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photography:Jeff Goldberg/Esto
北卡罗莱纳州立大学亨特图书馆赢得2013年AIA / ALA图书馆建筑大奖。亨特图书馆是北卡罗莱纳州立大学的第二个图书馆,也是学校的智囊心脏,图书馆的名字以北卡罗莱纳州前州长詹姆斯•B•亨特的名字命名。
James B. Hunt Jr. Library at North Carolina State University wins AIA/ALA Library Building Award
In July 2013, the new James B. Hunt Jr. Library at North Carolina State University, designed by Snøhetta in collaboration with local architect Clark Nexsen (formerly PBC+L), received the 2013 Library Building Award from the American Institute of Architects and the American Library Association in recognition of design excellence.
For the design of the new building, Snøhetta and Clark Nexsen worked closely with the NCSU Libraries to set a new benchmark for technologically sophisticated collaborative learning spaces. It serves both as NC State’s second main library and the intellectual and social heart of the university’s Centennial Campus. The Hunt Library also houses the Institute for Emerging Issues, a think tank led by former North Carolina Governor James B. Hunt, academic offices, visualization and digital media labs and an auditorium. It is designed to be a decisive competitive edge for the university by democratizing access to the technologies driving our economy.
Libraries are dynamic and continually changing. While clearly a contemporary structure within a traditional context, the Hunt Library provides a forward-thinking platform for influencing its surroundings. Both technical and programmatic innovations are celebrated as part of the learning experience and provide a versatile and stimulating environment for the user.
Generous open spaces connect all floors of the library and open stairs emphasize an interactive and social environment alongside more focused study areas. A wide variety of study and learning environments and technology-focused experimentallabs go beyond the now ubiquitous model of the learning commons. “Disruptive” learning spaces with colorful, dynamic furnishings exist adjacent to more traditional study rooms. The building’s design recognizes the power of chance encounters and celebrates the role physical space plays in the intellectual stimulation of its users.
Technology zones are integrated throughout the Library as well. Interactive digital surfaces and high definition video display screens deliver both programmed and live-feed information. The Game Lab serves as a testing lab for the video game design and development program, and provides students with a fun study break area. The Tech Showcase allows users to experiment with new technology and borrow the latest electronic devices. Staff areas are consolidated on one floor rather than dispersed in clusters on each floor.
The Hunt Library also employs the use of the bookBot, an automated book delivery system, for the Library’s two million volume collection. This highly effective cost and space saving measure reduced the building area by 200,000 GSF, allowing more of the University’s budget and library space to be allocated towards technology and collaborative learning spaces.
The LEED Silver building provides abundant natural light, outdoor work spaces and expansive views of the nearby lake. Many sustainable design features are integrated into the building including fritted glass and a fixed external aluminum shading system helps diminish heat gain while maximizing views and ambient natural light. Ceiling mounted active chilled beams and radiant panels provide heating and cooling while rain gardens and green roofs manage storm water.
纽约布鲁克林的艺术家José Parlá为图书馆创作了一副抽象,简单,诗意且自然的内涵壁画。在这个时代,信息技术是驱动力,但是艺术是我们的根,向书法自然及历史而致敬。
Nature of Language by José Parlá Each of Snøhetta’s buildings incorporates a piece of art made specifically for that project. The newest addition to the James B. Hunt Jr. Library is the recently completed mural, Nature of Language, by Brooklyn-based artist, José Parlá.
Nature of Language is an abstract landscape of words, phrases, names, and poetic thoughts. Although illegible at first, the work becomes readable through feeling.
In an era where technology is the driving force of communication, art reminds us of our roots and calligraphy pays homage to nature and the history of languages.
Design Architect: Snøhetta
Executive Architect: Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
Programming: DEGW
Cost: Davis Langdon
LEED Administration: Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee
Structural Engineer: Stewart Engineering
Structural Consultant: Arup
Civil: Cole Jenest Stone
PME & FP: Affiliated Engineers Inc
Landscape: Snohetta, Susan Hatchell Landscape Architecture
A/V IT/ Acoustics: The Sextant Group Inc
Lighting: Pivotal
Automated Book Delivery System: Dematic
Furniture: NCSU Libraries, Pearce Brinkley Cease + Lee with
Another Inside Job
Construction Manager: Skanska