

Tom Thys architecten ism Carton 123 architecten
This project for a new nursery school building sits on a beautiful neo gothic site in the centre of Bruges. The proposed building with its pronounced roof scape seeks to establish an empathic relationship with its historic context. Its refined brick architecture with a strong vertical articulation and deep red colour addresses the neo gothic theme of the historic neighbouring buildings.
The buildings careful positioning and complex form intensifies the experience of some dynamic perspectives on the site. As such, it completes the fragmented street and guides the view towards the beautiful gable end walls of the existing administrative building. On the playground, facing the larger existing school, the building defines both a new perspective on the future playground extension and a more intimate, covered area that also forms the main entrance.
Two prismatic stairs offer generous vertical circulation routes through the building, providing access to 6 classrooms. The atmosphere in these teaching spaces is strongly determined by their position in the building, providing varied views onto the street and the rhythmic neo-gothic facades of the surrounding buildings. The rooms on the second floor have a mezzanine benefitting from the extra height formed by the pitched roofs.
▼ 室内楼梯,不同的开窗能让孩子们在上上下下的同时体会到新老建筑的关系
▼ 教室的形状和排列受到场地形状的影响
As a result, the construction defines a generous and welcoming teaching facility; a daring and playful set of spaces with varied levels of intimacy; children can run under, between and next to the architectural elements, intensively experiencing the ever changing perspectives between old and new.
该项目夺得了每四年才评一度–2015年的Prijs voor Architectuur West-Vlaanderen 奖,被评委会赞誉;”谨慎而明晰的协调,建筑在公共空间资源缺乏的条件下仍清晰且慷慨的保证了空间与体验的舒适。这是一个谦逊的公共建筑典范。“
The project received the ‘Prijs voor Architectuur West-Vlaanderen 2015’, a quadrennial award for excellence. The jury praised this: “discreet but resolute ensemble of classrooms. The massing of the brick building performs a controlled pas-de-deux with the existing school … Despite scarce public resources the architects delivered an architecture of sobriety that makes a generous impression in its spatial experience. ‘De Springplank’ marks a kind of standard, an example of public architecture that sets modesty and servitude as the norm.”
Tom Thys architecten ism Carton 123 architecten