

垂直校园 | A vertical campus
The EDF learning center is located at the Saclay plateau in southern Paris. It is intended to welcome some of the 160,000 employees of the electricity generating utility for a stay of one to five days as part of their continuing in house on the job learning. This retreat on the Saclay plateau, sometimes far from an employee’s usual place of work, is an opportunity for staff to learn and train, but also to meet, exchange and re-energize themselves in order to consolidate a common culture. On top of the spaces reserved for learning courses there are reception areas, social life gathering spaces, relaxing lounges and even bedrooms: a variety of programs that together contribute to the exceptional chronotopy of an atypical 24 hours per day operation. The idea of an American style campus is reinterpreted here vertically in this unitary building that is bringing people together in multi-functional spaces which is highly ambitious in terms of getting people to mix with others with dense, proven corollary.
▼ 高原上的建筑群,An building located at the plateau
从大熔炉到社会等级制度 | From melting pot to social hierarchy
The EDF campus has just been set up on the Saclay plateau in Palaiseau, in the same neighborhood as the prestigious École polytechnique.
The prize winning ECDM proposition is marked out from others by the way it is programme is distributed vertically rather than by its plan horizontally. The program interweaves in superimposed layers to develop in a compact volume that absorbs the density of the programming without extending over the surrounding landscape. The space is graded from the bottom to the top to go from the public to the intimate in a parallelepiped volume dug out of a central patio. Only the exhibition hall which stands at the entrance of the forecourt and the training hall at the rear are separate from this.
▼ 建筑正立面,principal facade
▼ 剖面图,从下至上递增的私密性,Section, The space is graded from the bottom to the top to go from the public to the intimate
The facades of the building reveal the program which is divided into three layers distinguished by their covering (concrete + stainless steel, glass, concrete) but also by the rhythm of their piercing which forms a motif of identity, the real thread of the project. The formation stages of the elongated windows are extremely fine frame and are combined with brown Ductal® concrete. The same high- performance fiber of reinforced concrete surrounds the some 270 rooms that span the top two levels. Following a rigorous thread of 1.35 meters, the facades incline according to the typology of the program. In this way another of the strong ideas in the project, its pattern, is revealed.
▼ 建筑前院,The main parvis
▼ 不同材料打造的立面反映内部功能的同时,形成富有韵味的分层图案,The facades of the building reveal the program but also by the rhythm of their piercing
Between these two layers of concrete, a pleated glass panel marks a transition from public to private to the intermediate level which houses the restaurant and relaxation areas. At the foot of the building, two other materials, stainless steel and glass, are grafted to these three strata to envelop the technical hall at the back, the showroom at the front and the entrance to the building.These two excrescences invite visitors to enter the public spaces of the central volume, while reflecting their environment in a kaleidoscope of shapes, landscapes and bodies, whose kinetic iridescence is a nod and wink to the neighbor EDF’s research and development center whose circular walls are glazed.
公共空间 Public Spaces
▼ 一层入口大厅中的定制灯具,The light fixtures installed in the entrance hall
▼ 入口大厅正对着建筑中庭,The entrance hall that faces the patio
▼ 休息大厅,The lounge bar
教学空间 Learning rooms
▼ 一层会议室,A conference room of the ground floor
技术大厅 Technical hall
▼ 课室中间的技术大厅,The technical learning hall between the rooms
设备室 Utility rooms
▼ 看向远方的景观以及进出EDF实验室研究与发展中心,View on the landscape and the research and development center of the EDF Lab
学员工作室 Trainees studios
▼通往工作室的走廊,The corridor leading to the rooms / 房间视野,In the rooms, the windows frame views of the landscape
建筑主体量中的公共空间 public spaces of the central volume
▼ 玻璃立面呈现出万花筒般丰富的形态,The facades reflect their environment in a kaleidoscope of shapes
景观中的景观 | Landscape within a landscape
EDF校园位于萨克莱高原巴黎综合理工学院地区边缘,视线所及之处尽是美好的自然风光。为了在不过分控制的情况下对丰富的自然资源进行管理,ECDM通过框景、全景和遮盖等手段设计了多种多样的景观序列,使景色不间断地以不同形式展现在人们面前。项目的景观由Pascal Cribier设计,学习中心和EDF实验室的分享花园是其最近的设计成果之一。
Nature, sky, light spread out as far as the eye can see. Welcome to Saclay plateau and the EDF campus, which enjoys a privileged position on the edge of the École polytechnique district. So which is the best way to manage all this abundance while at the same time avoiding a sense of overkill. The ecdm project puts this landscape on a kind of stage, organizes its appearance and its disappearance by framed views, panoramas, masks — with so many sequences it becomes a kind of show in perpetual transition. This work on the landscape was carried out with Pascal Cribier whose shared garden with the learning center and the EDF Lab is one of his latest achievements.
▼ Pascal Cribber设计的花园面对着无边的绿色大地,The garden of Pascal Cribier opens onto the large landscape
▼ 位于建筑中央的中庭,In the heart of the building, the patio
▼ 建筑立面大量使用了Ductal®混凝土材料,Ductal® is used on the facade for learning levels and rooms
定制建筑 | Made to measure building
EDF校园属于EDF先锋派传统下长期工业化楼房建造的一部分,设计师与水泥巨头Lafarge Holcim共同对建筑的施工过程,尤其是先进的Ductal®混凝土材料的使用进行了研究,最终建成了这栋与众不同的建筑。
The EDF campus is part of a long line of industrial buildings in the avant-garde tradition of EDF. It is the result of research conducted with the industrialist Lafarge Holcim on prefabrication processes and in particular the projection of its flagship material, Ductal®.
It invokes other industrial processes implemented by ecdm in previous works, such as cushioned concrete or even furniture and carpentry products developed made to measure and then entered in the catalog of suppliers.
▼ 建筑平面,Plan
▼ 建筑立面,Elevation
▼ 剖面,Section
▼ 建筑细部,Detail design
Location: 13 boulevard Gaspard-Monge Plateau de Saclay 91120 Palaiseau – France
Construction budget: 70 million euros HT
Completed: December 2015
Architect: ecdm
Client: Edf, Sofilo
Team: Jean Pierre Miécaze / VP&Green / Calq / APTEC MO (Pascal Cribier, Jean-Marie David) / Mazet et associés / THOR ingénierie / Setec / AVA / Ciguë / Ductal® LafargeHolcim Betsinor / C&E ingéniérie
Photographies: Schnepp • Renou and Jérémy Bernier – ecdm