and upper floors
▼不同的楼梯,different staircases
The design of landscape park is well integrated with the architecture. It continues the formal language of circle and focuses on the theme of popular science. It features landscape elements such as the world map fountain square, family amusement, history promenade and waterfront footpath, offering diverse experience of places via the undulating topography.
▼景观空间鸟瞰,top view of the landscape space
▼景观细部,closer view to the landscape
▼夜景灯光效果,lighting effects in the night
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
用地面积:5.6777 公顷
建筑面积:18366 平方米
建筑层数:地上 3 层,地下 1 层