整个海边别墅历时 6 年,秉承“少即是多”的设计理念,摒弃一切干扰主体的不必要装饰,使设计回归本真状态,呈现出纯粹感和优雅感,过上理想的极简生活。
”This was my lifelong dream,” says Deborra-lee Furness of building her family a home from scratch. “It’s like, bucket list, tick it off. I’ve done it, and I loved it.”
“Deborra-lee Furness”
A six-year endeavor, from start to finish, the East Hampton project had actually been a lifetime in the making. “I had this inspiration book,” explains Furness. “I’d always stick things in it, and everyone used to give me shit. And then when I finally did the house, all my girlfriends from Australia came back, and they go, ‘Oh, my God, the book has come to life.’”
餐桌由 Field & Co. Woodworking 花了两年时间定制,由手工雕刻的实心漂白胡桃木整体餐桌固定在用餐区。Fair 的黑色椅子、树脂高背椅 R&Y Augousti、Caste 的雕塑长凳。
Imaginary Home says Furness. “We had rented down the street, so we knew the area. And it is right on the bay. The water was so still, and I loved the feeling.she recalls. They nabbed a pair of adjoining pieces of land overlooking a sizable bluff. And while Furness was certain they wanted to conceive and execute something completely new, they still had to contend with a preexisting structure. “We now call it the Black Shack,” says Furness. “It was this little artist’s shack. It had good bones, but it was from the ’70s, and it was all stone tiles. I thought, Oh, my God, how can I transform this without pulling it down?”
福奈丝说:“我们在这条街上租过房子,所以我们知道这个地区。它就在海湾边上,水面平静,我喜欢这种感觉。” 她回忆道:“他们获取了一对毗邻的土地,俯瞰着一个相当大的悬崖。虽然福奈丝确定他们想要构思和执行一些全新的东西,但他们仍然必须与现有的结构作斗争。福奈丝说:‘我们现在叫它‘黑色小屋’。这是一个艺术家的小屋,骨头很好,但那是 70 年代的,而且全是石头瓦片。我怎么能在不把它拆掉的情况下改造它呢?’”
At that point, Furness, book in hand, decided to collaborate with architect Viola Rouhani and interior designer Eleanor Donnelly, both of Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects. “I went to a party at Mr. [Calvin] Klein’s house,” recalls Furness of how she had made the professional connection. “He is the master of minimalism. And I just said, ‘I’ll have what he’s having.’”
在这一点上,福奈丝手里拿着书,决定与建筑师 Viola Rouhani 和室内设计师 Eleanor Donnelly 合作,他们都是 Stelle Lomont Rouhani Architects 的建筑师。“我参加了卡尔文·克莱因(Calvin Klein)家的一个派对,”福奈丝回忆起她是如何建立起这种联系的。“他是极简主义大师。我就说,‘我要和他一样的。’”
这座房子的平面 façade 被有趣的天窗和悬垂的镂空中。
Art House“I took influences from Japan, from Morocco, from all my travels over the years,” says Furness, herself an artist and designer, who also works in the film business. “I love the Aman hotels. I love zen. I love that simplistic, modern minimalism.”
Hugh Jackman
And like all living things, the home continues to evolve. Furness has turned her attention to creating a Japanese garden outside. Jackman, in awe of his wife, says, “Deb is extraordinary. I was at almost every meeting over five years. I felt I would know what it would feel like to walk in for the first time. I was wrong. The home so far exceeded my expectations. I didn’t realize what Deb created was not only beautiful but warm. Even now, when I walk in the door, it gives me a feeling of calm.”
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