Located in the south area of the Grand Canal New Town in Gongshu District of Hangzhou, the site is the first phase of a larger project, starting off as a vibrant international tourism and leisure complex highlighting waterfront characteristic of Yun He Wan and the industrial pier historical remains. 运河街The Canal整体规划沿南北方向强调运河及港池两条廊道,再以东西步行廊道串联一期商业街,枢纽公园以及欢乐港湾,在尊重自然格局的基础上打造多节点的公共空间结构。The axis weaves all components together with the canals, creating a direct pedestrian flow and a vivid self-contained environment. 在运河沿岸地块塑造了一条重现运河两岸繁华风貌的运河街,布局上借鉴了传统江南庭院格局,沿用小体量,庭院空间、创造尺度上更适宜,街道空间更友好的亲水步行空间。枢纽公园结合城市绿地,商业街区与轨道交通打造多层级人流汇聚集散地,形成城市交流平台。欢乐港湾结合工业遗存龙门吊,围绕运河主题文化,汇集水陆集散中心,工业遗址公园,文创主题商业等创造了一个热闹非凡的休闲娱乐空间。The public veins and icons are well-connected along the canal by adapting traditional Jiangnan courtyard layout, which results in higher flexibility to shape the pedestrians. Integration of the retail street and the railway creates a leisure and entertainment urban destination. 欢乐港湾Placemaking waterfront public spaces整体鸟瞰Aerial masterplan一期建筑设计结合江南传统建筑特色,引入街、里、园的设计理念,根据人流停留的时间长短对水岸街道、商业内街进行归类细分,形成快街慢里游园的核心体验。以春、夏、秋、冬四季为主题的庭院,穿插设置于立面独特的商业空间之中,在移步换景间,以富有变化的建筑群,为消费者营造出活力有趣的购物体验,打破因地块狭长而产生的动线单调问题。The design of Phase 1 draws inspiration from Jiangnan architecture, the layout composition is shaped by fast streets, slow lanes and wander garden to enhance circulation. Situated along a river, the complex provides a dynamic shopping journey. The four courtyards are designated themes of the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, coupled with distinctive façade designs of the blocks. The shifting sceneries animate visitors’ shopping experience, as well as contribute to the overall vitality of the complex.四季园Season-themed courtyards春色园Spring Courtyard夏意园Summer Courtyard秋韵园Autumn Courtyard冬境园Winter Courtyard设计在初期就考虑商业落位,零售与景观节点互动,最大化商业界面,同时打造丰富的公共空间,入口处的下沉广场和中心独特的云台,将为城市提供开放的休闲场所,未来也可在此设置一系列娱乐和餐饮设施。The retail components and installations vitalise the space to create a dyamic public realm. Along with the sunken plaza at the entrance and the unique cloud terrace at the center, public spaces are created to provide open, leisure spots to the city, accompanied by a series of entertainment and F&B elements. 入口下沉广场Entrance of sunken plaza 中央云台Cloud terraces中央云台Cloud terraces “我们希望基于互通互联的空间模式,构建极具活力的商业街区,为市民提供独特的购物生活体验。”刘程辉如是说。“By establishing buoyant retail blocks and placemaking spaces with meaningful connection modes, our design for the Hangzhou Canal Bay Complex strives to deliver an exceptional retail environment.” —Leo Liu, Global Design Principal
Location: Hangzhou, China
Involvement: Masterplan and Phase 1 Architect
Client: Hangzhou Canal Comprehensive Protection and Development Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Gross Floor Area: Phase 1 – 86,520 sq m ; Planning – 494,140 sq m
Completion Year: Phase 1 to be completed by 2023
Design Director: Leo Liu, Global Design Principal