

The “Mountain Restroom” in Kunyu Mountain National Nature Reserve is not only an architecture but also a design method, which is used to guide the design and construction of toilets in the nature reserve. Ever since the Mountain Restroom was built, it has been quietly accompanying tourists in the mountain. This year, the Mountain Restroom has a new companion: “Creek Restroom”.
▼项目概览,Overall view
Converting Concrete Ditch to Natural Creek
优雅如厕,一直是我们在自然保护区中开展厕所设计的美好愿望。在英语系国家,厕所被称作 restroom,即“休息处”,虽然是出于委婉的表达,但也暗含如厕本该优雅。我们在设计“山之厕所”时,更多的是希望把 restroom 变成“rest room”(休息驿站)。
In English-speaking society, a toilet is often referred to as a “restroom”, insinuating that it is a place for rest. Therefore, instead of designing the toilet building, we decided to create a graceful and restful place in dialogue with nature, specifically within this environmental sensitive place.
▼交叠错落的屋顶,The overlappedroofs
Thea hardened drainage concrete ditch in the site.
Creek Restroom is placed next to a hardened drainage concrete ditch. We planned to dismantle the said ditch and restore it to a natural, seasonal creek. Meanwhile, a bridge was built over the creek to provide a “ritual” walk experience for tourists before entering the restroom. We believe an interesting restroom design could change the way people use restroom, sometimes the perception of using restroom.
▼改造后的自然溪谷,The creek valley after restoration
▼入口铺路,The entry way
▼建筑和户外景观,The building and its surrounding landscape
谷上院落 Courtyard on the Creek 跨过沟渠,是一处由杂乱的石垒挡墙形成的台地,我们因地制宜地对台地竖向做了梳理和调整。借助建筑的分台,可以消隐生硬的挡墙并创造出更为丰富的立面。建筑以轻钢构的体系建造,以减少对地面的扰动。
Crossing the ditch, the site for our restroom is a terrace formed by messy stone walls, and we made proper adjustments of the terrace for the new restroom. With the sub-terraces of the architecture, we were able to hide the stiff walls and create richer facades. The restroom was built with light steel frame structure, in order to minimize intervention of the ground.
▼场地原状 & 搭建中的轻钢结构,The existing site & thelight steel frame structure during construction
▼丰富的立面,The rich facades
▼台地的竖向变化,Vertical variation of the terraces
▼平面图&轴测分解图,Plan&exploded axon
Similar to the Mountain Restroom, the Creek Restroom is a courtyard built along the changes of terrain. Crossing the bridge are two viewing platforms for tourists to take a rest. For better protecting privacy, women’s rooms were located at the higher section of the courtyard. Although each restroom in the mountain is different due to distinct terrains, it is derived from the same series of modules. Based on the modular system of the Mountain Restroom, we optimized the modules of the Creek Restroom in details, including roof drainage, eave waterproofing, door frame weight, among others.
▼男女厕顺着台地的抬升布置,顺应山势微微上扬,Women’s rooms were located at the higher section of the courtyard。
Each restroom is derived from the same series of modules
▼模块内部,Interior view
Identity and Belonging
The design method used in the Mountain Restroom and the Creek Restroom shows different layout and shape characteristics according to the tourist flow and the terrain conditions of the sites. The infrastructure built according to this system has been gradually shaping a distinct sense of identity and belonging for the reserve and making the visitors feel the sincerity of the reserve in improving service facilities. Through 2-3 years observation, we found that the goal of design was achieved – going to restroom gracefully. Not only our client have well maintained the restrooms, but also visitors have paid more attention to their behavior and the environment surrounding the restroom.
▼“山之厕”(左)与“谷之厕”(右)对比,The Mountain Restroom and the Creek Restroom
▼设计方法,Design method
▼“谷之厕”鸟瞰,Creek Restroom Aerial view
Atelier Scale is now deepening the design of the other two fellows of the Mountain Restroom and the Creek Restroom: the Forest Restroom and the Ridge Restroom. At the same time, other public facilities in Kunyu Mountain Nature Reserve are being built one after another, including the “Mountain Stations” we designed. With these infrastructures being gradually completed, the reserve is sure to present a more unified and energetic image to the public.
▼冬季的“谷之厕”,The Creek Restroom in winter
Design Name: The Creek Restroom
Project Name: Kunyu Mountain National Nature Reserve Restroom Project
Project Location: Yantai, China
Architecture Design: Atelier Scale
Design Team: Huicheng Zhong, Bingxing Lin, Zhihua Chen, Xing Ye
Construction Supervisor: Zhihua Chen
Client: Kunyu Mountain National Park Management Committee
Construction Contractor: Shandong Yaxia Engineering Ltd.