

Ethos and Evolution
Our commitment to design quality and spaces that work is matched by our design integrity, culture and attention to detail. Our architecture is about how people experience place and how place affects them. Our work reconnects people with their environment through the careful manipulation of the sensual qualities of light, material and space. We create spaces that support and encourage the expression of contemporary life.
Stanton Williams was founded by Alan Stanton and Paul Williams in 1985 following extensive individual careers in teaching and practice in the UK, Europe and the US. They have been working with fellow directors Gavin Henderson, Peter Murray and Patrick Richard for over 15 years in a studio, which now has an established team of 50 people with five directors and ten associates. The practice’s shared passion for art and architecture continues to guide our design ethos.
We have successfully completed numerous high profile architectural, urban design, masterplanning, exhibition and interior design projects, winning more than 50 awards. The scope of our work to date includes culture, education, research, commerce, sports and leisure, residential, public realm and retail projects for both public and private clients. Each project challenges us to constantly renew our creativity that, together with our breadth of experience, allows us to meet and exceed our client’s expectations.
STANTON WILLIAMS是一家将完整性,文化性和关注细节态度与空间及质量完美结合的公司。建筑容纳人们并影响着他们。STANTON WILLIAMS的工作是联系人与空间的纽带,STANTON WILLIAMS精心控制光,材料,空间品质。他们创造出适应当代生活的空间。
工作室由Alan Stanton 和 Paul Williams在1985年成立。此后Gavin Henderson, Peter Murray 和Patrick Richard加入进来,与公司进行了超过15年的合作。现在公司有5位合伙人,10位资深董事
STANTON WILLIAMS设计了众多重要项目,包括建筑设计,城市设计,总体规划,展览和室内设计,获奖多达50多项。工作范围触及文化,教育,科研,商业,体育休闲,住宅,公共领域,私人领域,零售等等各种范畴。每个项目的挑战都激发出他们的创造力并成为他们的经验,让他们一次次带给客户惊喜。
Stanton Williams Office Directors
Stanton Williams
2011 Architect of the Year
2011 Education Architect of the Year (6th form to university)
New UAL Campus for Central Saint Martins at King’s Cross
2012 RIBA Award
2012 AJ100 Building of the Year
2012 RICS Award, Regeneration
2012 Public Building of the Year, Building Awards
2012 AIA UK Award for Design Excellence
2012 Mayor’s Award for Planning Excellence
2012 World Architecture News Education Award
2012 AIT Award Top Ten Education Selection
2012 LABC London Building Excellence Awards, Best Education Development
2008 Commended, MIPIM Architectural Review Future Project Awards
Hackney Marshes Centre
2012 RIBA Award
2012 Civic Trust Award
Sainsbury Laboratory
2012 Shortlisted for the Stirling Prize
2012 RIBA Award
2012 RIBA East Building of the Year Award
2012 LABC Award, Best Educational Building
2012 RICS Award, Highly Commended in Design and Innovation category
2012 Civic Trust Award
2012 Lighting Design Award
2011 World Learning Building of the Year WAF Award
2011 Concrete Society Award, Overall winner
2011 David Urwin Design Award Best New Building, Commended
2011 Construction News Award, Highly Commended
2011 British Construction Industry Award, Highly Commended
Bourne Hill Offices
2011 RIBA Award
2011 British Council for Offices Award
2011 Concrete Society Award – Commended
2011 British Construction Industry Award – Highly Commended
2011 SCALA Civic Building of the Year – Joint winner
2010 Salisbury Civic Society Award
Cranfield University – Chilver Hall
2011 LABC Central Building Excellence Awards, Best Educational Project
2011 LABC Central Building Excellence Awards, Best Partnership with a Local Authority
2010 Wood Awards, Highly Commended in the Commercial & Public Access category
Cadbury – Bournville Place
2009 RIBA West Midlands Award
2009 Civic Trust Award
2009 British Council of Offices Award, Midlands & East Anglia Award for Corporate Workplace
2009 Commended for the Non Residential UK Aluminium in Renovation Award
Cranfield University – String Fellow Hall
2009 Civic Trust Award
2009 Times Education Leadership and Management Awards, Outstanding New Student Residence Award
House of Fraser Store
2010 Commended, Natural Stone Award
2009 RIBA Wessex Award
2009 European Copper in Architecture Award, Discretionary Award for Innovation
Belgrade Theatre
2010 Nominated for the 2010 Federal Republic of Germany Award
2008 RIBA National Award
2008 RIBA West Midlands Award
2008 D&AD Award
2008 Finalist for the Civic Trust Award
Compton Verney Art Gallery
2006 Excellence in England Small Visitor Attraction of the Year
2005 Civic Trust Award
2005 Civic Trust Special Award for Culture & Regeneration
2005 BDI Industry and Genius Awards, Conservation Award
2004 RIBA Award
2004 Finalist Royal Fine Arts Trust Building of the Year Award
2004 Highly commended in Europa Nostra Award
1998 Celebration of Excellence in Design Award, Stratford on Avon District Council
1997 Stone Federation Award
Tower of London, Tower Hill
2006 Finalist, VI European Prize for Urban Public Space
2006 Natural Stone Landscaping Award
2005 RIBA London and English Heritage Award for a Building in an Historic Context
2005 Royal Fine Arts Trust Building of the Year Award – Creating a Beautiful Space
2005 RIBA London Urban Space by Design Award
2005 RIBA London Building of the Year
2005 RIBA National Award
2005 Structural Steel Design Award
2005 The Green Apple Award for the Built Environment
2005 IStructE Structural Heritage Award
2004 Highly commended in Europa Nostra Awards
Rainham: Urban Design Framework
2005 Shortlisted for RIBA London Urban Space by Design Award
Selfridges: Manchester Central
2003 Department Store Interior of the Year Award
Whitby Abbey Visitor Centre
2003 Europa Nostra Award
2003 RIBA Award
2003 Civic Trust Award
2002 RIBA White Rose Award
2002 RICS Award
Casa Fontana
2004 RIBA Worldwide Award
Millennium Seed Bank
2001 RIBA Award
2001 Highly Commended, Design Partnership Awards
2001 Finalist, Design Sense Sustainability Award
2001 Concrete Society Award
2001 West Sussex Heritage Millennium Award
2001 Finalist, Royal Fine Arts Trust Building of the Year Award
2000 Civic Trust Award
Four Brindleyplace
2000 Best of the Best, British Council of Offices Award
1999 Regional, National and Best of Best Award for Commercial Workplace Building Category Built in Quality Award
Old Royal Observatory, Greenwich
1995 Europa Nostra Award
1994 National Heritage Award
60 Sloane Avenue Building
1997 British Council of Offices Award
1996 Civic Trust Award
1996 RIBA Award
1995 Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Design Award
The Gas Hall Gallery
1994 RIBA Award
The Triforium Gallery
1992 Museum of the Year Award
Design Museum, London
1990 Civic Trust Award
The Design Museum Galleries
1990 Civic Trust Award
Issey Miyake: Men
1988 D&AD Gold Award
1991 D&AD Silver Award
Books & Publications
The Sainsbury Laboratory: Science, Architecture, Art
Black Dog Publishing
ISBN13: 978 1 907317 45 3
Volume is that rare thing – a book about architecture and design that is also an
accessible treatise about people, buildings, art and craft mixing thoughts with
imagery, text with design.
ISBN13: 978 1 906155 87 2
Stanton Williams
Quart Verlag series – De aedibus international: Contemporary Architects and their
ISBN 978-3-03761-014-5
To link to Sainsbury Laboratory please click
To link to New UAL Campus please click
Bourne Hill Offices
Art Of Ancient Mexico
Eton Manor
Millennium Seedbank
Bridget Riley
Mica House
Whit by Abbey
Tower Hill
书籍购买:Volume / Stanton Williams