


Architect:SAINZ arquitetura
Location:Lago Sul, Brasília DF, Brazil; | ;
Project Year:2014
The Project is located on Lago Sul, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil. City that for lucky is one of the most amazing places for work in architecture and design, under the modernism of Oscar Niemeyer, Lucio Costa, Burlemarx, Athus Bulcão.
When we meet the new offices for our studio, we have found and very empty space, without life, very ugly place.
The kind of project that our office do are very conceptual, experimental design, and of course, our space count be different, we decided to create a space with a lot of “blues, jazz and Bossa Nova”. Urban Lines and Brazilian furniture. We used concrete for the walls, ceiling, rustic stone for the floor, and a black color, giving an urban style. The meeting table is a prototype created by Eduardo Sáinz, principal of our office; it was handmade by Rose Bueno, local artist. We choose a Xibô, armchair designed by Sergio Rodrigues, chairs fot he meeting table are designed by Carlos Motta, we have use a 3D tile on the meeting room, for acoustic needs. The working table have chairs design by Zanini de Zanine, we also have a painting of Roberto Burlemarx.
“The architecture is music petrified.” – Goethe.
Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday, John Coltrane, are some names that we remember everyday, our projects start with a song, a history or even a vintage film.
Obviulsy the sound and acoustic project was very importante, every day is a differente story in our studio, a differente song.
We also have a great company, Frederick Duchamp (is named), it’s a bengal cat, the real ouner of our studio, he stays all day long with our team members, and in the end of the day we goes back home, tired, after a hard days work. He is a very importante member of our team, responsible for keeping the stress off and giving inspiration on the projects. He is our boss.
Our maior proposit in the design of our studio was to give surprise, to show in te design our personality, low cost, and surprising. We beleave the surprise is a very important fact on architectural design. For a office of 33 sqm. It was a difficult work. Greatefull but hard.
Welcome to our world!!!