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巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA

2021/04/09 13:32:00
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巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-3
成立于1870年的La Samaritaine是巴黎的标志性建筑,是第二帝国时代的象征,也标志着这种将彻底改变零售业的新建筑类型——百货商店的出现。一开始只是一个小商店,后来在新桥(Pont Neuf)的一端建起了一系列的建筑,占据了两个城市街区。这座建筑纪念碑是新艺术(Art Nouveau)和装饰艺术(Art Deco)元素相互作用的场所。
Founded in 1870, La Samaritaine is an icon of Paris, emblematic of the Second Empire's era and the emergence of this new architectural typology that would revolutionise retail- the department store. What started as a small shop expanded to a series of buildings occupying two urban blocks at one end of Pont Neuf. The architectural monument is the site of an interplay of Art Nouveau and Art Deco elements.
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-6
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-7
The department store closed in 2005 due to building safety reasons, and the general redevelopment project was assigned to world-renowned architecture practice SANAA. The scheme involved an extensive remodelling of the early 20th century buildings and a programmatic reinvention of the urban island. Aside from the retail area, the project comprises a 5-star hotel, 96 social housing units, offices and a nursery.
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-10
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-11
The design faced a series of challenges as work was halted several times due to court rulings, resulting from strong opposition from several heritage groups. Now almost a decade in the making, the project was set to open its doors last spring, but the pandemic delayed the event to this year.
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Simón García展示了第一组记录已完工的La Samaritaine的图片。日本公司SANAA负责设计空灵的外立面,François Brugel则负责建筑的翻新。这座拥有150年历史的标志性建筑因结构老化而自2005年起关闭,而这个充满活力的空间计划在夏季之前向巴黎人和游客开放,将久违的百货商店重新展现在公众面前,并引入全新的豪华宫殿式酒店。
simón garcía presents this first series of images documenting the completed la samaritaine. while japanese firm SANAA is responsible for the ethereal façade, the building’s refurbishment is led by françois brugel. meanwhile, the expansive restoration project will see the transformation of the nearby henri sauvage building into a cheval blanc hotel, led by paris-based architect édouard françois. while the 150-year-old icon had been closed since 2005 due to structural deterioration, the vibrant space is scheduled to open to parisians and visitors before the summer, returning the long-lost department store to the public and introducing the new and luxurious palace-like hotel.
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-17
其中一项核心工作是修复项目。新艺术风格的标志性外墙元素和彩色珐琅砖,以及百货公司中庭的大楼梯和玻璃天窗都得到了修复。此外,位于Rivoli区的17世纪公寓楼正由建筑师François Brugel翻新为社会住宅,而Edouard François则负责将塞纳河畔的建筑改造为酒店。
one of the central undertakings was the restoration project. The iconic Art Nouveau elements of the façade and its coloured enamel tiles have been restored, together with the grand staircase and the glass skylight of the department store's atrium. In addition, the 17th-century apartment block on the Rivoli section is being refurbished into social housing by architect François Brugel, while Edouard François was in charge of transforming the building on the Seine riverside into a hotel.
巴黎 La Samaritaine 百货公司改造丨法国巴黎丨SANAA-20
新的零售区分布在三层楼,沿着一条中央流通轴线连接着场地两端的建筑。在Rivoli大街上,SANAA带来了当代建筑的姿态,标志着Samaritaine的重生,为巴黎这个象征性的地方写下了新的一页历史。新的波浪形玻璃幕墙实际上延续了前卫精神和对玻璃的研究,这也是La Samaritaine最初的建筑师Frantz Jourdain和Henri Sauvage的作品的特点。
Kazuyo Sejima和Ryue Nishizawa将他们的介入描述为与建筑的纪念性规模和Rivoli街的强烈边界的协商。双层外墙反映了周围建筑的装饰,并带来了一种运动,邀请公众探索这个城市街区。
The new retail area is distributed across three floors along a central circulation axis connecting buildings at both ends of the site. On Rue Rivoli, SANAA brings a contemporary architectural gesture to mark the rebirth of the Samaritaine, writing a new page in the history of this emblematic place for Paris. The new wavy glass façade is, in fact, a continuation of the avant-garde spirit and research on glass that characterised the work of La Samaritaine's original architects, Frantz Jourdain and Henri Sauvage. Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa describe their intervention as a negotiation with the building's monumental scale and the strong border of the Rue Rivoli. The double-skin façade reflects the ornaments of the surrounding architecture and brings about a movement that invites the public to explore the urban block.
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在克服了许多障碍之后,SANAA对La Samaritaine百货公司的改造工程即将向公众开放。这家巴黎零售机构的重新设计恢复了它的历史价值,同时为其建筑带来了现代的贡献。
After surpassing many hurdles, SANAA's renovation of La Samaritaine Department Store is set to open its doors to the public. The redesign of the Parisian retail institution reinstates its historical value while bringing a contemporary contribution to its architecture.
地点:法国 巴黎
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