Last year, Crossboundaries injected brand new landscapes into two existing campuses, the Affiliated High School of Peking University and its branch school, Chaoyang Future School, and during the process, rethought about the meaning of campus design for education.
▼改造过的校园核心区,the central are of the campus after renovation
The free layout for indoor learning spaces has become the ubiquitous in innovative education. The idea, to stimulate learners’ initiative by returning more ownership of space to its users. A campus, with a variety of activities taking place within and between different groups, is with its complexity similar to the real world beyond the boundary fence and thus contains even more diverse opportunities for learning beyond the formal learning spaces. Continuing the same idea of design to promote self-learning campus landscapes should be equally relaxed, friendly and inviting.
When intervening with a campus landscape, we put focus on the needs and experiences of students, to resolve the utilitarian “rigid space” into a more open and continuous “free space”.
▼改造示意图,renovation diagram
STORY ONE: The Affiliated High School of PKU
Free Passage, Free Space
In traditional campuses in China, you can always see a similar layout of buildings and sports fields connected by roads for vehicular traffic and filled in with lawns. The Affiliated High School of Peking University, dating back to early 1960s, was no exception. Over more than half a century, the campus experienced several shifts but still kept many of its original characteristics. Today, based on the school’s new concept of student-centered education, Crossboundaries adjusted this by gone campus’ landscape, liberating its spacial constraints, complimenting the 2016 transformation of indoor learning space, sports and art center.
▼校园核心区连缀成更完整的自由区域,the central areas are connected to form an
integrated open space
Returning roads to pedestrians
We found in these traditional campuses, pedestrain flow is usually pushed to the sides of the road, people prioritized after vehicles, despite the frequency and volume of people’s traffic surpassing any vehicular activity.
The perceived presence of cars reduces the sense to move around the campus comfortably and maintains an underlying sense of unsafety. People don’t only walk to pass from one point to another, they also have the appetite to spend time in the outdoor spaces to rest or shake off excess energy. So where is the space for these activities?To shift in priority of spaces for pedestrain and cars, a main road in the central area was cancelled, leaving more space for students and teachers.
▼校园中心的机动车道取消后,a main road in the central area was cancelled to shift in priority of spaces for pedestrain and cars
▼自由的校园,怎么走都行,a campus that is free to walk through
Deminishing the “isolated islands”
Removing the road, we also reinvented several previously enclosed, single-functioned spaces on the campus, giving way to more consistant free space to meander, rest or play. Flipping a “caged” basketball court into an open sunken activity ground, its boundary fence was entirely removed and seating added to form a new edge. Now entirely open, the area is transformed giving both simplified visual and physical connections, offering alternative space in the campus for communication, exchange and interaction.
▼返校校友途经昔日老球场,今天的下沉式活动场,the sunken activity ground renovated from the old basketball court
▼原先被铁笼包围的球场,the old court enclosed by a “cage”
In the center of the campus there is a large lawn, a formerly underused place for no one would enjoy such a large empty space, especially in a context were it is not customary to sit on the grass. Converting this uninviting lawn into a functional and useful space for students and teachers, we added a variety of benches on and near the lawn, creating an “outdoor classroom” or “living room” for all kinds of gatherings.
▼篮球场功能被保留,the new basketball court
▼打开球场“铁笼”,观赛席也是休息处,the audience space can also be used as a place for resting and gathering
▼大草坪与坐凳结合,不再拒人千里,benches are integrated into the large lawn to provide a friendly space for everyone
▼自由布局的坐具,benches are arranged in a free plan
▼与绿化融为一体的“露天客厅”,an outdoor “living room” embedded in the green area
▼跑道设计示意,running track design diagram
Hidden just around the corner is another outdoor space that served only to allow firetrucks to pass in the event of an emergency, severing two active parts of the same building. Ultimately its greatest asset now is adding purpose and appeal to a former dead space, serving as a complex set of functions, featuring a 100 meter running track, display walls and some seating.
▼无用消防通道变成高效运动空间,a former dead space is now serving as a complex set of functions
▼嵌入功能插件,the inserted functional elements
▼增加的宣传栏,the display walls
STORY TWO: Chaoyang Future School
Education Diffused In A Campus
Chaoyang Future School is an entire campus renovation project with considerably less limitations. The educators of this school believe that education is everywhere, resulting in a need for the campus to be a continuation of the indoor and outdoor learning space under the same educational idea. From the outset this project was considered across the scales of architecture to signage and from inside to outside.
▼校园概览,campus view
Beyond a running track
At Chaoyang Future School, we established a running track with a rich educational significance concentrated in its function and meaning. This running track doesn’t only provide the basic function for sport, but also plays as an pedestrain route in this small campus. With a free shape, it links up every corner in the campus. The open accessibility of this circular path encourages students to make decisions on their routes and actions and presents a message of integration and equal weighing of choice of how to move and where to move to.
▼慢跑道以自由形状连缀起校园各空间,a circular path links up every corner in the campus
▼校园建筑细部,building exterior view
▼跑道与沿途的建筑、场地分别形成尺度适宜的关系,the circular path shows an
scale relationship with the surrounding buildings and sites
▼形式自由的跑道,a passage with an open accessibility
The positive fence
A campus fence is usually limited to delineating property limits, often downplayed and lacking in design, rarely interacting with people. The Crossboundaries approach was to enhance it with positive functions. At the edge of the Chaoyang Future School campus, where it intersects with the local neighborhood, we didn’t build up a barrier but rather created a space between, intergrating shelters and seatings into a “living fence”. An informal social space with transparency is reducing the hard boundaries between this learning community and their host environment. As a result, this boundary not only provides places for in-campus communication, but also strengthens the link to the community surrounding it, encouraging students to connect to the real world.
▼游廊远景,exterior view of the “living fence”
▼非正式的社交空间,an informal social space
Rethinking campus landscaping
Many view landscapes as a minor topic. Indeed, in many publicly funded architectural projects, landscapes are usually considered as a secondary element, fulfilled to meet the basic necessities . For schools especially, it usually means grassing over areas to meet the required campus standards, with maybe several funky highlights, rather than sophisticated-designed landscapes.
▼游廊连接社区与校园,the “living fence” linking campus to the community
Why is landscaping in school campuses often only a dispensable decoration?
The relationship and interaction between individual learners and the environment has become an important consideration of modern education, as well as a starting point of Crossboundaries’ design. In the two projects above, freedom of space, previously constrained by former rigid approaches, now integrated into various forms, scales and functions with the whole school campus. Meanwhile, the overall efficiency of campus space has been improved. Crossboundaries believe that the fascinating element about education is that excellent results often lie in the detail of less significant things.
▼朝阳未来学校夜景,night view of the campus of Chaoyang Future School
设计周期:2018 年3月至2018年5月
设计方:Crossboundaries, 北京
合伙人:Binke Lenhardt(蓝冰可), 董灏
设计团队:于兆雄,侯京慧,胡冰煜,高旸,郝洪漪,Irene Sola, 汤佳音,王旭东
设计方:Crossboundaries, 北京
合伙人:Binke Lenhardt(蓝冰可), 董灏
设计团队:高旸,Andra Ciocoiu,Natalie Bennett,郝洪漪,王旭东