

————无风格化的形式美Beauty in style-free form 客厅空间:
材料属性的认知,建造工艺的把控,实用功能区域的自然分割,使得空间的蕴意变得丰富饱满。人字纹拼花木地板,大胆的天花处理手法,点线面几何元素的组合建构,节点处微妙的工艺处理,营造出特有的空间氛围,更体现了一种不同于常规的折衷主义,为空间带来一种既内敛又自明自信的高贵与优雅。The cognition of material property, the control of construction technology, and the natural division of practical functional area make the space rich and full in its connotation. Herringbone parquet wood floor, innovative treatment of ceiling, geometric elements applied to different dimensions, and delicate details, the combination of all of which has created a unique ambiance. It is an expression of unconventional eclecticism, but at the same time bestow humble but also confident nobility and elegance upon the space. 高级的静默,折衷主义的优雅Vigorous tranquility, eclectic elegance
主卧空间: 细节是设计的链接点,自然地引导观者梳理关系,进而理解整体。主卧空间延续了设计对于细节的微妙把控,于松紧、繁简之间表现对比平衡。质朴的地毯、精雅的木制墙裙与花纹细腻自然的地板,无不让空间拥有了一种高级的静默。随之一缕淡然的暖意,在空间流淌,倾泻出优雅与诗意。Details are the bridge between designers and visitors, which naturally guides the viewer to sort out the relationship and then understand the whole. Among these delicate details, one can find a balance between relaxation and tightness, complexity, and simplicity. From unadorned carpet, simple but refined wood wall skirting to the textured floor, each part of the space is interpreting vigorous tranquility. A wisp of warmth flows in the space, exuding elegance and poetic conception. 主卫生间: 在边界与过渡中,主卫的设计亦由细节演绎着形式的韵律。冷静的空间氛围,透视着一丝神秘,在循路而行的秩序中隐匿着一种另辟蹊径的浪漫意味。
清水混凝土材质散发出一种独特的韵味,抽象的几何装饰凸显个性,均匀的线条铺排出美的旋律,繁简有序、微妙的构图呈现出风格派一般的意蕴和节奏。平静自在的空间里,生活与当前情景展开了交融对话,简洁中流露出艺术的质感。Fair-faced concrete exudes a unique charm, abstract geometric decoration highlights individuality, even lines lay out the beautiful melody, this subtle framing is well balanced and exhibiting the artistic concept and cadence of this space. At this moment, one can be calm and relaxed. Life starts a dialogue with the current scene. Simplicity reveals the texture of the art.————光影浮漾,细腻悠长的空间体验Weaving memories of the childhood 儿童房: