

I believe in architecture with feelings. The life of ‘architecture’ is its beauty. It’s important for human beings, if there are many solutions to a problem, one that conveys beauty and emotion to the user is architecture.
——路易斯·巴拉干 Louis Barragan
末染设计再次受 WEI STUFF 之邀,在其新的场地内设计一座集合办公、拍摄、直播及电商售前售后与一体的综合艺术中心。业主的远见卓识为项目的设计赋予了充分的构思空间,末染也希望借此契机,尝试突破艺术中心与办公空间的固有定义。从空间整体强调重新找回服装与人的情感价值,以及与环境的和谐互融。因而,除了满足硬性的办公休闲功能外,末染在建筑内部设计了一个长的中庭廊道作为核心,所有的功能由此展开。
Dyeing design by WEI again at the end of the STUFF are invited, in its new site design a collection office, film, broadcast and electricity pre-sale after sale and the integration of comprehensive art center, the owner’s vision for the project design gives fully the idea of space, at the end of the dye also hope to take this opportunity, try to break through the inherent definition of art center and the office space. The whole space emphasizes to find the emotional value of clothing and people, as well as the harmony and mutual integration with the environment. Therefore, in addition to meet the rigid office leisure function, the final dyeing in the interior of the building designed a long courtyard as the core, all the functions have been expanded.
Act One | 新序章的“开端”
The “beginning” of the new preface
追溯灵魂的庇护所 穿梭于过去未来
情绪通道 / Emotional channel
The purpose of setting such a channel at the entrance is not only to divide the functions, to increase the privacy of the space to a certain extent, but also to arouse the desire of experiencers to find out. It is a medium to open people’s senses and emotions. We call it “emotional channel”, the designer uses light as a guide to guide the experiencer into space exploration.
Layer upon layer of progressive space division, throughout the entire project space. At the entrance, we use black art paint and mottled metal steel plate to absorb light in a large area like a black hole. The black block forms a dividing line from the ground to the top with the white receiving area. The bright French Windows in the distance are brighter at this time, such as guiding the pace of the tunnel towards the exit.
Designers are good at integrating architectural techniques into the interior space, shaping the space mood with simple and pure design techniques. On the basis of ensuring the use, they abandon the complex and useless decorative structure, so that the space can reach the ultimate state. The office design, the designer to space mood as a clue to explore a space form, to create a pure restraint of minimalist art, at the same time to convey the attitude and pursuit of design.
Act Two | 空间的“视觉语言”
“Visual Language” of Space
赋予进入者沉浸的氛围 成为灵感诞生的载体
-克制展开 因地制宜-
Exercise restraint and adapt to local conditions
The geometrical line of the design in the most straightforward mixed and separated as invisible space “ward”, through the most basic block design and coordination, make function variable but there is another focus point, space transmitter freely leads quiet working rhythm, highlighted by geometric modelling in explicit expression studio pursuit, the details of the details in the space relationship between aperture, Is not to disturb the “care”, in the interesting “peep”, increase the fun of space use, let into the space everyone is “miss”.
-以小见大 推敲表达-Think small and think big
In the design of this case, we adopted the concept of corridor in the garden, named corridor bridge that connects the service space and the service space, corridor frame as the invisible “bridge” in the middle. Corridor is a kind of building type supported by linear intermediary space. In the interior space with roof and side interface, it is enclosed by base plane, two side interface, top interface and usually missing end interface, which is limited into linear intermediary space for human normal activities.
情绪的光 / Emotional light
Light, it is a kind of pure, unconscious natural elements, it is both a material was observed, also is a kind of phenomenon can be perceived, is the carrier of light and space, the designer creates a space, let the light flow through the structure, material, light three main elements of different forms and combination, explanation gives a minimalist experience pure space, Give space different emotional expression and sensory feeling.
The strong contrast and symbiosis between stone and wood finishes, warm and rough, promotes the communication between light and space. The tangible structure becomes ethereal, and the feeling between the virtual and the real is vivid and transparent. In the transparent and translucent state, ambiguous light is also staggered, showing the integration of rationalism and romantic poetry.
Act Three | 不被定义的“疆域”
Undefined “territory”
The people in the space are the main body, and everything with it is a “singing” relationship. Through the wall dug holes, let the aisle become a window, the adjacent space walking people, can be clearly perceived, let the whole space in the minimalist and line of the tough relationship, become alive.
With the refracted light and shadow, we can look up to the power of nature. People with passion pursue their dreams here, awaken their insistence on design, and free their imagination. Get a little calm in the tedious thoughts, the space no longer exists in the simple formalism. In the design of lighting, we aim to create a nearly perfect space. Through the dialogue between light and material, we enrich the feeling of space and provide more different experience.
The sun is power,建筑本身构造被保留下来的同时,我们用“拱”以及简洁的门窗的形式去表达人与自然的关系,阳光从大面积的窗洒向室内,水泥粗旷的肌理上倒影着阳光斑驳的影子,是活力的注入。简洁的大落地窗无意间成为了空间对外近距离的诉说,身处其中有着惬意的感受。
The sun is power. While the structure of the building itself is preserved, we use the form of “arch” and simple doors and Windows to express the relationship between man and nature. Sunlight pours into the room from the large area of Windows, and the rugged concrete texture reflects the shadow of the sunlight, which is the injection of vitality. The simple large French Windows inadvertently become a close space to the outside world, there is a comfortable feeling.
Act Four | 以功能演化成“形态”
All things evolve into “form”
Self-perception is fluid and changes according to each person’s situation. It is hoped that such self-cognition can be freely converted to some extent.
The public area near the window, with the breeze and sunshine, and the relaxed view, is the most advantageous position in the space. Exquisite and comfortable table and chair, can rest, but also suitable for no rank constraint communication work. Opening up the best areas, a change from the usual practice, is a silent design of equality into the daily use of the space.
For us, space is always a metaphor for some freedom, those are magnified by the current agitation of the gold jade, the surface, like duckweeds scattered here, constitute the impact of the soul. Therefore, in the space between materials, we remove natural flowers and trees to fill in the emptiness and trauma of the soul, to draw people out of the narrow vision in the building, to write nature in the shortest way, with structure, material and light, to outline the existence of the marginal personal universe.
The collision of materials gives the space a multi-dimensional narrative Angle, integrates the new design language for collocation, and uses the wood veneer material in many parts of the interior. It can not only extend the three-dimensional visual sense of the space, but also present the architectural mood of either hot like fire or calm and restrained with the light and shadow and texture.
Act Five | 与“体验者”的姿态
With the “experiencer” posture
Blurring the rigid terms of cubicles, workstations and meeting rooms, users can change the location of mobile office equipment according to demand. Nothing too formal, nothing cramped, nothing limited. The most basic line structure of vertical and horizontal space, with a large area of transparent glass to replace the wall, stripped and exposed the original form of the ceiling, concrete texture of the ground and wood friendly splice, gray pure office open, no sense of distance, both personality and practicality.
While retaining the original structure and satisfying the use of office functions, we added a bold empty space in the space, basically taking the public office area as the core, and then divided into two plays to inject new vitality. Divided into a small gym, enhance the space experience of the staff, and through the top surface of the mirror stainless steel to make the space interesting, each individual block seems to be coherent, but not restricted; At the same time, let each space have its own functional form.
The whole area is open and comfortable, focusing on the sense of form of rebirth. We hope that this sense of form can continue to the working state of designers, open mind and dare to take every step. It is also the tactile sense of space that we want to present to each visitor.
The space carries the imagination of the future. It changes the traditional way of working, highlights the professional ability of the enterprise with the architectural shaping inside the space, and intersperses the space with the concept of bridge to express the awe and imagination of the future.
Act Six | 由然而生的精神“堡垒”
The spiritual “fortress” of life
Some are born toward the sun and gather in warm and lively places. Some people are born to yearn for silence, away from the scorching crowd, in the alone understanding of the world. Those quiet and sensitive souls will hide their emotions in the large area of the black home environment. Continuing the usual minimalist style, without dramatic visual color, the space is more like an inner monologue, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in it and patiently listen to it slowly tell its own story.
Design is always a little self, hope to have a mind corner somewhere in space, the ornament of a detailed and through in-depth scrutiny, nature is located, is also a kind of precision design, each scale is a design plan, the moving line with small mouth “tasting”, mysterious and looking forward to the spirits, art act the role ofing is tasted view, leather is about hobbies “manual”, The design language is fully expressed in the space.
The relationship between design and art has always been very complicated. They may oppose and repel each other, but also stick to each other. The boundary between them has also been broken.
This thinking also runs through the rest of the office, where details and stories are told in a single wood-veneer wall, and shelving is used to create a “sculptural sense” of the volume. There is no detailed division between the reception area and the office area, giving space to breathe, allowing light and air to flow inside and out. The wooden false beam set above the space is seen as a point block surface in the visitor space, and a linear block surface throughout the office space.
To convey emotions inward
In the design, we pay attention to the space and the interactive logic of people in the space, and strive to break the shackles of previous experience and popular aesthetics of the period every time, and do not be blinded by known information and lose imagination. We are always willing to work with different clients to create new, unique and sustainable aesthetic life experience.
Dark wood veneer, wood floor, simple finish, omit unnecessary processing and decoration. As time passed naturally, the integrity and uniqueness of each piece of material was respected as an attempt to show the essence of strength and beauty. The structure is as simple and direct as possible, all telling the hidden power of this space, strengthening and condensing its original temperament.
Living in the infinite five dimensions of human space, we can only perceive four of them — space and time. The five-dimensional space view is the expansion of the symmetrical space view, which is the essence of the five-dimensional space view. Driven by the exploration of the unknown, it has injected special inspiration and inspiration into the offline exhibition.
Simple sense, material, Regulation of light, Color, everything, Together, it forms the quality and spirit of the space——an introverted and quiet poetic space
The shape of, the light, scale. Different material expressions of similar colors. The use of different colors with the same material, To achieve spatial visual continuity. Create a simple and peaceful atmosphere. Simple and concise temperament.
From space design to soft and Chen matching, the final dyeing design integrates art and life in a variety of different angles and forms——art can also become a way of life.
项目名称:WEI STUFF 办公室
摄影版权:RICCI 空间摄影