江南忆,最忆是杭州。山寺月中寻桂子,郡亭枕上看潮头。何日更重游?——白居易 [唐]
HATCH 汉齐建筑与 ZEEKR 极氪再度联手,打造极氪中心·杭州城西银泰。店铺落址于建筑转角底商,行人往来如织,极佳区位为极氪品牌形象打造提供了优越的先天条件。
HATCH designs a new ZEEKR Centre at Western Hangzhou Intime City. The store occupies a corner spot with favorable flows of traffic. The location provides an ideal foundation for ZEEKR to build its brand image.
Our design highlights ZEEKR’s characteristics – sleek, exquisite, and innovative. ZEEKR Center is more than a car showroom. It also provides a space for ZEEKR car owners to connect.
As ZEEKR believes, ZEEKR Center is more than a space for potential car owner to learn about the brand and its car models. It is also serves as a “Urban Living Room” for friends to meet up and hang out. Most importantly, it is a center of creativity that instigates inspirations.
在设计过程中,在遵循极氪基因的基础上,重点考虑如何在店铺中融入 15%杭州的在地元素。杭州城的西湖景致广为传颂,而我们决定另辟蹊径,从钱塘江的潮水中汲取灵感,作为致意杭州的巧妙礼赞。
In our creative process, besides maintaining ZEEKR’s brand image, we focused on integrating Hangzhou’s city character into the space. While West Lake is the most well-known and beloved natural and cultural attraction in Hangzhou, we decided to think out of the box by drawing inspirations from Qiantang River’s tidal bore.
▲卫宏涛 David 概念手绘 (Conceptual sketches.)
The Qiantang River Tidal Bore is known as one of the largest tidal bores in the world. The breathtaking view has been well documented by literati since ancient times. Today, Qiantang tidal bore watching is still a popular annual event.
天花选材玻璃纤维增强石膏板,造型富有动态,并展现立体层次感,呼应“极氪潮”主题,构成二层空间视觉亮点。(The suspended ceiling employs GRG material. The multi-layered structure presents a free flowing form. The ceiling is an unmissable feature on the second floor. )
Inspired by Qiantang River tide, we composed a multi-layered suspended ceiling with a free flowing silhouette. Its form and neutral color poetically depict the spectacular tide.
The flowing ceiling not only infuse energy into the space, it also subtly directing visitors’ movements. The “tides” stretching towards the window might encourage visitors to take a look at the city view, as well as exploring a lounge area on the other side of the space.
▲空间中的软装家具以中性色为基调,材料富有变化,包含皮革、织物、木、金属等。(The space is decorated with neutral colors and natural materials. )
Featuring the ceiling, we concluded our design theme to be “Zeekr Tide,” simultaneously paying tribute to the energy of the brand as well as Hangzhou’s geographical wonder. An elevated bar area is located under the ceiling, which appears to be a floating island.
吧台采用“L”型转角设计,并选用了极氪的品牌色“电光蓝”,展现出“天青色等烟雨”的意境,令人联想起水天一色的景观,又或是品茗使用的青瓷茶器。吧台照明采用 RGBW 调色系统,可以在不同场景打造别样的氛围感。
We employed Zeekr’s brand color, electro-optic blue, for the L-shaped bar, resonating with a romantic image depicted in ancient Chinese poetry – water melts into the sky, and a pale celadon color appears. The bar is equipped with RGBW lighting, enabling smooth switches of spatial atmospheres in accordance with different usage scenarios.
Visitors are invited to explore the space around the bar area. Apart from serving as the aesthetic feature on the second floor, the elevated bar efficiently divides space into different functional areas – lounge area, meeting rooms and forum space are orderly arranged around the bar.
We are also in charge of selecting interior greenery for the space, with the aim of building a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. In addition, the greenery also resonate with Hangzhou’s natural sceneries.
▲在休闲区,我们选用了模块化沙发,可供使用需要自由排列组合。(Modular couches are used in lounge area.)
Going down from the second floor, visitors will arrive on the first floor through an in-store private elevator. The first floor is designed to serve as a vehicle showroom, where ZEEKR’s iconic aesthetic language is displayed and emphasized.
The showroom’s ceiling is covered with double-layer luminous film. We maintain our design to be modern and minimal, in accordance with ZEEKR’s sleek, exquisite, and innovative characteristics. The design caters to the brand’s target consumers’ aesthetics and lifestyles.
在最终的整体呈现中,杭州城西银泰城极氪中心展示了 70%的极氪基因,佐以 15%的科技感与 15%的在地元素。打造每一间极氪店铺,HATCH 汉齐在延续风格语汇的基础上融入巧思,使每一个空间在细节中都富有变化,引人推敲与品味。
In our overall presentation, the ZEEKR Center at Western Hangzhou Intime City is a combination of 70% of brand image, in addition with 15% of high-tech vibe and 15% of local characters. As a long-term collaborator with ZEEKR, HATCH Architects insists on imbuing fresh ideas into different stores, while sustaining ZEEKR’s brand image. Visitors are welcomed to explore different details in each store, obtaining surprises and happiness from HATCH’s innovations.
#03 细节之处
▲墙面艺术漆由手工批刮上色,在不同的光影下展现细腻肌理。(Hand painted walls display different textures under different lighting conditions.)
▲“L”型吧台饰有长虹玻璃,其中的夹胶渐变色选用了极氪的品牌色“电光蓝”,映射青山远黛之意境。(The L-shaped bar is decorated with reeded glass. ZEEKR’s brand color, electro-optic blue, is deployed in the design.)
▲地面以浅米色水磨石打造,折角处均经过圆角处理。(Flooring is composed of beige terrazzo. Corners are curved to enhance coziness.)
▲木饰面以及木质家具的运用凸显温暖质感,与汽车展示空间形成鲜明对比。(Wooden panelling and furniture are generously employed on the second floor, in contrast to the sleek and avant-garde showroom on the first floor.)
▲极氪生活方式产品区,凸显精致、潮流、科技的品牌基因。(A built-in cabinet is designed display ZEEKR’s lifestyle products.)
项目名称:极氪中心 | 杭州城西银泰
项目位置:浙江省杭州市拱墅区丰潭路 380 号
建筑外立面/室内/软装/导向标识设计:HATCH Architects 汉齐建筑
项目面积:830 平方米
主创设计:卫宏涛 David Wei
摄影:RAWVISION studio