

Hulme的Leaf Street周围区域,就在曼彻斯特市中心之外,有着城市更新的历史。第二次世界大战后,典型的维多利亚式排屋被拆除,为声名狼藉的Hulme Crescents腾出空间,Hulme Crescents是当时英国最大的社会住房项目。
上世纪90年代,“新月形街区”被拆除,附近的大部分街区也得到了重建。Leaf Street上的Hulme Living是第四代城市更新住宅开发项目,将公寓和独户住宅合并为一个建筑群。
The area around Leaf Street in Hulme, just outside Manchester city centre, has a history of urban renewal. The typical Victorian terraced houses were demolished after World War II to make room for the infamous Hulme Crescents, the largest social housing project in the United Kingdom at the time. In the 1990s, the ‘Crescents’ were demolished and a large part of the neighbourhood redeveloped. Hulme Living on Leaf Street is a fourth-generation urban renewal housing development that combines apartments and single-family homes in one building mass.
Meandering. On the south-eastern side, the plot borders the main access road to the neighbourhood and other buildings from Manchester Metropolitan University. Appropriate to this scale, the residential complex extends to five levels of apartments. The compact building volume meanders across the plot and gradually decreases in scale to the north. The three-storey family houses on this side of the development are on par with the adjacent 1930s dwellings. The brick building acts as a connecting element between the various structures bordering the plot.
S型的建筑创造了两个半围合的公共绿地。入口庭院转向Hulme拱桥,还被当作花园广场。面对Leaf Street的是一个可以玩耍的公园区。
Public green space. The S-shape of the building creates two semi-enclosed public green spaces. The entrance court is turned to the Hulme Arch Bridge and has the character of a garden square. Facing Leaf Street is a park area where children can play. The public spaces are connected to each other via large gates in the building volume, which also mark the entrances to the apartments. Many existing trees on the plot were preserved by the elegant shape of the complex. A wide variety of vegetation ensures that residents can experience all different seasons. Cycling paths and footpaths across the plot are connected to the existing infrastructure and informal walkways. This way, the building complex and its surrounding public space form one unified urban plan.
“在80年代创立Mecanoo时,社会住房是一个极其重要的声明;社会住房也应该美丽宜人的居住环境。这些年走来我们改变了工作重点,并绘制了许多其他类型图,但社会住房仍然和以前一样重要。现在和将来仍然与城市更新有关。满足社会需求是建筑师的责任”——法兰馨·侯班(Francine Houben)
“Social housing was an extremely important statement of myself back in the 80’s when we started Mecanoo; that social housing should also be beautiful and pleasant to live in. Though we changed our focus and mapped many other typologies over the years, social housing was and still is as relevant as before. The present and the future is still about urban renewal. It’s the responsibility of the architect to address to the needs in society” - Francine Houben