

上海百年外滩收官之作, 由gmp设计的办公和商业综合体“外滩Soho”获得CITAB-CTBUH颁发的 2016年中国最佳高层建筑奖
Keystone for the Bund in Shanghai, CITAB-CTBUH selects Bund SOHO as one of the four best high-rise buildings in China
▽ 浦东和外滩天际线 Skyline of Shanghai Bund and Pudong
距外滩最后一座建筑落成至今已逾半个世纪,而今天的黄浦江畔,由租界时代金融贸易建筑构成的“万国 建筑博览群”迎来了其建筑学意义上的收官。由gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计的外滩Soho 办公和商业综合体作为江畔外滩南段最后一座建筑,以优雅的剪影收束了赋予上海“东方巴黎”盛誉的外滩天际 线。Soho中国于2011年发起了外滩Soho国际设计竞赛,gmp事务所于当年中标并获得设计委托。
More than half a century after the last new building at the Bund, Shanghai’s historic promenade along the Huangpu River, the famous row of bank and commercial buildings from colonial times has been rounded off with a new architectural highlight. As the last building – for now – in the first row along the river, the Bund SOHO business and office ensemble, designed by gmp Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, adds to the characteristic skyline which gave rise to Shanghai’s reputation as the „Paris of the east“. The practice had won the international competition organized by the SOHO China Group in 2011.
▽ 从浦东对望外滩历史建筑群 View of the historic Bund area from Pudong
外滩滨江大道是上海游客云集的重要城市景观,风貌独具,呈现着国际大都会的繁盛兴旺,是众所瞩目 的焦点。从这里可以一览对岸高楼林立的浦东陆家嘴金融商贸中心。与对岸自由生长的城市丛林相比,外滩 Soho和谐的融入了外滩建筑群从新歌特主义到“装饰艺术”风格的多元风格中。建筑的设计理念在于延续万国建 筑群的历史风格,但避免刻意的怀旧和现有形式的重复,并在以古城公园和豫园为标志的老城区之前定义出 历史建筑群的尾声。
For tourists and the locals, the Bund promenade along the river bank is the attraction of the city per se – a recognizable, visual fixed point in the cityscape of this flourishing metropolis. From here, a spectacular vista opens to the Pudong finance and business district. Compared to this district’s mushrooming skyline, the row of fifty historic buildings on the Bund represents a contiguous architectural ensemble in spite of all later developments in the surrounding area and changes of use, and the stylistic variety that ranges from Neo- Gothic to Art Deco. For the Bund SOHO design, this meant that the history of the place had to be continued without nostalgia, following the unwritten rules, by creating a succinct end point to the row of buildings, in particular at the seam between the colonial town and the historic city center with its Gucheng Park and Yu Garden open areas.
▽ 外滩江滨大道 Water front at the Bund
外滩Soho所处基地位置显赫,由六座单体建筑构成,形体参差错落构成空间上的突出和退进,极富雕塑 感。修长窗带贯穿建筑体始终,与封闭的窗扇以及顶部的退进设计营造出远观如轻盈薄片层层叠加的效果, 立面丰富多变适应并配合了周边城市环境中存在的多元化尺度。
The design, which occupies a prominent position, comprises six buildings which together create a composi- tion of slabs combined in a sculptural, three-dimensional way with projections and recesses. This effect is achieved with a graded system of tapering lesenes which merge into the solid wall panels of the recessed stories and, in this way, seen from a distance, complete the image of the slabs – a directional system with façades of different characters which unifies the different scales of the neighborhood.
▽ 外滩Soho条带状立面肌理 Staggered composition of slab buildings
四栋办公楼的高度在60米到135米之间,在南面界定出了清晰的边界,另一方面将自身纳入外滩历史建筑 群的序列之中。位于西侧和北侧两栋建筑略为低矮,参考了周围建筑的基本体量,底层和办公楼相同,可提 供高品质的国际化餐饮及商业空间。楼宇之间错落形成一系列街巷和微型广场,是周边城市空间中狭长“里 弄”、星罗的街道路网形式的延续。薄片叠加肌理在这里以条带状元素出现,这一主题还重复出现在大堂的内装设计上。
The four high-rise office buildings ranging between 60 and 135 meters in height form a distinct edge to the development towards the south and, on the other hand, replicate the sequence of gables of the histo- ric promenade facing the Bund. Two further low-rise buildings to the west and north which, like the lower stories of the office buildings, accommodate high-quality international restaurants and retail outlets, create a transition to the scale of the neighboring buildings. Between them a number of small lanes and squares create a network of connections with the neighborhood that continues the structure of the circulation system with its traditional orientation towards the river. The design concept of the slabs is replicated here in a ribbon structure and is repeated in the details of the foyers.
▽ 内部街区空间回应周边城市尺度 Matching the scale of neighboring buildings
▽ 入口区域 Entrance Area
▽ 前厅 Foyer
外滩Soho构划了一个充满活力的商业步行街区,其内景观随着来访者游走其中而愈发生机勃勃。综合体面临黄浦江滨江大道一侧密度增大,呈现出闭合体块的特征,建筑正面入口形象细腻精致,大尺度玻璃幕墙 近乎透明。在上海近年建成的大量单体建筑中,外滩Soho为守护传承城市地域文脉做出了贡献。
As visitors move about, the Bund SOHO development appears as a holistically designed, lively ensemble which changes dynamically with the changing angles of view. As one approaches the development along the pro- menade or the Huangpu River, it appears to merge into one solid architectural sculpture before, when get- ting closer, a surprising, almost immaterial glazed feature appears in the front elevation. Compared to the numerous individual new buildings of recent times, the Bund SOHO makes a significant contextual contribu- tion to Shanghai’s cityscape.
▽ 城市空间:一系列街巷和微型广场 Urban space: network of small lanes and squares
竞赛阶段设计人员:高博, 张菁
实施阶段项目负责人:Matthias Wiegelmann, 鲍威
实施阶段设计人员:Anne Bulanda-Jansen, 董淑英, Andreas Goetze, 郭福慧, Peter Jänichen, 李凌, Sebastian Linack, Mulyanto Mulyanto苏俊, 田雪莉, 王宓, 肖闻达, 解芳, 徐东, 周斌, Catharina Cragg, Kerstin Baur, 戴天行, 史夏瑶, 王禹, 张菁,郑星汇, 周雪峰
合作设计单位:华东建筑设计研究总院 业主:Soho中国
Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Stephan Rewolle
Project leader, competition Su Jun
Team, competition Gao Bo, Zhang Jing
Project leader, implementation Matthias Wiegelmann, Bao Wei
Team, implementation Anne Bulanda-Jansen, Dong Shuying, Andreas Goetze, Guo Fu Hui, Peter Jänichen, Li Ling, Sebastian Linack, Mulyanto Mulyanto, Su Jun, Tian Xueli, Wang Mi, Xiao Wenda, Xie Fang, Xu Dong, Zhou Bin, Catharina Cragg, Kerstin Baur, Dai Tian Xing, Shi Xiayao, Wang Yu, Zhang Jing, Zheng Xinghui, Zhou Xuefeng
Partner office ECADI Client SOHO China GFA 189.500m2