

在本案年轻业主的头脑中这个空间是一个时尚场所——高端西装订制工作室和时髦人群聚集的酒吧,因此,从一开始丹迪先生就有两个空间身份,白天的Dandy Studio,以及属于夜晚的Dandy Room。B336 Design Group将这两个身份细化出了更多的空间姿态,使用夸张的尺度、多样的造型元素,以及冲突的材料应用,创造了一个戏剧化的商业空间,犹如一个打扮精致的绅士,穿梭在不同的舞台场景之中,一个与当今北京年轻人白天和夜晚生活状态呼应的空间。
In the minds of young client, the space of this project is regarded as a fashion place — a high-level suit custom studio and a bar for trendies gathering. Therefore,Mr. Dandy has a dual spatial identity at first, one identity is Dandy Studio during the day, the other is Dandy Room at night. B336 Design Group translates this dual identity into various forms of space, and creates a dramatic commercial space through applying exaggerated scales, diverse geometry elements and conflicting materials. Just like a well-dressed gentleman shuttles between multiple stage scenes, the project implies a space, which responses to the current day and night life of younger generation in Beijing.
▼外立面和金属元素 exterior facades and golden elements
原建筑是一幢带有天光的玻璃建筑,设计团队利用现有的建筑条件,将首层空间分为两个部分,由一堵近似家具的矮墙联系。这样的设计考虑是,在满足一天中白天与夜晚交替使用需求的同时,不对两个空间进行完全的区分。一位误入Dandy Studio寻找Dandy Room的顾客在某点评类网站上这样描述:“进门是一个西装店,仿佛看见老帅哥Colin Firth正伫立在角落微笑。听说我们找酒吧,店员立刻带我们穿过一个小门,曲径通幽来到今天的正主Dandy Room,这一波三折的情绪吊足了胃口”。而这正是团队希望达到的效果。
The original architecture is a glass building bringing natural daylighting. With the usage of existing building conditions, the ground floor space are divided into two parts,but they are connected by a low wall that is similar to a furniture. The project gets to this point because there is no completely separation between two parts of space, at the same time, space is able to satisfy the using requirements alternated between day and night in a day. A customer who tried to find Dandy Room entering Dandy Studio by accident described it on a review site: There was a suit shop near the door, I seemed to see that the old handsome guy Colin Firth was standing in the corner smiling at me. While heard we were looking for a bar, the shop assistant took us across a wicket,we reached Dandy Room through a meandering process. All of its winding stimulated our desire. And that is the result which design group is willing to achieve.
axonometric drawing, the space is divided into two parts
Dandy Studio
High-level suit custom studio
Dandy Studio占据了拥有天光的两层挑空区域。每一件“Mr. Dandy”西装上那个纯金的小装饰,在方案中被放大为一个巨大的金筒,我们希望它如同空间的领带、袖扣、胸针或者上装手帕,在白天的时候光华灿烂,到了夜晚则向四周的黑暗投以微弱的金光。这个重要的“空间饰品”不但承担着连接首二两层的交通功能,同时也是引发空间变化的诱因。
Dandy Studio occupies the area which has two-layered void structure and daylighting. The pure golden decoration on each Mr. Dandy’s suit is enlarged as a huge golden cylinder. We hope it can be viewed as the necktie,cuff button, brooch and top handkerchief of space, it shows a gorgeous effect during the day while it shines a dim light to darkness at night. This important ‘decoration of space’ not only connects the ground floor and the second floor, but also triggers spatial variation.
▼白天的丹迪先生,Dandy Studio during the day
▼空间中最主要的元素是一个金色的“筒状物”,扮演着空间变化发生器的角色the most important element is a golden cylinder which plays a role for stimulating spatial variation
The entire studio is rendered in black, white and grey tone. On the one hand, it sets off color and texture of the garment. On the other hand, it interweaves with the highly reflective and golden material leading to virtual and realistic projection,from the front to the side, moving steps follows spatial forms.
▼“空间饰品” – 金色元素 decoration of space golden element
▼楼梯内部, inside of staircase
Dandy Room——
Fashion bar
与明亮的服装店面不同,Dandy Room被设置成神秘的低明度,就像白天里的夜晚。金色元素是暗示两个空间关联的唯一元素,不同于Dandy Studio华丽的效果,Dandy Room中的金色仅仅在幽暗的室内反射着其它光线。
Compared with bright suit store, Dandy Room is designed with mystery and low lightness,just like day in night. Golden color is the only element implying connection between two space. In contrast to the gorgeous effect of Dandy Studio, golden elements of Dandy Room just reflect other lights in the dark interior.
▼夜晚的丹迪先生,Dandy Room at night
▼通过与家具结合的矮墙,两部分空间形成呼应的关系 through the low wall combined with furniture, two spaces communicate with each other
▼金色的吧台,golden counter of the bar
▼隐秘的通道,hidden passage
二层是具有白天和夜晚双重身份的、风格各异的私密房间,通过“桥”与“金筒”相连接。这些房间白天是Dandy Studio的私人试衣间,晚上则变化成为Dandy Room的VIP包厢。因此,团队创造了一个“步入衣橱”的过度区域,以模糊空间在视觉上的功能指向,这个空间的墙面与门合二为一的“衣柜”,引诱由客人们自己去做出选择,去体验衣柜之后那一个个形式各异的未知空间。
The second floor has the dual identity of day and night, where private rooms are in different styles, and these rooms are connected by the bridge and the golden cylinder. Rooms could be Dandy Studio’s private fitting rooms during the day, however, it could be alternated to Dandy Room’s VIP rooms at night. Therefore,Design group creates a transition area of entering cloakroom. Using the special influence of ambiguous space for visual sense,walls and doors in this transition area are integrated as a wardrobe which induces customers to make choices by themselves, then they can experience various unknown spaces behind the wardrobe.
▼二层空间,步入衣橱整体的墙面与门,cloakroom on the second floor, the unity of walls and doors
▼天光的房间,room with natural daylighting through skylights
▼气氛概念拼贴图纸 collage shows the concept of spatial atmosphere
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
建筑师或者建筑公司:B336 Design Group
方案主创团队:B336 Design Group|梁雯、李铁柱、谢俊青、周芸、王勇、杨文浩
摄影师:张雨 Eric Zhang