
2016/06/28 19:42:19
位于圣安东尼学院的中东研究中心成立于1957年,一直以来都是牛津大学的研究教学机构,其研究和教学的方向围绕19世纪至今的伊朗,以色列和土耳其等阿拉伯世界。从1978年开始,该中心一直都在Woodstock街68号办公。(位于St.Philip和St James教堂的教区,该教堂建于1887年)
Founded in 1957, the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College serves as the University of Oxford’s facility for research and teaching on the Arab world, Iran, Israel and Turkey from the 19th century to the present day, with its focus on the research of humanities and social sciences. The centre has been housed at 68 Woodstock Road (the former rectory of the Church of St Philip and St James, built in 1887) since 1978.
▼研究中心外部,exterior space of The Investcorp Building
The Investcorp Building为阿拉伯研究中心提供了额外1127平方米的面积和一个可以容纳117人的报告厅,增加出来的空间使得阿拉伯研究中心可以终于扩大自己文件和照片收藏,同时,原先不得不存放在Woodstock街66号地下室的珍贵资料得以被保存在一个良好的环境中。
The Middle East Centre holds Oxford University’s primary collection on the modern Middle East, a world-class archive of private papers and historic photographs used by scholars and researchers with an interest in the region. The centre’s research core is the specialised library, document and photographic archive covering material from the 1800’s onwards. The archive was set up in 1961 and has grown to over 400 collections of private papers and holds more than 100,000 historic photographs.
The new Investcorp Building for the Middle East Centre provides 1,127 square metres of additional floor space and a new 117-seat lecture theatre; doubling the space available for the Middle East Centre’s expanding library & archive, and providing optimum conditions to conserve and manage the centre’s collections that were previously stored in the basement of 66 Woodstock Road.
▼阅览室,reading room
▼会议室和办公室,meeting room and office
As an integral part of the college’s on- going expansion plans, the Investcorp Building incorporates essential new facilities to meet the Middle East Centre’s increasing demand for research and academic activities. The need to expand the teaching space at the centre has become increasingly acute with student numbers growing dramatically in recent years, including many additional masters’ students and doctoral candidates.
The new lecture theatre will allow the Middle East Centre to expand its popular programme of seminars, lectures and debates – much of which is open to both the University and the general public.
▼报告厅,lecture room
The Investcorp Building补充了学院正在进行中的发展计划。它蜿蜒穿过圣安东尼学院内限制建设的节点,把历史保护建筑和古树名木连接整合起来。立面不锈钢的镜面材质柔和地反射自然光线,回应着周围的建筑肌理。
The Investcorp Building complements the college’s ongoing development. Its design weaves through the restricted site at St Antony’s College to connect and incorporate the existing protected buildings and trees; while its stainless steel façade softly reflects natural light to echo the building’s context.
▼建筑表皮反射自然景观,reflection of landscape
The building integrates new academic and research facilities within a design defined by the existing built and natural environment of the college. The project maintains the detached character of the college’s current buildings, allowing them to be read as separate elements, while introducing a contemporary building that conveys the past, present and future evolution of the college, university and city.
▼内外空间的交流,Semi-outdoor space
▼新建筑与旧建筑的关系,relationship between old building and new building
从西边看,建筑有着和Woodstock Road街66号和68号不同的尺度。阅读室西立面的曲线形态完美适应了百年红山以及它错综复杂的根系网络;一个隐藏在地基盖板之下的的排水系统保证了红杉树可以吸收到充足的水分。从东边看,档案阅览室和图书管理员的办公室的部分与1970年的粗野主义建筑Hilda Besse Building一般高,但是还是比临近的Woodstock Road街66号建筑屋脊线低。
To the west, the project’s scale defers to the existing buildings of 66 & 68 Woodstock Road. The curved form of library reading room’s western façade accommodates the century-old Sequoia tree and its extensive root network; while a drainage system has been installed below the foundation slabs to ensure the tree receives enough moisture. To the east, the archive reading room and librarians’ offices rise towards the height of the 1970 brutalist Hilda Besse Building it faces, yet the new Investcorp Building remains below the roofline of the adjacent 66 Woodstock Road.
▼从西边看建筑,预留树木空间,view from west,leaving space for tree
▼夜景,evening view
The Investcorp Building的结构设计是由AKTII负责的。建筑除了屋顶以外的主要结构是钢筋现浇强化混凝土,屋顶部分的主要结构是胶合木结构。位于地下室的报告厅被设计成一个无柱空间,最大跨度为10米的预制混凝土楼板由两侧的挡土墙支撑。这个建筑的大部分楼层同样也是无柱空间,楼层基本由建筑一头一尾线性的垂直柱子支撑。AKTII使用了BIM技术来实现来The Investcorp Building的结构设计。
117座的报告厅位于地下,通过“热迷宫”(thermal labyrinth)通风。还有一个相似的系统位于图书馆档案室下面,借此实现室内环境的集中控制和减轻处理设备废气的必要性。此外这个建筑还有一个地缘热泵可以集中控制室内的温度和湿度,为保护阿拉伯研究中心珍贵的收藏提供最安全的环境。
AKTII was responsible for the structural design of the Investcorp Building. The building structure is made from in-situ reinforced concrete, with the exception of the roof, which has glulam timber as its main structural material. The lecture hall located on the lower level is designed as a column-free space. Pre-cast concrete planks have been incorporated in this area, spanning approximately 10m between retaining walls. The majority of the floor below the roof is a column-free space, with essentially two lines of vertical support at the front and back of the building. In order to overcome this challenge AKTII implemented BIM technology。
The 117-seat lecture theatre is located below ground and is ventilated through a thermal labyrinth. A similar labyrinth exists beneath the library archive room to achieve the essential environmental controls and mitigate the need for mechanical air- handling. A ground source heat pump provides active ground coupling controlled for both temperature and humidity, creating a secure environment to conserve the centre’s renowned collection.
▼南立面细部,south elevation
▼天窗细部平面,skylight detailed plan
▼天窗细部剖面,skylight detailed section
阿拉伯研究中心为全世界与阿拉伯地区的相互沟通和理解作出了巨大的贡献。就像阿拉伯研究中心一样,The new Investcorp Building也连接了圣安东尼学院内部的不同建筑,创造出一系列由档案室,图书馆和研讨室组成的空间,阿拉伯研究中心才能够兑现其作为重要的学术,研究和讨论中心的承诺。
The work of the Middle East Centre contributes to the global discourse and greater understanding of the region. The new Investcorp Building connects disparate buildings within the college, defining a series of spaces for the centre’s renowned archive, library and seminar programmes; allowing the Middle East Centre to expand its commitment as a vital forum of research, understanding and open debate.
▼场地平面,site plan
▼地下室平面,basement plan
▼一层平面,ground floor plan
▼二层平面和三层平面,2nd floor plan and  3rd floor plan
▼长剖面,long section
▼短剖面,short section
▼南向立面,south elevation
▼西向立面,west elevation
▼挂板细部,cladding detail
Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects
Design: Zaha Hadid Project
Director: Jim Heverin
Project Associate: Johannes Hoffmann, Ken Bostock
Project Architect :Alex Bilton
Structural Engineer :AKTII
Mechanical/Electrical/ Acoustic Engineer: Max Fordham Client’s
M&E Consultant :Elementa
Façade Supplier: Frener + Reifer
Façade Consultants:Arup Façade Engineering
Client’s Façade Consultant:Eckersley O’Callaghan
Contractor :BAM
Project Manager: Bidwells
Lighting Design :Arup Lighting
Cost Consultants :Sense Cost Ltd.
Fire Engineers :Arup Fire
Planning Supervision: Jppc Oxford
Forestry & Arboriculture Consultant :Sarah Venner
Access:David Bonnet
Landscape Design: Gross Max CDM
Andrew Goddard Associates Visualisation :Cityscape Overall
Site Area :1,580 m2
Gross Internal Area :1,127 m2
Building Footprint: 700 m2
Maximum External Height Up to 13m
Library Reading Room Height Up to 5.7m
Archives Room Height Up to 4m
Auditorium Height Up to 3.9m
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