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2020/08/05 19:51:10
由建筑师二人组Barkow Leibinger带来的最新展览“选择的变革”(Revolutions of Choice)目前已在柏林当代艺术胜地Haus am Waldsee正式开幕。展览将从2020年7月18日持续至10月4日。
Barkow Leibinger是当代领先的建筑师事务所,由美国建筑师Frank Barkow (1957) 和德国建筑师Regine Leibinger (1963)共同创立。自上世纪90年代以来,Barkow Leibinger一直致力于通过材料研究、数字制造技术以及系统化的建筑生产来拓展其学科边界,同时也与各类理念相似的艺术实验项目保持着密切的联系。
▼雕塑公园,the sculpture park
Haus am Waldsee as a place for contemporary art has been presenting international architects who maintain their offices in Berlin in an informal ongoing sequence. In the summer of 2020, Haus am Waldsee will be showcasing the American-German architect duo Frank Barkow (*1957) and Regine Leibinger (*1963), whose work has been developing globally from Berlin since the 1990s.
Barkow Leibinger is one of the forerunners of a generation of architects who are constantly trying to expand the boundaries of their discipline through material research, digital fabrication techniques and the system-based production of buildings. Simultaneously they maintain close relations to other like-minded artistic-experimental practices.
▼主展场外观,exhibition venue
Through this process the boundaries between accessible sculpture, building component, ornament and function dissolve. Through digitalization, working methods and construction become fluid. Architecture lies between in dialogue with technology while mediating between well established and emerging forms of production and making.
展览的核心项目位于雕塑公园内,是Barkow Leibinger在2016年为伦敦蛇形画廊打造的“夏日小屋”。
The centre piece of the exhibition in the sculpture park is the newly interpreted pavilion, which Barkow Leibinger developed in 2016 as a „Summer House“ for the Serpentine Gallery in London.
▼夏日小屋,Summer House
进入主展厅前,参观者将先通过一条由两面混凝土墙构成的通道。墙体本身采用了Barkow Leibinger新开发的次轻型混凝土铸造工艺,展示了事务所在材料创新方面的成果。
In front of the exhibition venue , visitors already come across a passage made of two concrete walls created by a new casting process using infra-lightweight concrete and which are used as an innovative building material by Barkow Leibinger.
▼混凝土通道,concrete wall passage
In the house itself, shelving extend through the entire ground floor, which show a wealth of material studies and models. Text explanations are provided on the wall surfaces around them. Test ideas, experiments, models and prototypes are displayed and shown in a compressed form. One to one installation scale work can be seen in the rooms on the first floor. Visitors can physically experience this work in a very immediate and tactile way.
▼展厅,exhibition hall
Harry Schnitger
Curated by: Ludwig Engel and Katja Blomberg
Exhibition Catalogue: Katja Blomberg (Ed.), Ludwig Engel. Hardcover, 64 pages, Verlag Walther König, 24 euros.
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