

All images in this article are conceptual renderings, and the final plan is subject to government approval
十里工业长廊,亚洲第一雄厂。长江右岸历经百年的工业遗产——融创•武汉 1890 汉阳铁厂工业遗产改造项目,由 Aedas 全球设计董事王烨冰带领团队设计,已开启改造重建。老旧工业厂区将被赋予全新使命,依托商业活动,将先锋艺术与生活美学自然融合,形成聚集文艺群体、创意产业的复合集群。在重塑历史记忆中,打造城市文化新地标,构建城市未来生活新方式。
Hanyang Iron Works, located in Hanyang, Wuhan, is perched on the right bank of the Han River at its confluence with the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), opposite Hankou. In the early 1900s Hanyang became the site of China’s first modern iron and steel works as well as key arsenal city.
1890 年,张之洞于武汉创办汉阳铁厂,中国近代工业自此起步,标志着时代的觉醒。1894 年,中国第一炉钢水在此诞生,武汉“东方芝加哥”的美誉驰名海外。1911 年,在此研制的汉阳造打响了辛亥革命第一枪。2013 年,这一“开地球东半面未有之局”的钢铁厂熄灭炉火,作为工业遗产自此保留。
As a backbone of the industrial base of Hubei and Wuhan, Hanyang Iron Works promoted the rapid development of Hanyang Arsenal and the textile industry of Wuhan, forming the foundation of Hubei industries. Designed with the functions of ironmaking, steelmaking and steel rolling, it has been one of the most influential industrial heritages in China.
Hanyang Iron Works (Image from web)
Hanyang Iron Works (Image from web)
汉阳铁厂作为“踏引大国觉醒的征程,奠定现代工业之基”的国际工业遗产,未来应该何去何从?Aedas 给出的答案是:再生与复兴。
Led by Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang, the Hanyang Iron Works regeneration project is focused on restoring and reviving the development, which was closed down in the year of 1947. Through combining commercial activities and avant-garde aesthetics, Aedas transforms it into Sunac•Wuhan 1890—a complex that gathers creative communities and businesses.
"Every city has its own memory and story. The Hanyang Iron Works is a pivotal existence in the modern history of Wuhan. To pay respect, our priority is to inject new life into these old buildings while protecting them. The goal is to showcase a stunning industrial beauty that radiates a rich, humanistic culture that is based on ancestry." said Kevin Wang, Aedas Global Design Principal.
融创•武汉 1890 鸟瞰(投标阶段概念效果图,最终方案以政府审批为准)
The bird-eye view of Sunac 1890 (Concept rendering from the bidding stage, the final plan is subject to government approval)
01 再生:旧建筑的新对话 Restoration
Aedas 所负责的融创•武汉 1890 的规划地块中,包含了棒材厂、电炉分厂、钢梁椼架仓库等在内的多座工业遗址,面对极富工业气息与年代感的红砖、土墙以及锈迹斑斑的管道,设计提出的第一原则即是保护。
The plots of Sunac•Wuhan 1890 whose planning Aedas is responsible for, contain a multitude of industrial sites, including steel bar plant, electric furnace branch, and steel truss warehouse. In light of the rich industrial atmosphere wreathed in aged red bricks, soil walls and rusty pipes—the first design principle is to preserve and restore.
Preserving the rich industrial atmosphere (photos taken on site before demolition)
Targeting the zone in which there is the most distinctive industrial heritage characteristics, the design preserves the historical characteristics and the existing elements of the building, while carrying out restoration and reconstruction.
The masterplan
Red bricks and concrete materials are used to restore the original texture, while the existing structure is retained.
The roof is renovated with modern materials in reference to the original style, and glass skylights are added to enhance indoor lighting.
The metal corrugated panels on the facade are replaced with polycarbonate panels, which renders a more robust exterior.
Comparison between electric furnace batching and conceptual rendering
Comparison between oxygen generators and dust collection systems and conceptual rendering
Comparison between electric furnace branch and conceptual rendering
Sectionalrenovation section
The design retains structures with industrial characteristics such as oxygen generators and dust collection systems, integrating them into the new landscape.
Comparison between power plant and conceptual rendering
Comparison between sewage treatment plant and conceptual rendering
With Beijing-Guangzhou railway in the south, Jiangcheng Avenue in the east, the development is convenient to reach. It is also surrounded by a number of significant cultural markers such as the Museum of Zhang ZhiDong, Heptachord Terrace, Qintai Concert Hall, and Qintai Grand Theater.
New social and leisure destination, providing future living styles
地块交通便捷,南靠京广铁路,东至江城大道,紧邻轨道 4 号线及在建 12 号线,比邻新城市综合体,周边汇集了大量文化符号——张之洞博物馆、古琴台、琴台音乐厅、琴台大剧院等。极大的占地面积,优越的地理条件,以及诸多工业遗产,使其具备极佳的规模效应。设计巧妙引入文化创意新动能,将工业文化与当代艺术相结合,延续城市记忆的同时,以全链条文创产业及商业娱乐业态,打造出全新的社交休闲目的地,为市民提供未来生活新方式。
The design combines industrial culture with contemporary art by introducing creative industries and various commercial entertainment, establishing a new social leisure destination.
The site
The vast atrium space and landscape steps serve as public social spaces where large-scale events like fashion shows and art exhibitions can be held.
Connecting retail and cultural axis through vertical circulation strategy
其中用于储存钢材的棒材厂,作为亚洲最长的工业厂房、全球单栋体积最大的工业遗址建筑之一,设计将长约 550 米的厂房内部,划分出多个业态组团,以穿越棒材厂的市政道路为界,西侧为举办大型活动的演艺空间,东侧为办公,商业零售穿插其中,犹如一座迷你城市,工作-生活-娱乐一体化。
The design divides the interior of the steel bar plant into multiple business clusters, in which performing spaces are set on the side with commercial and retail interspersed among them. It is an ecosystem unto its own, where work-life-entertainment intersect.
Zoning plan
The rebirth of the old factory building is not only about the repair and renovation of the building, but also the endowment of new functions to integrate into the urban development, making itself an indispensable existence in citizens’ lives.
Before of the steel bar plant
The green atrium of the steel bar plant after renovation
棒材厂建筑轮廓现状 Beforeofthe steel bar plant
Afterofthe steel bar plant
In order to achieve natural integration with the environment, the design utilises an open space and transforms it into a central art park.
自然融入周边环境 Integration into the surrounding environment
The central art park
“新的功能让这些“老物件儿”在当下获得重生,丰富的城市功能、复合的城市活动,以及更加美好的城市体验,让这里展现出无可复制的独特的魅力。我们相信,融创•武汉 1890 将为这座城市带来新的荣耀。”王烨冰如是说。
New functions allow these "old objects" to be reborn in the present, infusing unique charm into the development. We have invigorated the deserted park, regenerated the city’s memory, creating a cultural icon and city landmark." Kevin Wang said.
融创·武汉 1890 效果图
The rendering of Sunac•Wuhan 1890
* 本地块规划中,商业的具体业态及开业时间等以政府批示及实际交付为准
* All features included in this design scheme are subject to government approval and actual delivery.
*12 号线交通设置不排除因政府规划、政策规定及出卖人未能控制的原因而发生变化,本资料旨在提供相关信息,不代表着出卖人对此作出要约或承诺。
* The information listed here is intended to provide relevant information, it does not represent the seller’s intent to offer or guarantee.
建筑面积:约 66,055 平方米