

二战之前的什切青市归属于德国,如今博物馆所在之地耸立着一座城市街区住宅。建筑在战争中被炸毁,战后城市的归属权移交于波兰,而这片战争废墟渐渐变成了开阔的城市广场。在1970年12月,罢工工人在此与军警发生暴力冲突,并最终导致16名人员伤亡。这些事件赋予了这片土地不一样的政治意义,逐渐变成了人们为自由而战的象征。广场上高耸的纪念碑不断地提醒着民众其意义所在,也使其成为打造什切青市近代历史博物馆的最佳场所。由Estudio Barozzi Veiga所设计的什切青交响乐厅伫立在对侧的街角处,俨然成为了城市的新地标,因而KWK PROMES的建筑师决定退而求其次,以第二方案避免了相邻建筑的针锋相对。
Before the WWII, Szczecin was a german city and location of our museum used to be a urban quarter. During the war, due to air raids, a quarter was destroyed. After war, Szczecin became a polish city, meanwhile an empty square accidentally appeared in place of a former quarter. In December ’70, there were bloody clashes against the militia with tragic results of 16 fatalities. Since those events, a square has became a symbol of the fight for freedom, which is commemorated by a monument over there. Thus, an idea of a museum of the latest history of Szczecin in that place came up. Philharmonic Hall, designed by Estudio Barozzi Veiga was meant to be built on the opposite side of the street. Even then, we concluded, that this new building would become the new icon of the city, so we decided to step aside to the second plan with our museum design.
▼ 城市博物馆的起伏广场,A museum in the city center
▼ 教堂、博物馆与交响乐厅,The church, museum and the Philharmonic Hall
A building is bringing together two contradictory traditions – prewar urban quarter and postwar square. That is how an urban hybrid was created – it encloses the space as a quarter, keeping the values of an open public space.
▼ 设计概念,Concept
We needed some foreground in front of the philharmonic hall and the church, so that we stayed there on the level of existing square. Former quarter is marked on the opposite corners by smooth uplifts of the square. One of them contains a museum and another one works as a hill, protecting square from the busy street.
▼广场的两个对角空间微微上扬,The opposite corners uplift smoothly
As a result, an amphitheatric space of the square was created. To receive a monolithic character of the whole design, we attributed one material – concrete – to it, so on the material division of the square floor go in elevation.
▼ 藏于其下的博物馆空间,One of the uplift contains a museum
▼ 单一的材料选择使得这片城市空间更为统一与完整,The concrete brings a monolithic character of the whole design
Competition site didn’t included whole square, however, we decided to break it to give to the city an added value – a space, which gives brand new opportunities. Outline of the museum came from the competition site. Groundfloor is mainly the entrance zone, underground level became its exhibition space.
▼ 博物馆广场入口,The museum entrance at the square
▼ 通过混凝土板的旋转开启与关闭大门,The gate can be opened by rotation of the concrete slats
▼ 街道侧建筑入口,Entrance along the street
Stairway to the exhibition space is the border between two worlds, due to blackness of the whole underground level. This idea came up during the realization, when it turned out, that we would not design the exhibition space. We were afraid of some overwhelming scenography, which pretends to be the past, so that we wanted to cut off from it by this move.
▼ 通向地下展览空间的楼梯仿佛是两个世界的边界,一侧明亮,一侧黯然,Stairway to the exhibition space is the border between two worlds
However the authors of interior design asked us for consultation and, by then, a collaboration began. As a result, we reject scenography and replace it by art. At the same time historical museum became the museum of art.
▼ 展厅空间,The exhibition hall
Despite of the ban, we pushed trough a smooth flooring, best for riding and doing sports, therefore, while museum is closed, life is still goes on on a square. Topography of the square encourages to skateboarding, skating or sledding. A square has preserved its symbolic character, this is still a place for annual ceremonies. City authorities began to use sloping surface of the square for openair concerts and summer cinema. Szczecin inhabitants understood, this is their square and now they are gathering there to celebrate as well to manifest and express their opinions.
▼ 广场成为了什切青人民生活中不可或缺的一部分,The square become a part Szczecin inhabitants’ lives
▼ 总平面图,Master Plan
▼ 一层平面,First Floor
▼ 地下层平面,Underground Floor
▼ 剖面,Section