

studio razavi architecture与非营利建筑与艺术推广组织YouFeel.org合作,参加了15届威尼斯双年展的副展Time Space Existence。展厅以非洲传统部落聚集调节矛盾,讨论、决定重大事宜之地Palaver Tree为名,意喻着在建筑从设计到使用与人类产生的各式各样的交流与互动中,情感最终成为其灵魂,而建筑则成为了设计师与使用者跨时空交流的舞台。他们的展厅结构复制了事务所在伦敦设计的一件住宅的建筑结构。中规中矩的方形展厅被数块相交的欧松板划分成大小不等的若干个三角形空间,不同曲度的抛物线型或成拱门,或成展板,或内凹盛放模型,参观者在其中穿行漫步,阅读着事务所在伦敦的住宅和纽约的混凝土连排住宅两个设计。而色彩各异的霓虹灯标示着不同的图纸类别,也为空间带来了一份奇异的色彩。
在现今这瞬息万变的世界中,人们与其祖先,文化背景的关系经历着快节奏世界的冲击,似乎越来越淡泊,迁移成为了常态,我们必须不断的在复杂的世界中去寻找新的平衡,从自己的心灵中找到庇护之所和生命的意义。而studio razavi architecture的设计旨在创造人类与建筑的新关系,让建筑退居二线,成为装载人类情感,重建社会联系的容器。
studio razavi architecture has been invited by the Global Art Affairs Foundation to exhibit at Time Space Existence, a collateral event of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.
Peter Eisenman, Denise Scott Brown, Curtis Fentress, WOHA are amongst some of this year’s guests at Time Space Existence.
studio razavi architecture built a life size mock-up for a building structure currently under design for a London house. The installation introduces not only a layout for the exhibition but also a spatial experience for visitors as parabolic arches of varying height, create a series of vistas and paths to the works shown: a concrete townhouse in New York and a single family building in London.
The exhibition is titled The Palaver Tree as a reference to the ancestral African tradition of mediation, dialogue and decision making. An all-encompassing interaction process applied to architectural design and through which underlying emotions take center stage and help introduce a phenomenological bridge between « experts » and « non-experts ».
Work has been produced in collaboration with YouFeel.org, a not for profit organization which focuses on promoting new patterns of collaborative design in architecture and in the arts.
Migration, physical or cultural, has come to define us all. In a global context of ever transforming processes, environments and economies, added layers of complexity force us to constantly adapt and seek new equilibrium.
Our primeval generational connections are diluted, at times lost as fewer and fewer people live where they were born. Grounding becomes central. Our cultural and ancestral markers face the evolution of a fast paced world, creating the need to seek refuge and find meaning within ourselves.
So that “battles are won” our claim is that people’s quality of life cannot affect the quality of the built environment, rather than the opposite. Frontal confrontation will not win this battle, bypassing challenges will. Perspectives are to be found, territories defined by shifting attention to our inner selves.
Let us offer a different relationship to architecture. Let us transition from the notion of inhabitant to in-habited where the end user is considered knowledgeable enough and the architect becomes a facilitator. Contributing to re-building a social link that relies on affect rather than effect.
Let us implement the ancestral rite of the Palaver Tree to bring about a cultural referent that captures our modern customs and our buried senses. An interface to architecture which fosters new conditions to build habitat by calling on our emotions.
The Palaver Tree is the creative methodology which leads to a new focal point, a place where stories and identities are transmitted, a place of exchange and wellness. A place of conversations that leads to criteria beyond esthetics, beyond building and energy codes. A collection of stories to be told, of feelings and senses to be shared and desires brought to the surface; materialized as built space. The Palaver Tree as catalyst for an architecture from within.
The two projects shown at the 2016 Biennale are the outcome of this research, Reported from the Frontline.
architect: studio razavi architecture
collaboration: youfeel.org
year: 2016
program: exhibition
floor area: 50m²
location: venice (italy)
photography: patricia parinejad
sponsor: / Battaglia S.R.L
Main manufacturers / Suppliers:
OSB structure / Hanging: Palazzo Bembo
Model: Battaglia S.R.L
Rendering images: Reframe
Vinyl transfer: Micoud
Neon lights: Condor pubblicità
White frames: Ikea