知末案例   /   教育空间   /   幼儿园   /   现代幼儿园


2017/06/16 19:41:41
乡建是当下中国建筑学的热点话题,乡村学校的建设更是其重要的部分。东意建筑(Atelier Y)自2009年起开始参与欠发达地区乡村幼儿园建设,以建筑师的身份努力探索从建筑学的本质出发解决乡村现实问题的设计策略。
Rural construction has been becoming a hotspot in China, and rural schools is an important part of among. Since 2009, Atelier Y has been participating in the construction of rural kindergartens in under-developed regions, and in its capacity as architect, has been exploring design strategies that help solve practical rural problems, with the essence of architecture as its inspiration.
▼项目外观,appearance of the kindergarden
▼群山之中的乐园,a paradise located in the rural mountainscape
Project Background
As part of the reconstruction effort after the Lushan earthquake, Jixian kindergarten, a project of the kindergarten donation program in Ya’an from One Foundation, is located in Tangjia Township, Hanyuan County where in the distance are range upon range of mountains and hills, as well as on the horizon is the opening of valley.
▼项目是灾后重建的一部分,the project is part of the reconstruction effort
Shortage of early childhood education resources in rural places, including a lack of construction of public kindergartens, poor management of private kindergarten and outdated concepts of pre-school education, is a cruel reality. Hence, it is an urgent demand of kindergartens’ construction in keeping with modern early childhood education concepts.
▼项目鸟瞰,bird’s eye view
Concentration and Openness
相对于 12 班幼儿园用地 4300m² 的建设标准,项目用地只有 2490m²,非常紧张。设计首先回应场地面积不足的问题。集约式布局为地面更多的幼儿活动空间提供了可能。12 个活动室单元分三层叠放于场地靠学校的一侧,用加宽的走廊联系起来。休息室、音体活动室以一至二层的小盒子的形式,分散插入主体体量,小盒子的顶部成为多个室外场地。首层局部架空成为入口。风沿着河谷吹来,经由建筑体量形成的缝隙轻拂而过。
It is a tight ‘budget’ that the land area of the project is only 2940㎡, comparing with the construction standard which specifies at least 4300㎡ for 12-class kindergarten. Hence the 12 activity rooms are stacked in three layers on the side of the site adjoining the school and joined by a wide corridor. The nap and music/sports rooms are separately inserted in the main structure in the form of small one- or two-storey boxes, with the rooftops of the boxes turned into multiple outdoor spaces. Meanwhile, part of the ground floor structure is left open as entrance, and the gaps between the building structures allows breeze coming from the river valley to brush through.
▼幼儿园主体是集约的大体量建筑,the main building is a compact volume
Cluster, Street, and Interaction
For the purpose to shorten the distance for children to reach the ground-level playground, more open, intimate spaces are provided on various floors, just like a vertically stacked cluster, children are able to play and interact in the interspaces between the building structures. Utilizing the rooftops at different elevations, the design creates multiple spaces for class activities on the second and third floor, giving rise to both a sense of territory and openness.
▼加宽的走廊联通了建筑中的流线,the flow is joined by a wide corridor
In order to create more possibilities for activity, the corridor is designed to be wide and irregular as a ‘street’, which resemble the roads connected with the neighboring village. All functional rooms of the kindergarten face the ‘street’, and their doors and windows have different ‘expressions’. The deep-set window boxes are shaped into ‘niches’ of different heights. Playing and interacting with one another daily in this miniature street, which, as time passes, imperceptibly becomes part of children’s growing experience.
▼空间中的壁龛创造了更多的娱乐性,the niche in the space create more vibrancy
Site and Premises
There is four meters height difference in the site, high in the south and low in the north. The outdoor ground retains the original terrain. The northernmost music/sports room and the rising steps give form to the small outdoor theater, connecting by the playground platforms gradually rising toward the south with the play equipment area and the botanical garden, respectively. The highest point in the south eventually joins with the ‘street’ on the second floor, forming a spatial loop.
▼功能性的各种小体量空间被接入主教学楼,the functional rooms are inserted in the main structure in the form of small boxes
Perimeter and Integration
According to relevant safety regulations, the enclosure was alternated from void fence into solid perimeter wall, which enhances the sense of domain for the kindergarten, with children frolicking inside and farmers working the farmland outside. However, the inside-outside communication is temporarily blocked on the ground floor, making the ground-floor playground a pure internal space, while the terraces and corridors on the second and third floors reconnect the view to the outside.
▼边界的处理整合了室内外功能,the interpretation of the border connects the indoor and outdoor space
设计单位:东意建筑Atelier Y
建设地点: 四川省雅安市汉源县唐家镇
建成时间: 2017年3月
用地面积: 2490 平方米
建筑面积: 2895 平方米
幼儿园规模: 12 班
主持建筑师: 肖毅强,肖毅志,邹艳婷
合作单位: 北京通程泛华建筑工程顾问有限公司四川分公司
施工单位: 四川光照建设工程有限公司
监理单位: 四川省移民工程监理有限公司
Project name: Jixian Kindergarten
Architect Firm: Atelier Y
Project location: Tangjia Township, Hanyuan County, Ya’an City, Sichuan Province
Completion Year: March 2017
Land Area: 2490 m2
Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 2,895 m2
Kindergarten Size: 12 classes
Project Donor: One Foundation
Client: Haitian Central School, Hanyuan Country, Ya’an City
Architects in Charge: XIAO Yiqiang, XIAO Yizhi, ZOU Yanting,
Design Team: ZOU Yanting, XIAO Yizhi, LIN Hankun, HUANG Yongjia, YIN Shi, QIU Tian, YANG Yuanjing
Partner Organization: Beijing Tong Cheng Fan Hua Construction Engineering Consultancy Co., Ltd.
Project Construction: Sichuan Guangzhao Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Project Supervisor: Sichuan Resettlement Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd
Photographs: SouthArch.Liky
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