知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   甜品店   /   BC architects

超级市场 BKRK

2018/10/09 19:28:08
该项目以当代工艺将位于比利时Bokrijk的一座遗产谷仓改造为了一间发酵面包房。项目属于“BKRK Bokrijk Brandmerkt”项目的一部分,多位策展人以各种技艺为主题展开工作。而BKRK面包房则是针对“面包烘焙”这项技艺而提出的建造计划,它展示了田地间的粮食变为面包的整个过程。
Renovation of a heritage barn in the Provincial domain of Bokrijk, Belgium, into a sourdough bakery, within the framework of the BKRK program on contemporary craftsmanship. For the project ‘BKRK Bokrijk Brandmerkt’, multiple curators work around the theme of craftmanship. For the craft ‘BREAD’, star chef Kobe Desramaults and his team open a ‘Superette’ in the Barn of Meeuwen. This is an artisanal bakery which shows the whole process from field to bread – and beyond.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
超级市场 BKRK-3
谷仓的历史 | History of the Barn of Meeuwen
历史悠久的 Meeuwen谷仓位于比利时Meeuwen的Hensem小镇,其所在的Meeuwen农场是Northern Campine地区最大的农场之一。谷仓的面积约190平方米,由橡木桁架和抹灰篱笆墙搭建而成,屋顶以茅草覆盖。1959年,谷仓被拆除并重新装配在Bokrijk地区,作为露天博物馆使用,以效仿1958年比利时世博会的场馆。2017年,谷仓第二次被拆除,最终转变为一座现代化的面包房。谷仓的历史展示了当地建造技术的优越以及材料的耐久性,1846年修建的橡木结构至今仍在使用。
The farm of Meeuwen was originally located in the borough of Hensem in Meeuwen. With 20 ha of land, this was one of the largest farms in the Northern Campine (Belgian Region). It consisted of a farmhouse with cow stable, a barn, a mill house with pig stable, a water pit and a vegetable garden. In 1846 the farm still had 20ha of land. The barn of 190 m2 which is part of the heritage list Flanders, is built up using oak trusses filled in with wattle-and-daub. A finishing lime plaster protected the wattle-and-daub from weathering. The roof was straw thatched. In 1959, the barn was demounted and again assembled in Bokrijk for the open air museum in the framework of the Belgian World Expo of 1958. In 2017 the barn was dismantled for the second time, to be reconversed and become the bakery ‘Superette’.This history shows the durability of vernacular techniques and materials, such as the oak structure from 1846, still in use today.
▼河岸视角,view from the river
超级市场 BKRK-8
超级市场 BKRK-9
▼草坪视角,view from the grass land
超级市场 BKRK-11
▼入口立面,entrance facade
超级市场 BKRK-13
▼建筑细部,detailed view
超级市场 BKRK-15
Here, BC architects & studies revives traditional construction techniques, and combines these with contemporary design. The barn was dismantled: the old thatched roof and wattle-and-daub wall infills were removed. The remaining oak posts and beams were numbered and subsequently dismantled and stocked on site. Foundations were adapted, and the oak structural elements were assembled back into their original position. Local and natural materials were used where possible. A new thatched roof from reeds on top of a poplar planking was installed. Wall infills in between oak posts and beams consist of hempcrete externally rendered with lime plasters. Inside, most finishings were done with earth, such as earthen finishing plasters, a rammed earth counter and a rammed earth floor. All clays, sands and gravels for earth construction techniques were sources from the nearby valley of the river Maas.
▼由白杨木制成的屋顶上方覆盖了一层厚厚的芦苇, a new thatched roof from reeds on top of a poplar planking was installed
超级市场 BKRK-19
超级市场 BKRK-20
▼屋面细部,detailed view
超级市场 BKRK-22
New interior volumes were constructed out of hempcrete for extra insulation, to accommodate a large fridge and a heated office space. The hempcrete volumes and the rammed earth counter define work and public spaces within the barn. Finally, a chimney masonry structure to accommodate bread ovens was added to the external volume of the barn. This chimney was handmade of bricks which were fired from local Maas clay.
▼既有的橡木柱子和横梁则被重新运用到建筑当中,the remaining oak posts and beams were numbered and subsequently dismantled and stocked on site
超级市场 BKRK-26
▼麻凝土体量和夯土操作台共同定义了谷仓内部的工作和公共空间,the hempcrete volumes and the rammed earth counter define work and public spaces within the barn
超级市场 BKRK-28
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
超级市场 BKRK-30
▼操作台,counter surface
超级市场 BKRK-32
▼面包烤箱,bread ovens
超级市场 BKRK-34
▼饰面细部,finishing detail
超级市场 BKRK-36
▼施工现场,construction process
超级市场 BKRK-38
超级市场 BKRK-39
▼整体鸟瞰,aerial view
超级市场 BKRK-41
超级市场 BKRK-43
▼场地平面图,site plan
超级市场 BKRK-45
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
超级市场 BKRK-47
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
超级市场 BKRK-49
▼北立面图,north facade
超级市场 BKRK-51
▼东立面图,east facade
超级市场 BKRK-53
▼剖面图AA,section AA
超级市场 BKRK-55
▼剖面图BB,section BB
超级市场 BKRK-57
Project Description: Superette BKRK
Location: Openair Museum Bokrijk (BE)
Client: provincie Limburg
Architect: BC architects
Cooperation:Superette Gent
Util struktuurstudies (Pieter Ochelen),
Budget: 450.000€
Surface: 190 m2
Concept: 2015
Status: completed
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