The site is located in a quiet residential neighborhood in the heart of Tokyo, where the client run a dentistry clinic as husband and wife practitioners. Their relatives have also built and live on the premises. The concept in this case has been to have the house enclose a large central courtyard so that all of its rooms will face the garden, to create an intermediate area between the indoors and the outside world.
While it is impossible to imagine the interior living space based on the dark gray galvalume-steel outer wall or the closed façade made of half-mirrored glass, moving inside one becomes conscious of the comfortable contrast afforded by the expansive space, suffused with natural light.
▼外立面,建筑深灰色的铝锌合金外墙,exterior facade with dark gray galvalume-steel outer wall
▼灰色为主的入口空间,entrance space with grey tones
▼阳光从落地窗洒入,sunlight sining through the full-height windows
The gentle light shining in through the full-height windows beside the entrance on the first floor creates the air of a chic entrance space based on grey tones. One can relax in the master bedroom or children’s room while enjoying the view of the stewartia trees planted in the central courtyard, while a hotel-inspired bathroom has been installed at the back. Privacy has also been carefully ensured.
▼从卧室可以看到庭院中的紫荆树,view of the stewartia trees planted in the central courtyard from bedroom
Meanwhile, the second floor offers a public area in which the whole family can relax, with a living-dining kitchen as well as free space and a small study.
▼二楼公共区域,public area
▼小型书房,small study room
Looking up at the ceiling, the exposed rafters – the most prominent feature of this house – transition from the interior to the exterior, where they transform into a pergola. The sky is trimmed by a striped pattern evoking the veins of a leaf that crosses the inside and outside of the house along the simple gabled roofline, while the space is imbued with a sense of depth by the play of light and shadow projected into the room.
▼屋顶的裸露的椽结构在室内形成光影,exposed rafters of ceiling play of light and shadow
▼椽结构在室外成为凉棚,rafters transform into a pergola in exterior
住宅设立的凉棚和采用的低辐射玻璃(LOW-E glass)不仅将室外客厅打造成阳光房一样的空间,还使得住宅室内即使在夏天也不需要空调,业主可以自由的在室内外活动。
▼住宅采用低辐射玻璃,the house using low-e glass
The effects of the exterior pergola and LOW-E glass help to realize a luxurious lifestyle of movement back and forth between an indoor living room that does not require air conditioning even in summer and an outdoor living room reminiscent of a sun room.
▼夜晚的住宅,night view
Architecture : Satoshi Kurosaki / APOLLO Architects & Associates
Photography : Masao Nishikawa
Project Outline
Location : Suginami ward, Tokyo
Date of Completion : June 2019
Principal Use : Private housing
Structure : Timber
Site Area: 137.22m2
Total Floor Area : 123.35m2 (65.16m2 / 1F, 60.19m2 / 2F)
Design Period : July 2016 – July 2018
Construction Period : July 2018 – June 2019
Structural Engineer : Masaki Structure Laboratory (Kenta Masaki)
Material Information
Exterior Finish : Galvalume
Floor : Walnut Flooring and Tile Flooring
Wall : Emulsion Paint
Ceiling : Emulsion Paint and Lauan Plywood
Lighting : LED