

与麻省理工学院(MIT)一街之隔的肯德尔广场被誉为“全球最具创新力的一平方英里”,聚集了 13 家入选国际 TOP20 的生物医药公司,吸引了 6.6 万名科创人才生活工作。麻省理工学院(MIT)是肯德尔广场发展的核心创新驱动力,在马萨诸塞州本地关联企业超过 1000 家,是推动产、学、研互联互助的加速器。
Kendall Square, across the street from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is known as “The World’s Most Innovative Square Mile”. It has gathered 13 of world’s top 20 biomedical companies and attracted 66,000 scientific and technological talents. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the core innovation driving force for the development of Kendall Square by connecting more than 1,000 local companies in Massachusetts. Kendall Square is an accelerator to promote the interconnection between industry, academia and research.
持续探索的新一代 Next Generation of Discovery
项目位于肯德尔广场的中心地带,作为麻省理工学院(MIT)重要的南大街 (SoMa) 开发项目的一部分,这座实验室和办公大楼的设计旨在吸引从小型孵化器初创公司到全球性大型药企等多种类型的租户。设计对主街现存建筑外立面进行修复,为了提供可对外出租和开放的空间,对内部进行了整体翻新。设计通过餐饮、服务和特色零售活跃底层零售空间,从而促进步行活动的开展并增强 MIT 的创新文化。焕然一新的入口和充满活力的大堂将新建与修复空间有机串联。
Part of MIT’s ambitious South of Main Street (SoMa) Development in the heart of Kendall Square’s innovation hub, this laboratory and office building is designed to attract tenants from small incubator start-ups to global pharma clients. The existing Main Street building’s exterior was restored while the interior was renovated to provide leasable spaces that invite public interaction. Ground-floor retail enlivens the area with restaurants, service, and specialty retail, promoting pedestrian-oriented activities and enhancing MIT’s culture of innovation. A refreshed entry and dynamic lobby link the addition to the restoration.
▼由街道看建筑,viewing the project from the street
在剑桥市敏感的城市环境中,这座建筑强化了所在街区的规模和特质,保证了肯德尔广场的人行空间。MIT 非常注重通过场所营造去创造能够服务所有人的空间,并维持肯德尔广场在城市环境中的独特性。
Set within the sensitive context of Cambridge, the building’s design reinforces the scale and character of its neighborhood and maintains the pedestrian scale of Kendall Square. MIT placed a great deal of importance on the art of placemaking to create ‘spaces for all’ and an authenticity important to maintaining Kendall Square’s identity.
▼焕然一新的入口和充满活力的大堂将新建与修复空间有机串联,therefreshed entry and dynamic lobby link the addition to the restoration
▼立体化的交通空间,three-dimensional circulation space
Flexible Design Strategies
The design aesthetic of the project follows the City of Cambridge’s urban design guidelines and highlights the interaction with the public realm. The twisted mass provides a dynamic frame to the new outdoor space and diminishes the perceived scale along Main Street. The pivoted structure reveals a recessed 6th floor that creates a living green roof over-looking the public open space.
▼夜景,night view
底部五层的设计语言使建筑完美融入周边 20 世纪早期由砖石和预制施工工艺建造的建筑环境之中。上方六层相较于底部呈现九十度旋转,由此形成的个性化悬挑成为大堂的屋面,通往开放空间的入口也应运而生,减少了主街沿线的空间体量感和阴影面积。
The lower five-story expression locks the building into the context of the surrounding early 20th century brick and precast manufacturing buildings. The upper six stories dramatically rotate 90 degrees from the base to provide a gateway to new-found open space, reducing the bulk and shadowing along Main Street.
therelationship between the bottom five volumes and the surrounding historic buildings
为积极响应市场需求,每层面积约 2,300 平方米,设计凭借极具灵活性的平面布局吸引了大批不同类型的租户,并通过引入灵活高效的建筑系统来应对未来建筑功能变化。
The 25,000 square foot floorplate responds to market demands and provides flexible space for single or multiple tenants. Hyper-flexible floor plates appeal to a wide range of tenants and accommodate future changes in building function through the strategic use of flexible and efficient building systems.
▼入口开放空间,open space at the entrance
Fins on the curtainwall are inspired by the Fibonacci mathematical sequence. They help shade the glass façade and provide a rich texture. The masonry of the existing façade is maintained to provide warmth and to balance the simplicity and modern language of the addition.
▼立面竖向百叶,fins on the curtainwall
A Community of Science
如今,一系列世界知名制药公司、中期生命科学公司和新兴初创公司成为这座大楼的租户,在此建立他们的垂直科学社区。Perkins&Will 为每一位租户量身定制了独属于他们的空间,以此反映每家公司的使命愿景、科研方向和独特性格。各具特色的公司在此相互交融,共同创造了一个能够轻松融入肯德尔广场、MIT 和剑桥市的科研社区。
Today, a range of science tenants from a world renown pharmaceutical firm to a midterm life science company, and a dynamic incubator startup occupy the building in their own vertical community of science. Each tenant’s space is uniquely designed by Perkins&Will to reflect tenants’ individual missions, science and character. Together, they reflect both the particular and the whole, creating a community of scholars that fits comfortably into the community of Kendall Square, MIT, and Cambridge.
combination of the reception desk and staircase
▼充满活力的休闲/社交空间,vibrant leisure/social space
▼走廊与开放实验室,hallway and open laboratory
建筑面积:41,899 平方米
建成时间:2021 年
可持续性:LEED 金奖
2022 年美国建筑师协会(AIA)芝加哥卓越设计奖大型项目类优秀奖
2022 年美国建筑师协会(AIA)新英格兰奖提名奖
Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts
Client:Massachusetts Institute of Technology Investment Management Company
Size:41,899 square meters
Completion Date:2021
Sustainability:LEED Gold
Design Excellence Awards Citation of Merit, Large