

This cinema is located in Nanjing, next to a lot of historical buildings. In addition to the old buildings, there are also chic and modern architectures in the neighborhood, perfectly illustrating the East meets West vibe. Inspired by its surroundings, the designers combined traditional and modern elements when designing the cinema. The main color theme of the cinema, red, is a color traditionally used in old Chinese buildings and decorations, immediately reminding visitors of the Chinese culture in this district. The designers have also added contemporary design elements to the cinema, which are very unconventional.
▼弯曲的红色金属管道象征声波从天花垂下,curved red metal tubes hung from the ceiling representing sound waves
▼仰视红色声波,view of the red waves from below
▼连续不断的金属管道贯彻整个空间,并为游客提供座位,the space is filled by continuous metal tubes, which could function as benches
▼红色声波逐渐变细,一直延伸到影厅内,the red wave continues into the auditorium gradually being thinner
▼影厅墙面由吸音板堆砌出声波图案,sound wave patterns are formed by acoustic panel on the walls of the auditorium
▼夕阳下红色的影院与被染红的灰色混凝土瓦面带来强烈视觉冲击,red waves and grey paving colored by sunset creating strong visual impact
For the theme of this cinema, the designers pinpointed the importance of sound in producing a movie. Sound plays a crucial role in movies, from the characters’ dialogues, sound effects, onset recordings to music scores; all these are important elements constituting a movie. The concept of sound is portrayed in the form of sound waves. Every sound has its own unique sound wave, which is rarely repetitive. Throughout the whole perimeter, three-dimensional red metal tubes are arranged to go up and down, representing a variety of sounds found in movies.
Sonic is in itself a very abstract form, both bent and jagged. The designers used these red metal tubes to demonstrate the curved shapes of sound waves, filling the entire cinema space. These tubes enrich the interior of the cinema, visitors would feel as if they could see the “sound” with their eyes. Other than serving as an installation art, the tubes themselves are also functional. The wavy metal tubes curve and stretch themselves along the wall, they extends towards the ceiling the floor. In some parts of the “sound wave”, the tubes turn into a horizontal straight line, representing the stillness of sound, and at the same time provide seats for visitors to take a break and enjoy the breathtaking installation around them. These red tubes are made of metal, with red paints sprayed on its surface. The walls and ceilings have raw grey concrete surface, which builds a strong contrast between the color and texture with the red metal tubes.
The black bar counter has adopted the same curvy characteristic of sound waves. The front area of the counter is made of black and white marble, it is surrounded by a black tube, which resembles the red sound wave decorations in the cinema. In the auditoriums, sound absorbing acoustic panels are piled up to create three-dimensional sound wave patterns on the wall. Made up of different shades of red and grey, these panels again resonate with the red tube waveform design in the lobby.
The glass door of the cinema is red in color. When dusk falls, natural sunlight will pass through the door and shine in the lobby, coloring the whole space in red. The glass door and natural sunlight together create various atmospheres during different times of the day.