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DFDS 新总部丨丹麦哥本哈根丨PLH Architects

2022/05/29 13:32:00
DFDS 新总部丨丹麦哥本哈根丨PLH Architects-6
从船头到船尾,DFDS的新总部散发着可持续性、灵活性和公司价值观。员工们现在已经登上了DFDS在哥本哈根北港的新总部。PLH Arkitekter公司在码头边上定制了一个充满绿色解决方案的建筑。这个航运巨头的新基地也支持以活动为重点的工作。
From bow to stern, DFDS’ new headquarters exudes sustainability, flexibility, and company values. Employees have now boarded DFDS' new headquarters in Copenhagen's Northern Harbor. Placed alongside the quay, PLH Arkitekter has customized a building loaded with green solutions. The shipping giant's new base also supports activity-focused work.
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Based on the foggy morning silhouettes, it might look as though DFDS’ iconic Oslo ferry in the Copenhagen harbor has been twinned. But as the sun’s rays emerge, a slender and characteristic building appears alongside the ferry’s neighboring quay. With its elongated shape, undulating movements, and large glass sections, DFDS' headquarters stand out in respectful cohesion with its maritime surroundings.
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Every measure has been taken to achieve ambitious green goals, which will result in a gold DGNB certification from Green Building Council Denmark. DGNB Denmark is a European certification system, adapted for Danish conditions, to make sustainability in buildings measurable.
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“很高兴与DFDS合作,制定并实现如此高的可持续发展目标。PLH Arkitekter的首席执行官兼合伙人Søren Mølbak说:“我们从其他项目中吸取了专业知识和丰富的经验,确保我们创建了一个独特的、面向未来的总部,提供一些最佳的可持续解决方案、优秀的室内气候和现代社会考虑。”
“It has been a pleasure to work together with DFDS to set and meet such high sustainability goals. We have drawn on our expertise and extensive experience from other projects, making sure we create a unique, futureproof headquarters that offers some of the best sustainable solutions, excellent indoor climate, and modern social considerations,” says Søren Mølbak, CEO and partner in PLH Arkitekter.
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Among the building’s defining aspects are the slim concrete construction and lightweight facade, which have helped reduce CO2 emissions. Energy consumption has also been reduced, and floors and carpets have also been specially selected so as to allow for recycling.
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有着坚实的海上根基。对于PLH Arkitekter来说,设计约15500平方米的总部大楼至关重要,它特别满足了DFDS的需求。sn øren Mølbak解释说:“可以说,我们抛弃了传统的办公建筑方法,设计了一个基于DFDS的海事标识的建筑。
With firm maritime roots. It has been crucial for PLH Arkitekter to design the headquarters’  approximately 15,500 sqm so that it specifically meets DFDS' wants and needs, Søren Mølbak explains: “We have, so to speak, thrown the traditional approach to office construction overboard and designed a building based on DFDS’ maritime identity. With inspiration taken from a ship’s structure, we have placed parking at the bottom, followed by offices on succeeding floors, and finally common areas such as the canteen, auditorium and meeting rooms at the top. Thus, the journey up through the building constantly leads to new, exciting destinations.”
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Common areas and office spaces are all carefully located to get the most out of the unique surroundings. Through large soundproof windows, employees and visitors can watch DFDS’ Oslo ferry as it sails in and out, while Øresund's fresh ocean air and breathtaking views can be enjoyed from the two roof terraces.
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Sets the course for the working environment of the future. Designated areas with allocated desks are a thing of the past. Instead, a dynamic work environment has been built up around free seating and differently furnished zones that can be selected and deselected depending on the work tasks. From bow to stern, PLH's interior design team has made sure that the HQ reflects the DFDS identity by transferring the company’s signature colors to the building's basic components such as carpets and café areas.
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建筑师:PLH Architects
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