

图/Image: ©MVRDV
“Salón Verde”是 MVRDV 为马德里 AZCA 金融区中心地带设计的一座绿色“会客厅”。这座绿色的公共广场包括多层框架结构,带来了新的空间体验,还设有高低起伏的人行道和依据季节及功能变化水位的水池。结合这些新的元素,“绿色会客厅”将会成为马德里夏季最凉爽、冬季最热门的目的地。
“Salón verde” creates a green “living room” for Madrid at the centre of the AZCA district. The design’s green public plaza includes a multi-storey frame structure adding a new way to experience the district, and an undulating pavement with water pools whose levels adapt to the seasons and programmatic requirements. Together, these changes will make Salón Verde Madrid’s coolest place during the summer and its hottest destination in winter.
图/Image: © MVRDV
AZCA 金融区位于马德里的卡斯蒂利亚大道,面对享有盛誉的圣地亚哥 · 伯纳乌球场(Santiago Bernabéu),拥有绝佳的地理位置。金融区内的毕加索中央广场曾在 20 世纪 60 年代起开始建造歌剧院和植物园,却未能得以完成。这次设计竞赛共吸引了 50 家国际建筑事务所的参与。
AZCA sits across from Real Madrid´s Santiago Bernabéu stadium on the Paseo de la Castellana, making it a critical location in the city. Created in the ‘60s, the opera and botanical garden that were intended to occupy the central Plaza de Pablo Ruiz Picasso were never realized. Key to the competition, in which 50 international architectural firms participated, was the question of how to transform the financial sector into an open and sustainable urban space for Madrid, while connecting to the city at the same time.
图/Image: © MVRDV
MVRDV 的设计方案展望了一座新的城市地标,通过垂直森林的形态,使 AZCA 金融区成为市民和游客的新目的地。这一方案将商业利益与社会和街区利益相结合,并整合了已有的市民举措,将 AZCA 打造为一个更具可持续性和宜居性的区域。引人入胜的活动、新鲜的空气、绿色植物和优美的环境,吸引参观者驻留、营造属于自己的空间,进而使之成为马德里最具辨识度的目的地之一。
In MVRDV’s masterplan, a new urban landmark will be created. Designed as a vertical forest, this vision aims to make AZCA a new destination for both citizens and visitors to the city. The plan merges commercial interests with social and neighbourhood gain, and integrates pre-existing citizen initiatives to make AZCA a more sustainable and liveable district. Compelling activities, fresh air, greenery, and beautiful spaces, will encourage visitors to stay, make the place their own, and in turn mark it as an identifiable destination in Madrid.
图/Image: © MVRDV
The first step in the vision involves making the urban space more legible and accessible by demolishing all redundant structures including pavement, stairs, ramps, differences in elevation, and unwanted obstacles. This first act of opening will contribute to improving the quality of the lower street levels – now dark and unsafe – and improving existing infrastructure, while also drawing daylight below.
图/Image: ©MVRDV
在 MVRDV 的方案中,树木和水景将使 AZCA 变成马德里夏季最凉爽、冬季则是最吸引人的空间,同时构筑了茂密的“都市森林”,也成为这里不可或缺的一部分,其中包含了马德里当地的树种:橡树、松树、橄榄树、椴树、白杨树、枫树、柳树,灌木和高高的草丛,精选并保留了一部分现场原有的树木,剩下的部分可转移到其他区域进行二次种植。
Trees and an urban pool that adapts to requirements transform AZCA into literally the coolest space in Madrid during the summer, and the most attractive in winter. Integral to this is the insertion of a dense urban forest, with species native to the Madrid region: oaks, pines, olive trees, linden trees, poplars, maples, willows, shrubs and tall grasses, amid a selection of the existing trees, with others replanted elsewhere in the city.
图/Image: © MVRDV
广场上起伏的地面形成了若干水池,水池的水位可依据不同的使用需求进行灵活地调节。当水位到达最高处时,水池汇集成一片湖泊,露出的高地成为了一座座小岛,此时的广场也是孩子们的戏水公园。从最高位下降 20 厘米左右,湖泊的面积变小,到了冬天,水面结冰,人们又可以在冰面上滑冰;当水位下降 40 厘米后,水池基本消失,人们可以在广场上开展一系列户外活动,比如露天剧场、体育竞技和休闲娱乐。
The pools formed in the undulating pavement of this plaza have an adjustable water level that allows for flexible usage. At its highest level, it is a lake with islands, and a waterpark for children. Lowered by 20 centimetres, it forms smaller lakes, or perhaps an ice skating rink in winter. Recessed by 40 centimetres, and the area can support events, outdoor theatre, or sport and recreation.
图/Image: ©MVRDV
These changes at ground level are made even more dramatic thanks to the addition of a multi-level prefabricated structure inserted around the plaza. The forest extends upwards on this rack, with large planters holding holm oaks, olive trees, strawberry trees and a selection of fruit trees. The structure casts abundant shade in summer, while also including sunlit terraces for lounging throughout the year. This green rack adds an almost theatrical appearance, creating an urban stage, in the spirit of the original plan’s unbuilt opera house.
这座垂直森林能够起到净化空气的功效,减少周围塔楼的反照率,为稠密的城市肌理提供新鲜的元素。MVRDV 还设计了多条贯穿网格结构的步道,人们通过步道在垂直森林中穿行,过程中可以到达不同的观景点、咖啡馆、酒吧和露台。楼梯、坡道和升降机在纵向角度连接了各楼层,并向所有人开放。攀岩设施和儿童游乐设施(如滑梯和丛林体育馆)为 AZCA 区增添了诱人的趣味性,如一座充满活力的灯塔,点亮了整座城市。The vertical forest cleanses the air and reduces the albedo effect of the towers, providing freshness to the dense urban fabric. Various trails run through the structure leading to viewpoints, cafés, bars, and terraces arranged among the vegetation. Stairs, ramps, and lifts connect the layers of the park, providing access for all. While climbing facilities and children’s play features such as slides and jungle gyms make AZCA an attractive space for all and a lively new beacon in the city.
MVRDV 为马德里 AZCA 金融区所做出的规划设计,提高了整片区域的韧性,使其更易适应马德里及其周边地区的气候条件。垂直的森林减少了热岛效应、过滤了空气,为环境注入丰沛的氧气,夏季遮荫,冬季则提供防风保护。简而言之,它将为马德里提供一台“气候适应器”,并可以作为马德里其他地区以及世界各地的试点项目。
MVRDV’s plan for AZCA will make the district less vulnerable and more resilient to the climatic conditions in and around Madrid. The vegetation reduces the heat island effect, filters the air, and floods the environment with oxygen, providing shade and cover in summer, and wind protection in winter. In short, it will give Madrid a “climatising machine” and can serve as a test site for other locations in Madrid, and around the world.
MVRDV 建筑规划事务所由 Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs 和 Nathalie de Vries 创立于荷兰鹿特丹,致力于为当代的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV 的创作基于深度研究与高度协作,各领域的专家、客户及利益相关方从项目初期一直参与设计的全过程。直率而真诚的建筑、都市规划、研究和装置作品堪称典范,让城市和景观朝向更美好的未来发展。
MVRDV 的早期项目,如荷兰公共广播公司 VPRO 的总部,以及荷兰阿姆斯特丹的 WoZoCo 老年公寓,都获得了广泛的国际赞誉。MVRDV250 余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV 采用 BIM 技术,公司内拥有正式的 BREEAM 和 LEED 顾问。MVRDV 与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构 The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。
更多详细信息,请联系 MVRDV 亚洲公共关系部:+86 021 6288 0609。