
2018/04/20 11:26:58
Based on the bamboo pavilion which is designed during a seven-day construction workshop, Atelier Tree planned out an interesting form of the interaction between human and artifacts during the constructing process and attempted to use digital language to comprehend, restructure and develop the initiative however modest expression of the symbiosis idea of human, objects and nature in our traditional culture in the context of contemporary architecture.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
材料 – 使竹为竹 | Material – make bamboo into bamboo
More than one kilometer away from Peitian historic village, the valley farm became into the site of the new structure and luckily situated outside the control area of symbolic architectural style brought by the conservation of this 800-year-old village. After a comparison with other different local materials such as wood and stone, bamboo was chosen as the most suitable building material of this temporary structure, taking building period, funding, technology difficulty and many other conditions into consideration.
▼外观,exterior view
So how to use bamboo? Owing to its unique construction, bamboo has rather high compressive strength and tensile strength also fair strong flexural rigidity, all of which highlight its excellent value as a structural material.There is not only plenty of bamboo forests near Peitian but also few bamboo crafters in Peitian, whose handicraft is urgent to inherit. As the saying goes, bamboo is “elegant, pure, humble, soberly, straightforward” and east Asia civilization is actually bamboo civilization. In other words, if we only use its physical properties, bamboo would be reduced to an inanimate material which could only revive traditional manual skills and building technology, meanwhile our design ideas would fall into weak feelings under the background of contemporary industrial production.
▼自然中的竹亭,bamboo pavilion in nature
Atelier Tree believes that the foundation of using bamboo for construction is the human spirits, presented when lots of Chinese traditional literati attach amazing anthropomorphic charms to bamboo for thousands of years, the respect of objects and nature and distillation of human self-acknowledge state. Make bamboo into bamboo means present its significant value in eastern culture, which would fundamentally achieve the respect of its physical properties and simultaneously accomplish the appreciation and modern presentation of region humanity.
▼独立个体群化而为聚落,建立起鲜明的空间场所特征,bamboo owns the ability to set up distinct spatial features when individual pieces of bamboo group together and form clusters
方式 – 成林 | Method – form forest
And how to keep the life of bamboo and even the spirit? — Form forest. Besides its physical properties as a building material, bamboo owns the ability to set up distinct spatial features when individual pieces of bamboo group together and form clusters. Reconstruction of bamboo forest means not only making bamboo into bamboo, but also giving life to bamboo pavilion and making it an artificial creation with natural property—embracing everything. It is the uniqueness and naturalness of the formation type of bamboo forest that makes this human activity, usually nature-interfering, into a birth ceremony of another life settlement when it changes the valley’s original landscape. As the structure goes back to the intimacy and harmony with nature, it shapes out a life island growing out of the earth.That, as a matter of fact, is the basic reason of its name, “Bamboo Island Pavilion”, in the beginning of this construction workshop.
▼独特的身体构造使竹子具备了较高的抗拉和抗压强度,以及较强的抗弯刚度,owing to its unique construction, bamboo has rather high compressive strength and tensile strength also fair strong flexural rigidity
建造 – 几何化数字设计致敬传统手工匠人制作 | Construction–greet traditional crafters with geometric digital design
Existing as a simple rectangular plane with the top diagonal line slightly uplifting, bamboo pavilion increases its own structural complexity and stability while responding to site features of the natural valley. Evolving into a 3D surface from a 2D plane, the modular roof is joint with Sunmao, which is formed by slanting braces and dense columns, and composes an over-all structure bearing complex stresses after a combination of grouped units. A total of 24 units within an area of ​​4.5m*6.75m, which means 336 components of different sizes, were produced with non-standard natural materials and manually assembled, all by 24 volunteers recruited and screened across the country. The team of volunteers, consisting of several architects and mainly non-related professionals, has little experience in manual construction. However, digital design guarantees the rapid adjustment and output of component data and the unitized combining method builds an organizational framework for the collaboration of volunteer groups.
▼模块化屋面单元通过斜撑与密柱以榫卯的形式连接,the modular roof is joint with Sunmao, which is formed by slanting braces and dense column
In addition, money raised through crowd funding were used for the collection and preparation of bamboo pavilion’s raw materials, the accommodation of volunteers and the rewards of the bamboo crafters who guide the production of main material. Promoted by crowd funding and successfully accomplished in 7 days during the National Day in 2015, the construction workshop initially attempted to link up public-interest projects in architectural field and the community via internet. Workshop directly built the physical experience in the interaction with objects, historic village and the natural site during the volunteers’ seven-day participation, and at the same time, workshop stimulated the passion and continuous thinking of more public-interest activists, who concentrate on the construction of rural area and the inheritance of traditional crafts.
▼细柱与宛若蝉翼的屋面为竹亭赋予轻盈谦逊的特质, the slim columns and the roof, as thin as cicada’s wings, make itself so gentle and humble
呈现 – 自然中的竹亭与竹亭中的自然 | Presentation—Fuse nature with bamboo pavilion
The appearance of pavilion redefines the spatial feature of valley farm. As bamboo pavilion’s dispersed formation tightly connecting its body with the earth, the slim columns and the roof, as thin as cicada’s wings, make itself so gentle and humble that sunshine, air, cloud and mist enter in its physical bones, muscles and blood smoothly. Protected from sunlight and rains, space under the pavilion can be a resting shelter for farmers, a cozy place for gaming, singing, dancing and making speeches and a fertile ground for weeds and flowers naturally growing, while the view of distant mountains stretches outside the pavilion and the voice of bird fluttering resounds inside the valley.
▼亭下有泥土中自然生长的野草闲花,a fertile ground for weeds and flowers naturally growing
The pavilion with 24 pillars constructs both the bamboo pavilion in the nature and the nature inside the bamboo pavilion, and even reshapes us, who are looking forward to a harmony between humankind and nature. This small structure, full of handmaking feelings, carries many people’s wish to revitalize rural area, represents the fragments of Atelier Tree’s urban life and our sweet dreams about pastoral life, and exists as an angel’s wing left in the valley– a designing and constructing result which both looks back on the tradition and looks into the future.
▼整体场地鸟瞰,site overview
▼概念分析图-物与自然的融合过程,concept diagram – integration of structure and nature
▼构筑物元素解构图,element deconstruction diagram
▼节点示意图,joint diagram
▼模块单元元素拆解图,module unit of the structure
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼长轴立面图,long axis elevation
▼柱高标注,column height dimension
建筑师:常凯生、 徐彦辰 王朋
Project name:Pavilion with 24 pillars
Design Studio: Atelier Tree
Chief Architect: Casen Chiong
Architects: Casen Chiong , Yanchen Xu, Ming Wang
Structure consultant: Zhigang Ma, Xiaolei Zhao
Author: Casen Chiong
Article translator: Shi Lu
Client: Peitian Hakka Community College
Location: Peitian ancient village in Liancheng County, Longyan City, FujianProvince, China
Design date: June-July of 2015
Date of build: October 2st to 8th.of 2015
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