


Firm: EON architecture / Architect - Designer
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center Office Cultural › Gallery Hospitality + Sport › Bar/Nightclub Industrial › Research Facility
YEAR: 2016
SIZE: 25,000 sqft - 100,000 sqft
Metamorphoses, an old factory transformed into the present, a modern complex including a brewery and dance club/bar, into a museum with a restaurant and into a highly technical environment for computer animation company.
Architecture must always adopt /be adopting. Whether the architect is at the beginning of the design process of a new project or recreating a project .... the process is a constant metamorphoses that is an is important concept to EON. In the planning of cities, as well is in the design of buildings, and/or interior, the issues of changes is always there, creation and recreation of concepts, of ideas, of spaces, adopting to new ideas and carry on, adopting to new technologies, adopting new social patterns/behaviours.
Grandagarður 8 is one of EON's „Metamorphosis“ projects downtown Reykjavik
Buildings that keep adopting to different times, different functions, different clients. EON architects have worked on few buildings downtown Reykjavik, buildings that keep changing, keep expanding and keep up with the transformation and development of the cities. Currently EON is working on further expansion of the project.