“Beaver Workshop” Office Space is an innovative work space tailored for a film and media company. It is located in a business park for creative industries, which was transformed from a concrete factory, in Chaoyang District, Beijing.
▽ 门厅
The original space was a single-story truss-structured warehouse, containing three spans, with net height 6 metres and ridge height 9 metres. The client expects to double the usable area by adding an interlayer, thus fulfilling the functional requirements of animation, art, screenwriting, directing, producing, and logistics sections.
We expands the usable space by inserting a multi-opening box which occupied more than half of the site: an atrium and all the inward rooms as Independent offices, meeting rooms, rehearsal room and logistical spaces are contained in the box, while the flowing space outside the box are left for open work space.
业主希望尽可能地创造一个灵活、互动、平等、趣味的空间氛围,以激发员工们的创新力,因此,“盒子”上的多孔便成为被墙体分隔的空间之间的纽带。 整个空间分为五个不同的标高,我们采用了错层的方式布置大会议室和动画排练室,使得一层和二层的人都可以看得到其内部的活动。上下五个层次的错层标高和多孔的墙体,共同创造了一个“人在画中游”的流动空间和视觉体验。
The client wants to create a flexible, interactive, equal, and fun space atmosphere to inspire employees’ creativity. A split-level strategy is applied to arrange the large conference room and the animation rehearsal room so that people from both first and second level can see the activities inside these spaces. The flowing space creates unique experiences by the collaboration of five different levels and the multi-opening walls.
Public areas are vital compositions in this innovative office project, and practitioners in creative industries would expect comfortable and relaxing public spaces with life-like experience in this kind of office projects.
The atrium connects first and second floor vertically, with lamps and potted plants hanging above a long table, in order to serve a perfect place for presentation, open conference, brainstorming, and team-building party.
The tea corner, instead of being enclosed as in a traditional office space, is enlarged into an island bar, providing a recreation spot and networking platform as well as a space for temporary small meeting and brainstorming.
The highlight of public space is the atrium area on the second floor: sunlight flooding in through the skylights, hanging plants running through the whole space from roof to the first floor, work space for art and directing section outside the multi-opening box, while on the inside the rehearsal room, the conference room, and the independent office on third floor. Almost every space is making connection with this central area spatially or visually.
因为对使用空间加建的需求,“上”与“下”的竖向交通便成为空间中的首要问题。我们选择了沿四周墙体螺旋上升这样一条最长的路径作为上下交通, 放大的路径丰富了行走过程中的空间体验,也加大了空间体积感。
There are mainly three features in the design of this office space:
1, Due to the extension layers inside the space, the vertical circulation between levels merges out as the primary issue in the space. We decided to choose the longest path, the one spiraling up along the box. The extended path enriches the spatial experience during walking and increases the sense of volume.
2, Since the client is a film and animation media company, contextualized spatial experience would be the best way to interpreting their characteristics and corporate culture. In Beaver Workshop Office Space, the spiral path links up different office scenes in working areas, meeting areas and recreation areas, with these scenes independent functionally but connected spatially.
3, The insertion of the multi-opening box allows multi-layered penetration and flow in the space. Every independent scene linked up by the path can interact with each other visually, endowing this space a transparent feature in phenomenon.
设计单位:MAT Office(北京超级建筑设计咨询有限公司)
建筑面积:600 平方米
图纸和文字版权:MAT Office(北京超级建筑设计咨询有限公司)
MAT Office