

BY 住宅是一个小型公寓,位于中国杭州,由Mr来设计工作室设计。该工作室致力于通过使用材料、细节、照明和功能来实现整个室内空间的独特氛围。每个案例都是一个讲述者。
B. Y Residence is a small apartment located in Hangzhou, China, designed by Mr Lai Design Studio. The studio is committed to achieving a unique atmosphere of the overall interior space through materials, details, lighting and functions. Each case is a narrator.
该项目根据业主自身也是建筑师,其所需要的空间功能及生活习惯,为室内设计提供更多思路,而不是精准定义室内空间所需功能框架。业主对于整体色调希望是偏暖色系,所以该室内空间通过温暖的木饰面搭配局部灰色系艺术涂料,用了一把红色 Clerici chair 去营造出温暖却又不沉闷的氛围。
The project provides more ideas for interior design based on the space functions and living habits required by the owner, who is also an architect, rather than precisely defining the functional framework required by interior space. The owner hopes that the overall color is warm, so the interior space uses a red Clerici chair to create a warm but not dull atmosphere through warm wood veneer and local gray art paint.
Mr Lai Design Studio hope that their design can give customers a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort, which can transfer positive energy to life. They also hope that during the whole decoration process, the customer will feel that the decoration is a very simple thing.