


Firm: Ten to One
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center Pop-Up Retail Showroom
YEAR: 2014
Exhibition Planning, Fixture and Signage Design for the BPMW Capsule Fashion Trade Shows throughout the U.S. and Europe : A highly flexible, simple to use, graphically iconic fixture package was designed for use by individual exhibitors for the BPMW Capsule Shows, acclaimed for being cutting edge and democratically edited. Exhibitors are each given a box which splits apart into several smaller units, and given additive shelving inserts, all of which can be organized in a myriad of ways, for a myriad of products. The collection of units can act as small table, large table, floor table or wall display, shelving, hanging rack, storage, screen, etc. The CNC routed angled splits and crosses in the AC Doug Fir plywood and milk plexi celebrates pragmatism as graphic identity. Other experiential elements such as Signage and Registration vignettes act also as simple but transformative iconography; a field of balloons floating overhead and distorted wood box portals which registrants pass through, covered with cnc routed graphics with a substrate of multi-colored dichroic plexi and LED lighting. Phase 1 U.S. implementation to be completed January 2014.