
2022/10/26 16:40:29
风 合 睦 晨 |灵性构筑空间
Vancouver | June,2022
“Resurrection” symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the ultimate purpose of life that is given by Him through His resurrection. 
This piece of art is 7.5 meters high and 7 meters in diameter. A red circle with a diameter of 2.5 meters is suspended above, symbolizing the infinite and boundless kingdom of God, like a ring full of tension, extending infinitely into the multi-dimensional space. Both the visible reality and the spiritual realm stretch infinitely around it and thus produce diverse changes. 
The work is centered on a large stone weighing about 800 pounds, which symbolizes the coming of Jesus and His significance on Earth as the Cornerstone. The Sovereign LORD said:“See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;
the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; …" (Isaiah 28:16-17a).
被作为献祭的羔羊从天降下担当了我们众人的罪孽,为我们的罪而死 ,为我们作了挽回祭,并以祂所流出的宝血洗净了我们的罪,死后第三天祂从死里复活。耶稣基督用祂所流出的鲜血为我们搭建了让我们重新可以与上帝联结的桥梁,恢复了我们与上帝之间的早已断绝的血脉关系。如《罗马书》4:25所说:“耶稣被交给人,是为我们的过犯;复活,是为叫我们称义。” 
The Lamb, as the perfect atonement, was sacrificed for the sins of us all. His precious blood was shed for our trespasses, and He rose again on the third day. Through Jesus’ blood, we are given the honor to reconcile with God, restoring our long-lost Father-child relationship with Him. “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” (Romans 4:25)
Using red cotton threads, the connection between the ring and the large stone represents the descending and ascending of Jesus Christ. The 12 smaller stones of different sizes evenly scattered around the center stone represent the twelve apostles with different personalities. The red threads symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ pouring out for us. Moreover, they symbolize the blood relations between the Father and the Son, Jesus and the apostles, as well as the Lord and us. By their close tie with Jesus Christ, the 12 smaller stones that were once inferior, now radiated with life and vitality. Only by the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus were they able to reconnect with God. It is because of Jesus’ resurrection and his precious blood that we reconcile with God.
耶稣说”复活在我,生命也在我,信我的人虽然死了,也必复活。凡活着信我的人必永远不死。” (约翰福音11:25-26) 耶稣基督的肉身复活,是救恩的核心部分,就是福音。表明他的生命吞灭了死亡,他的圣洁战胜了罪恶,他的能力击溃了魔鬼。唯有上帝的儿子耶稣基督,借着自己所流出的宝血、借着自己的死而复活,给在罪恶与死亡里挣扎的人类开通了唯一的恩典之路,使得一切信耶稣基督的人都可以称义,重新与上帝和好。每一个必死的人,都必须通过相信耶稣基督的死而复活才能得到永远的生命。
“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die…” (John 11:25-26a) The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the key to salvation and the gospel. It signifies that His resurrected life has destroyed death; His holiness has overcome sin; and His power has brought victory over the evil. Only the resurrected Son of God, Jesus Christ could opened the gates of grace to mankind who are struggling with sin and death, so that all who believe in Him are blessed, justified and reconciled to Father God. The only way to receive eternal life is to believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and by Him, brought from death to life. This artwork is a spiritual offering and a structure for thanksgiving. The light of the Holy Spirit delivers us mercy and grace of God through the red threads, to bring us redemption and eternal life.
“我就是道路、真理和生命;若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。” (约翰福音14:6)
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Our faith is not only for redemption and life, but also for a resurrected life. We receive power and victory when we receive a resurrected life. Praise be to God, because Jesus lives, and by faith, we receive eternal redemption. 
陈贻 张睦晨(Yi Chen, Muchen Zhang)
On-site production volunteer:
陈贻,张睦晨, Luke Hu,高伟川,Eden Chen,李红霞和女儿妞妞,赵安妮,陈丽勋,陈宜勇,李继武,张静,崔荣,李尚礼,姜陶,薛艳群,刘丽媛,汤君莉,李衿,郝忠,樊启华,左新发和丁莹以及儿子提摩太,彼得,王曦,张一楠,李吕君,陈晓邦,云媛,黄艺,徐清,牛廷玉,珊瑚,袁书聪,关慧心,王晶,高原雪,于晓榕和女儿Jolie,美爱,庆丰,段佳,蒋葵花,范倩茹,丁昊贤,吴敏华,赵民勤,光兰,陈金美,陈金龙,张子龙,Keri, 库明辉,
Roy Hoh 
Bruce Huang 
Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras
Exhibition Organizing:
Vancouver artists fellowship 
Bruce Huang
Final Cut:
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