Odiseo 城市生态系统

2020/03/05 11:10:17
本项目位于西班牙的穆尔西亚自治区(Murcia),拥有着欧洲最大(世界第二大)的悬挑泳池,目前正在紧锣密鼓地施工中。两个泳池分设在空间两端,每个泳池皆长42米,有20米的悬挑。这是建筑事务所Clavel Arquitectos的创始人——建筑师Manuel Clavel Rojo的首次尝试,同时也是全球建筑师在该类型设计中的首次尝试。因此按照惯例,Manuel Clavel Rojo必须冒险,亲自来测试自己的作品。本项目被称为Odiseo,建筑师希望能够将其打造为一个成年人的休闲和放松中心。
▼项目夜景外观,night view of the project
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Europe’s largest overhanging pool (and the second largest in the world) is being built in Murcia, Spain. Architect Manuel Clavel Rojo, the founder of Clavel Arquitectos, was the first to try out the 42-metre pool and 20 meters of cantilever on each side, following the tradition whereby the author must take the risk of testing his own creation. The building will be called Odiseo, a leisure and restoration center for adults.
▼欧洲最大的悬挑泳池,the largest overhanging pool in Europe
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▼泳池长42米,有20米的悬挑,the 42-metre pool with 20 meters of cantilever
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▼泳池局部,底部设有透明洞口,partial view of the pool with a transparent hole at its bottom
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Located in an area neighboring the urban center, the building creates an ecosystem protected from the rough climate of one of the cities with the most hours of sunshine in Europe which is highly targeted towards tourism. For this purpose, an elevated forest has been built to a height of 30 meters, protected by a latticework of pipes that, together with the sheets of water cascading from under the shade, will acclimatize the space by controlling the temperature inflicted by the intense Mediterranean sun. It, therefore, follows the traditional patio designs used to control temperature, harking back to the 10th century, which benefit from natural wind currents, in this case heightened when passing between the tubes on the façade. Its 12,000 m2 layout merges with the garden, including spaces for adult leisure, gastronomy, art and performance.
▼项目外观,长短不一的管道充当着外围护结构,布置在空间四周,exterior view, a latticework of pipes protects the elevated forest
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▼利用立面中管道的间隙来增加空间中自然风的风流,benefiting from natural wind currents, in this case heightened when passing between the tubes on the façade
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Due to its suburban location close to high-speed roads and tramways, the building has been made visible from a huge number of advertising totems in the adjacent shopping centers, so that the building itself becomes a colossal totem pole sheltering air and vegetation. Its construction, financed exclusively with private money, has relied heavily on local workers and talent, with a spirit of economic responsibility to this small town where it is located, much affected by the previous crisis.
▼施工中的项目,the project that is under construction
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Architecture, communication and nature coexist, giving character and habitability to a previously inhospitable and impersonal area of the city, creating an urban oasis for public use and a climate under control, accessible to all citizens.
▼建筑、交流和自然并存,architecture, communication and nature coexist
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Architecture and interior design: Clavel Arquitectos
Pics: David Frutos (BIS images)
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