

The project is located in Fengqi Road, Gulou District, Nanjing. It is a street frontage retail in high-rise building podiums., and a single room with two floors in total. The adjacent retails are also auxiliary shops serving residential areas.
▼入口立面,entrance facade
This residential area was built a decade ago during the rapid development of real estate industry. Extensive design bring lots of problems, such as the advertising board and air-conditioners are not properly positioned; deep plan cannot meet the basic requirements for ventilation and lighting; without unified and effective management on the street facades due to different stakeholders, has led to a disorder facade combination and poor quality. According to the owner’s requirements, this shop needs to be transformed into a small gallery where art exhibitions could be held frequently. The biggest design challenge comes from how to create a qualified art exhibition space in such a daily living, messy street interface.
▼画廊位于一个生活化的、凌乱的沿街界面,the gallery space is imbedded in a daily living, messy street interface
The design plan aims to solve the basic ventilation and lighting problem, to open up the shop towards the street, to provide flexible and appropriate exhibition space for the artworks, and to encourage the art audience having interactions with each other. The façade opening may show a full-length shop window. The passers-by can see the interior of the first-floor and second-floor galleries; white Trespa is used as the facade material. white concise mass and surrounding dark clutter background forms a map-bottom relationship.
▼一层的开放空间鼓励观赏者们在这里交流互动,the open plan encourages the art audience to communicate with each other
Entrance porch has been added in the first floor as a buffer zone between the urban environment and the exhibition space; the wall of the internal exhibition hall covers all the redundancies of the wall, using only black and white to highlight the exhibition content.
▼首层内部展厅,internal exhibition hall on the ground floor
▼色彩只使用黑白两种颜色以突出展示内容,only black and white were used in the walls of the exhibition hall to highlight the art works
▼通往二层的楼梯,staircase leading to the first floor
In order to improve the ventilation of the second floor and deep plan, the height of the office space in the north entrance hall and the south side has been added to make sure the better air circulation in the north-south direction between the first and second floor. At the same time, the higher space hints exhibition activities at the second floor.
▼一二层展厅的挑高空间,a double-height space between exhibition floors
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼平面图,floor plans
▼剖面透视,sectional perspective
项目地点: 南京市鼓楼区凤栖路
室内面积: 286平方米
设计团队: 反几建筑
设计主创: 万军杰
项目团队: 万军杰、金鑫、高璐、张宁、王丽婕、钱勇、张旭
设计周期: 2017年4月-6月
施工周期: 2017年6月-10月
后期摄影: 金啸文、谢浩、潘思敏
Location: Fengqi Road,Gulou District, Nanjing, China
Net Area: 286 sqm
Design Firm: FANAF
Project Director: WanJunjie
Project Team: WanJunjie , Jin Xin, Qian Yong, Zhang Xu
Design Period: April – June2017
Construction Period: June – October 2017
Photography : Jin Xiaowen,Xie Hao, Pan Simin