

侘寂 wabi-sabi,那是一种淡泊明志、宁静致远的境界,一种被古代儒士所推崇的佛教哲学,教人修身、养性、无我的哲理。
Wabi Sabi, a Wabi Sabi, is a state of detachment and serenity, a Buddhist philosophy espoused by ancient confucians that teaches self-cultivation, self-cultivation, and selflessness.
wabi-sabi 的美学打开了我们对日常生活的视野,给了我们一种以不同寻常的审美方式处理常见事物的方法,大边教授说他强调了接受在日本文化中的重要性。日本社会被迫半定期地应对毁灭性的自然灾害。与其将自然仅仅视为一种危险的和破坏性的力量,不如将它塑造成一种美丽的源泉,在最微小的层面上被欣赏。它成为颜色、设计和图案的提供者,灵感的源泉,与之并肩工作的力量,而不是与之对抗。
Wabi-sabi’s aesthetics open our eyes to everyday life and give us a way to deal with common things in an unusual aesthetic way, said professor Obian, who stressed the importance of acceptance in Japanese culture. Japanese society is forced to respond to devastating natural disasters on a semi-regular basis. Rather than seeing nature merely as a dangerous and destructive force, it is better to shape it as a source of beauty to be appreciated at the smallest level. It becomes a provider of color, design and pattern, a source of inspiration, a force to work with, not against.
Balancing the harmonious relationship between man and nature, Wabi Sabi expresses an understanding of life with an oriental, inward-looking aesthetic. Plant a tree, quiet a heart, if it is sunny and sunny, quietly appreciate mottled. If it rains, listen to the wind.
The square glass walls contrast with the beautifully curving molding. Simple elements collide, and there is nothing dull about a seemingly simple space.
一个独特的玻璃墙,隔出一个榻榻米形成一个休闲区域依在墙下。A unique glass wall separates the Tatami form a casual area nestled against the wall.
Concrete walls, wooden tables, terrazzo floor tiles, simple chairs and lamps make the permanence of the space perfect.
The ARC corridor does not have luxuriant wall lamp, dazzling incandescent lamp, replace is downy and comfortable warm light source, dim yellow lamplight let a person unload exhaustion, body and mind relaxed.
The round arched doorway makes the room more comfortable, spacious and bright. The lines of the windows allow the light to be cut into the whole area, and the lines of the interior wall correspond to each other in a random manner.
Walls, ceilings, doors, floors and furniture all use the same hue to give your eyes a break.
Arcs and lines, soft and cold texture blend, as if will be involved in the whirlpool of art.
Cave space continues the overall tone, soft background with Gray Terrazzo, classic atmosphere. Irregular Wall, make person return to nature, return to original form.
The cool, quiet volume creates a bright and spacious space, with the south-facing glazing bringing in natural light and hand-made wooden furniture designed to bring warmth to the cave room.
With simple and elegant collocation of colors, creating a profound artistic conception of the Scroll, Warm White curtains like dawn.
Slowly that is a long life floating moment, a process of landscape a love. Allow yourself to slow down and enjoy the peace of mind.
我们所做的设计就像 Vervoordt 所说的“我们珍视由时间锻造的物件。我们所做的设计并无规则,一切来自于心。”
We design as Vervoordt put it: "We value objects forged in time. We design without rules. Everything comes from the heart."
项目地址 / 中国·杭州
全案设计 / 沈芳 / 高雪可
项目面积 / 400㎡
设计时间 / 2020 年 12 月
住宅设计 / 商业空间 / 全案设计
TEL : 13073662005
浙江省杭州市杭州下城区经纬创意园一号楼 C 座 102 室
2020 金腾奖 TOP100
2020 设计本年度盛典 最佳商业空间奖
2020 世界青年设计师大会 杰出设计师
2020 世界青年设计师大会 杭州十大杰出设计师